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ITU-T�SG 16� TD-PLEN�(2011-11-21)�


Multimedia coding, systems and applications

Study Period 2009

Meeting� from 2011-11-21 to 2011-12-02

held in Switzerland [Geneva]

Other Meetings : 2012-04-30� [ 2011-11-21 ]� 2011-03-142010-07-192009-10-262009-07-102009-06-262009-01-27

Results:72 total items.
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Temporary Documents �(PLEN) ��Documents / Contributions

Title Source AI/Question
[ 446-PLEN ]
Approval: HSTP.CONF-H762 "Technical Paper: Conformance testing specification for H.762" (Rev.) � Rapporteur Q13/16 Q13/16 2011-12-01
[ 445-PLEN ]
Approval: HSTP.CONF-H701 "Technical Paper: Conformance testing specification for H.701" (New) � Editor HSTP.CONF-H701 Q13/16 2011-12-01
[ 444-PLEN ]
Approval: draft ToR of Collaboration on ITS Communication Standards: Proposed amendments � SG 16 Chairman QALL/16 2011-12-01
[ 443-PLEN ]
Consent: H.741.0 (ex H.IPTV.AM.0-0) "IPTV application event handling: Overall aspects of audience measurement for IPTV services" (New) � Editor H.IPTV.AM.0-0 Q13/16 2011-12-01
[ 442-PLEN ]
Consent: T.832 "Information technology - JPEG XR image coding system - Image coding specification" (Rev.) � Rapporteur Q6/16 Q6/16 2011-12-01
[ 441-PLEN ]
Consent: T.805 | ISO/IEC 15444-6 "Information technology - JPEG 2000 image coding system: Compound image file format" (New) � ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 29 Secretariat Q6/16 2011-12-01
[ 440-PLEN ]
Consent: T.800 (2002) | ISO/IEC 15444-1:2004 Amd.5 "Information technology - JPEG 2000 image coding system: Core coding system: Enhancements for digital cinema and archive profiles (additional frame rates)" (New) � ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 29/WG1 Q6/16 2011-12-01
[ 439-PLEN ]
Consent: T.810 (2006) | ISO/IEC 15444-11:2007 Amd.1 "Information technology - JPEG 2000 image coding system: Wireless: IP based wireless networks" (New) � ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 29/WG1 Q6/16 2011-12-01
[ 438-PLEN ]
Consent: G.168 (V7) "Digital network echo cancellers" (Rev.) � Editor G.168 Q16/16 2011-12-01
[ 437-PLEN ]
Consent: ITU-T H.264 "Advanced video coding for generic audiovisual services" (Rev.) � Rapporteur Q6/16 Q6/16 2011-12-01
[ 436-PLEN ]
Report on the Workshop on Relay Services (Geneva, 25 November 2011) � Rapporteur Q26/16 Q26/16 2011-11-30
[ 435-PLEN ]
Consent: T.835 "Information technology- JPEG XR image coding system - Reference software" (Rev.) � Rapporteur Q6/16 Q6/16 2011-11-30
[ 434-PLEN ]
(Rev.1) +Add.1
Consent: H.262 | ISO/IEC 13818-2 Amd.4 "Information technology - Generic coding of moving pictures and associated audio information: Video: Frame packing arrangement signalling for 3D content" (Rev.) � Rapporteur Q6/16 Q6/16 2011-11-30
[ 433-PLEN ]
Consent: H.264.2 (V4) "Reference software for H.264 advanced video coding" (Rev.) � Rapporteur Q6/16 Q6/16 2011-11-29
[ 432-PLEN ]
Consent: H.264.1 (V4) "Conformance specification for H.264 advanced video coding" (Rev.) � Rapporteur Q6/16 Q6/16 2011-11-29
[ 431-PLEN ]
A.5 justification information for draft revised H.241 � Editor H.241 Q1/16 2011-11-29
[ 430-PLEN ]
Consent: H.241 "Extended video procedures and control signals for H.300-series terminals" (Rev.) � Editor H.241 Q1/16 2011-11-29
[ 429-PLEN ]
(Rev.1) +Add.1
FSTP-RSDP "Technical Paper: Relay services for persons with disabilities" (New): Updated draft (2011-11) � Rapporteur Q26/16 Q26/16 2011-11-29
[ 428-PLEN ]
Consent: ITU-T H.641 (ex H.SNMF) "SNMP-based sensor network management framework" (New) � Editor H.SNMF Q25/16 2011-11-29
[ 427-PLEN ]
Consent: G.729.1 (2006) Amd.7 (ex G.729.1-VAD-Layer) "G.729-based embedded variable bit-rate coder: An 8-32 kbit/s scalable wideband coder bitstream interoperable with G.729: Voice activity detector using G.720.1 Annex A" (New) � Editor G.729.1-VAD-Layer Q10/16 2011-11-29
[ 426-PLEN ]
Consent: H.248.12 "Gateway control protocol: H.248.1 packages for H.323 and H.324 interworking" (Rev) � Editor H.248.12 Q3/16 2011-11-29
[ 425-PLEN ]
A.5 justification information for draft new H.248.79 (ex H.248.PACKETS) � Editor H.248.79 (ex H.248.PACKETS) Q3/16 2011-11-29
[ 424-PLEN ]
Consent: ITU-T H.248.79 (ex H.248.Packets) "Gate Control Protocol: Guidelines for Packet-Based Streams" (New) � Editor H.248.Packets Q3/16 2011-11-29
[ 423-PLEN ]
Approval: H-Series Supplement 2: "H.248.x sub-series packages guide - Release 15" (Rev.) � Editor H.Sup2 Q3/16 2011-11-28
[ 422-PLEN ]
Approval: H.248 Sub-series Implementors' Guide (Rev.) � Editor H.248.x-IG Q3/16 2011-11-28
[ 421-PLEN ]
Consent: ITU-T H.248.83 (ex H.248.MGINST) "Gateway control protocol: Media Gateway Instance Package" (New) � Editor H.248.MGINST Q3/16 2011-11-28
[ 420-PLEN ]
Consent: ITU-T H.248.50 Corrigendum 1 "Gate Control Protocol: NAT traversal toolkit packages: Corrections and clarification" (New) � Editor H.248.50 Cor.1 Q3/16 2011-11-28
[ 419-PLEN ]
A.5 justification information for draft new H.248.48 (ex H.248.QHR) � Editor H.248.48 (ex H.248.QHR) Q3/16 2011-11-28
[ 418-PLEN ]
Consent: ITU-T H.248.48 (ex H.248.QHR) "Gate Control Protocol: RTCP XR Block Reporting Package" (New) � Editor H.248.QHR Q3/16 2011-11-28
[ 417-PLEN ]
Approval: H.Sup4 "Supplement 4 to ITU-T H-series Recommendations" (Rev) � Rapporteur Q2/16 Q2/16 2011-11-28
[ 416-PLEN ]
Consent: ITU-T H.248.34 "Gateway control protocol: Stimulus analogue line package" (Rev.) � Editor H.248.34 Q3/16 2011-11-25
[ 415-PLEN ]
A.5 justification information for draft revised G.168 (V7) � Editor G.168 Q16/16 2011-11-23
[ 414-PLEN ]
Updated work programme for WP3/16 (Media coding) � Chairman WP3/16 Q8/16, Q7/16, Q6/16, Q10/16 2011-11-22
[ 413-PLEN ]
Updated work programme for Working Party 2/16 (Applications and systems) � Chairman WP 2/16 Q4/16, Q3/16, Q22/16, Q21/16, Q2/16, Q13/16, Q12/16, Q1/16 2011-11-22
[ 412-PLEN ]
Updated work programme for WP1/16 (Network signal processing and voiceband terminals) � Chairman WP1/16 Q18/16, Q16/16, Q15/16, Q14/16 2011-11-22
[ 411-PLEN ]
Updated work programme for Q26/16 (Accessibility to multimedia systems and services) � Rapporteur Q26/16 Q26/16 2011-11-22
[ 410-PLEN ]
Draft Liaison Statements of WP 3/16 (Media coding) � Chairman WP3/16 Q8/16, Q7/16, Q6/16, Q10/16 2011-11-22
[ 409-PLEN ]
Draft Liaison Statements of WP 2/16 (Applications and systems) � Chairmen WP2/16 Q4/16, Q3/16, Q22/16, Q21/16, Q2/16, Q13/16, Q12/16, Q1/16 2011-11-22
[ 408-PLEN ]
Draft Liaison Statements of WP 1/16 (Network signal processing and voiceband terminals) � Chairman WP1/16 Q18/16, Q16/16, Q15/16, Q14/16 2011-11-22
[ 407-PLEN ]
Draft Liaison Statements of Q26/16 (Accessibility to multimedia systems and services) � Rapporteur Q26/16 Q26/16 2011-11-22
[ 406-PLEN ]
Draft Liaison Statements of Q20/16 (Multimedia coordination) � Rapporteur Q20/16 a.i. Q20/16 2011-11-22
[ 405-PLEN ]
Draft Report of Working Party 3/16 (Media coding) � Chairman WP3/16 Q8/16, Q7/16, Q6/16, Q10/16 2011-11-22
[ 404-PLEN ]
Draft Report of Working Party 2/16 (Applications and systems) � Chairmen WP2/16 Q5/16, Q4/16, Q3/16, Q21/16, Q2/16, Q13/16, Q12/16, Q1/16 2011-11-22
[ 403-PLEN ]
Draft Report of Working Party 1/16 (Network signal processing and voiceband terminals) � Chairman WP1/16 Q18/16, Q16/16, Q15/16, Q14/16 2011-11-22
[ 402-PLEN ]
Draft Report of joint SG 9 and SG 16 plenary session (Geneva, 23 November 2011) � Chairman SG16 QALL/16 2011-11-22
[ 401-PLEN ]
Report of Question 26/16 "Accessibility to Multimedia Systems and Services" � Rapporteur Q26/16 Q26/16 2011-11-22
[ 400-PLEN ]
Draft Report of Question 20/16 "Multimedia Coordination" � Rapporteur Q20/16 a.i. Q20/16 2011-11-22
[ 399-PLEN ]
List of Gotomeeting sessions for this week (Geneva, 21 - 25 November 2011) � TSB QALL/16 2011-11-22
[ 398-PLEN ]
Presentations during orientation session on ITU-T and Study Group 16 � Chairman SG 16 QALL/16 2011-11-22
[ 397-PLEN ]
Accuracy rate in live subtitling - the NER model � Rapporteur Q26/16 Q26/16 2011-11-21
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