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ITU-T�SG15� TD-WP3�(2010-05-31)�


Transport aspects of Access networks and home networking

Study Period 2009

Meeting� from 2010-05-31 to 2010-06-11

held in Switzerland [Geneva]

Other Meetings : 2012-09-10� 2012-05-11� 2011-12-052011-09-162011-02-142010-10-22� [ 2010-05-31 ]� 2010-01-152009-09-282009-05-152008-12-01

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Temporary Documents �(WP3) ��Documents / Contributions

Title Source AI/Question
[ 386-WP3 ]
Report of the correspondence group discussion � Correspondence coordinator of ETH Performance Moni Q14/15, Q10/15, Q9/15 2010-06-09
[ 385-WP3 ]
Guidance for making and updating terms and definitions within WP3/15 Recommendations � Rapporteur Q3/15 and Editor G.8081/Y.1353 Q3/15 2010-06-09
[ 384-WP3 ]
Draft Revised G.8110.1 v1.7.3 � Editor G.8110.1 Q12/15 2010-06-09
[ 383-WP3 ]
A.5 justification information for draft revised G.8110.1/Y.1370.1 � Editor G.8110.1 Q12/15 2010-06-09
[ 382-WP3 ]
Initial draft G.hao "Hitless Adjustment of ODUflex (HAO)" � Editor G.hao Q11/15 2010-06-08
[ 381-WP3 ]
MPLS-TP Survivability Framework: Disposition of your comments in LS172 (ref #028.03) � IETF MPLS WG Q14/15, Q12/15, Q10/15, Q9/15 2010-06-04
[ 380-WP3 ]
Incoming LS: Progress on Service Activation Test Methodology � ITU-T Study Group 12 Q10/15, Q9/15 2010-06-04
[ 379-WP3 ]
Living list for Q15/15 � Rapporteur Q15/15 Q15/15 2010-06-03
[ 378-WP3 ]
draft-ietf-mpls-tp-data-plane (MPLS Transport Profile Data Plane Architecture) � Rapporteur Q12/15 Q12/15 2010-06-03
[ 377-WP3 ]
Draft Amendment 1 to Recommendation O.174 (2009) � Editor O.174 Q15/15 2010-06-02
[ 376-WP3 ]
Requirements for practical test setup and procedure of measuring arrangements to assess the degree of unbalance about earth � Rapporteur Q5/15 Q15/15 2010-06-02
[ 375-WP3 ]
Interim meetings of WP3/15 � Chairman WP3/15 Q15/15, Q14/15, Q13/15, Q12/15, Q11/15, Q10/15, Q9/15, Q3/15 2010-06-09
[ 374-WP3 ]
Liaison Statements To/From WP3/15 � Chairman WP3/15 Q15/15, Q14/15, Q13/15, Q12/15, Q11/15, Q10/15, Q9/15, Q3/15 2010-06-09
[ 373-WP3 ]
Status of Recommendations for WP3/15 � Chairman WP3/15 Q15/15, Q14/15, Q13/15, Q12/15, Q11/15, Q10/15, Q9/15, Q3/15 2010-06-09
[ 372-WP3 ]
WP3/15 Texts for Consent and Agreement � Chairman WP3/15 Q15/15, Q14/15, Q13/15, Q12/15, Q11/15, Q10/15, Q9/15, Q3/15 2010-06-09
[ 371-WP3 ]
Report of Working Party 3/15, Transport Network Structures � Chairman WP3/15 Q15/15, Q14/15, Q13/15, Q12/15, Q11/15, Q10/15, Q9/15, Q3/15 2010-06-09
[ 370-WP3 ]
Q10/15 workplan for the May/June 2010 SG15 plenary meeting � Rapporteur Q10/15 Q10/15 2010-06-01
[ 369-WP3 ]
A Framework for MPLS in Transport Networks draft-ietf-mpls-tp-framework-12 � Rapporteur Q12/15 Q14/15, Q12/15, Q10/15, Q9/15 2010-06-01
[ 368-WP3 ]
LS - Status of Common Management Services � ITU-T WP 2/2 (Geneva, 17-21 May 2010) Q14/15 2010-06-01
[ 367-WP3 ]
LS - BBF liaison reply on ESMC frames in Synchronous Ethernet links � Broadband Forum Q13/15 2010-06-01
[ 366-WP3 ]
LS Response to LS169 - IETF comments to Draft revised Recommendation G.8110.1 for consent � IETF MPLS WG Q14/15, Q12/15, Q10/15, Q9/15 2010-05-31
[ 365-WP3 ]
Response to comments in LS173 - Comments on draft-ietf-mpls-tp-data-plane-02 � IETF MPLS WG Q14/15, Q12/15, Q10/15, Q9/15 2010-05-31
[ 364-WP3 ]
Response to LS174 - Draft revised Recommendation G.7712 for consent � IETF MPLS WG Q14/15, Q12/15, Q10/15, Q9/15 2010-05-31
[ 363-WP3 ]
Response on MCN/SCN Separation Liaison � ITU-T Study Group 15 Q4/15 2010-05-30
[ 362-WP3 ]
Q14/15 Agenda and Workplan � Rapporteur Q14/15 Q14/15 2010-05-30
[ 361-WP3 ]
Agenda for the meeting of Q12 � Rapporteur Q12/15 Q12/15 2010-05-30
[ 360-WP3 ]
LS - OTN and WSON work in CCAMP � IETF Q12/15 2010-05-28
[ 359-WP3 ]
Q9/15 meeting agenda � Rapporteur Q9/15 Q9/15 2010-05-28
[ 358-WP3 ]
Q3/15 draft meeting agenda and work plan � Associate Rapporteur Q3/15 Q3/15 2010-05-28
[ 357-WP3 ]
Draft agenda for Q15/15 meeting � Rapporteur Q15/15 Q15/15 2010-05-27
[ 356-WP3 ]
Q13 agenda � Rapporteur Q13/15 Q13/15 2010-05-27
[ 355-WP3 ]
Q11/15 Draft Agenda and Work Plan � Rapporteur Q11/15 Q11/15 2010-05-27
[ 354-WP3 ]
LS - Transitional Link concept in G.800 � TM Forum Q12/15 2010-05-27
[ 353-WP3 ]
IrDI-Port Modelling example � Editor G.8052 Q14/15 2010-05-25
[ 352-WP3 ]
Draft Revision of G.8151/Y.1374 "Management aspects of the MPLS-TP network element", version 03 (work in progress) � Editor G.8151/Y.1374 Q14/15 2010-05-25
[ 351-WP3 ]
Report of additional interim activities of Q14/15 � Rapporteur Q14/15 Q14/15 2010-05-25
[ 350-WP3 ]
Draft Revised Recommendation ITU-T G.8051/Y.1345 "Management aspects of the Ethernet-over-Transport (EoT) capable network element", version 2.01 � Editor G.8051/Y.1345 Q14/15 2010-05-25
[ 349-WP3 ]
LS - Start of a project entitled "OTN over Packet Fabric Protocol" � OIF Q13/15, Q11/15 2010-05-25
[ 348-WP3 ]
Withdrawn � N/A � 2010-05-25
[ 347-WP3 ]
Liaison Statement from MEF to ITU-T Study Group 15 Q13: Response to COM 15 - LS 156 - E � MEF Q13/15 2010-05-25
[ 346-WP3 ]
Liaison Statement from MEF to ITU-T Study Group 15 Q9 Response to COM 15 - LS 143 - E � MEF Q9/15 2010-05-25
[ 345-WP3 ]
Liaison to ITU-T SG15 Q9 and SG15 Q10 Requirements Driving SLM Proposal � MEF Q10/15, Q9/15 2010-05-25
[ 344-WP3 ]
SOAM PM and SOAM FM SNMP MIB project status � MEF Q10/15, Q14/15 2010-05-25
[ 343-WP3 ]
LS - Status of Development of MPLS-TP RFCs (ref # 033.01) � IETF MPLS WG Q14/15, Q12/15, Q10/15, Q9/15 2010-05-24
[ 342-WP3 ]
G.8080 - Living List v1.3 � Editor Q14/15, Q12/15 2010-05-22
[ 341-WP3 ]
Report of ODUflex hitless resizing correspondence activity � Editor G.709 Q11/15 2010-05-21
[ 340-WP3 ]
Comments on draft revision to G.7714.1 � Editor G.8081/Y.1353 Q14/15, Q3/15 2010-05-21
[ 339-WP3 ]
To check and update the section of terms when ASON Recommendation is revising � Editor G.8081/Y.1353 Q14/15, Q12/15, Q3/15 2010-05-21
[ 338-WP3 ]
Additional text proposed for Ammendment 1 to G.8264 � Editor G.8265 Q13/15 2010-05-19
[ 337-WP3 ]
Proposed text to address open areas in G.8265 � Editor G.8265 Q13/15 2010-05-19
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