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ITU-T�SG05� C�(2010-11-23)�


ICT and climate change

Study Period 2009

Meeting� from 2010-11-23 to 2010-12-01

held in Switzerland [Geneva]

Other Meetings : 2012-10-082012-04-112011-09-202011-04-272010-10-012010-04-122010-01-192009-10-122009-05-252008-11-24

Results:63 total items.
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Contributions��Documents / Contributions

Title Source AI/Question
[ 209 ]
Compatibility of the ITU Methodology on Goods, Networks and Services with the International Reference Life Cycle Data System (ILCD) � European Union Q18/5 2010-11-15
[ 208 ]
Proposal for update of Clause 6, 7 of L.DC, "Best practices for green data centers" � ETRI Q17/5 2010-11-15
[ 207 ]
Comments on the Preliminary Draft New Recommendation K.monitor (COM 5 - C 152) � Argentina Q3/5 2010-11-15
[ 206 ]
Study on the broadband impulsive conducted disturbances test for DSL equipment � NTT Q8/5 2010-11-12
[ 205 ]
Proposed text and considered items in draft L.specDC � Korea Telecom Q19/5 2010-11-12
[ 204 ]
Proposed new question on ICTs to enable countries to adapt to climate change � France Telecom Orange QALL/5 2010-11-12
[ 203 ]
Proposed modifications to TD 512 - Draft Recommendation L.methodology_ICT goods and services � BT Plc Q18/5 2010-11-12
[ 202 ]
Contribution to the methodology L.methodology ICT in organisations � France Telecom Orange Q18/5 2010-11-12
[ 201 ]
Contribution to the methodology L.methodology ICT in organisations � France Telecom Orange Q18/5 2010-11-12
[ 200 ]
Contribution to the methodology L.methodology ICT in goods, networks and services and ICT in organisations � France Telecom Orange Q18/5 2010-11-12
[ 199 ]
Draft Recommendation L_methodology_ICT in Countries (Skeleton version) � France Telecom Orange Q18/5 2010-11-12
[ 198 ]
Information about surge tests on coaxial port � France Telecom Orange Q4/5 2010-11-12
[ 197 ]
Methodology framework of environmental impact assessment of ICT goods, networks, and services � ETRI Q18/5 2010-11-12
[ 196 ]
Proposal of revised text for L.rareMetals � ETRI Q21/5 2010-11-12
[ 195 ]
Selecting Measurement Points in Base Stations Evaluations � ANATEL, Brazil Q3/5 2010-11-12
[ 194 ]
Additional information for phase 2 of L.1000 � CIP, United States Q21/5 2010-11-12
[ 193 ]
Proposal on future of draft Recommendation ITU-T K.deg � CIP, United States Q16/5 2010-11-12
[ 192 ]

Document withdrawn
N/A � 2010-11-12
[ 191 ]

Document withdrawn
N/A � 2010-11-12
[ 190 ]
Contribution to L.methodology: Evaluation of the environmental impacts of ICT in countries � Nokia Siemens Networks Q18/5 2010-11-12
[ 189 ]
Action items consideration to develop guidance for the assessment of GHG emission in the ICT sector � Korea (Republic of) Q18/5 2010-11-12
[ 188 ]
Observed characteristics of GHG inventories of ICT organizations � Korea (Republic of) Q18/5 2010-11-12
[ 187 ]
Clarification between L.methodology_ICT_projects and UNFCCC CDM methodologies � Korea (Republic of) Q18/5 2010-11-12
[ 186 ]
Modification of Working document toward draft new Recommendation � Korea (Republic of) Q3/5 2010-11-12
[ 185 ]
Proposal for update of the draft ITU-T Recommendation of L.methodology_ICT in organizations, "Methodology for environmental impact assessment of ICT in organizations" � Korea (Republic of) , Alcatel Lucent Q18/5 2010-11-12
[ 184 ]
Suggestion of heterogeneous induction source consideration by experimental example � Korea (Republic of) Q9/5 2010-11-12
[ 183 ]
Comparing the IEC MOV requirements with those from ITU-T K.77 � Korea (Republic of) Q11/5 2010-11-12
[ 182 ]
Proposal for EMF levels by various transmitters � Korea (Republic of) Q3/5 2010-11-12
[ 181 ]
Proposal for and K.61: Reduction of measurement time � Korea (Republic of) Q3/5 2010-11-12
[ 180 ]
Proposal for Requirements for the measurement equipment � Korea (Republic of) Q3/5 2010-11-12
[ 179 ]
Proposal for EMF levels around CDMA base stations � Korea (Republic of) Q3/5 2010-11-12
[ 178 ]
Draft Recommendation ITU-T L.methodology_ICT goods, networks and services : Text for paragraph and � Alcatel Lucent Q18/5 2010-11-11
[ 177 ]
Proposed new study Question: Rural communications [Setting up a low cost sustainable telecommunication infrastructure in rural areas of developing nations] � Vihaan Networks Ltd. QALL/5 2010-11-11
[ 176 ]
Proposal of interface specifications for Recommendation L.spec HVDC � Japan Q19/5 2010-11-11
[ 175 ]
Proposal of Safety Standard Harmonization on DC Fuse issue and Connector � Japan Q19/5 2010-11-11
[ 174 ]
Proposal on the detailed discussion about system boundary and life cycle phases of ICT goods � Japan Q18/5 2010-11-11
[ 173 ]
Proposal of the case study on evaluated environmental impact of home office space in the United States of America � Japan Q18/5 2010-11-11
[ 172 ]
Draft text of ITU-T Recommendation K.leakage "Test method and requirements against information leak through unintentional EM emission", for consent � NTT , NICT Q15/5 2010-11-11
[ 171 ]
Appendix IV for L.adapterPhase2 draft � China Q21/5 2010-11-11
[ 170 ]
EMC and Safety study and proposal for L.adapterPhase2 draft � China Q21/5 2010-11-11
[ 169 ]
Proposal on output power range classification for L.adapterPhase2 draft � China Q21/5 2010-11-11
[ 168 ]
Proposal to establish a new work item on Universal Li-ion battery solution for mobile phone and other ICT device � China Q21/5 2010-11-11
[ 167 ]
Proposed structure for recommendation L.metrics (energy efficiency metrics for telecommunication equipment) � China Q17/5 2010-11-11
[ 166 ]
Propose a new Recommendation on telecommunication terminal equipment EMC � China Q16/5 2010-11-11
[ 165 ]
Mutual-disturbance Test Requirements for Performance Degradation Evaluation of Converged Terminal Devices � China Q16/5 2010-11-11
[ 164 ]
Proposal for update of Clause 8.2.5 of L.methodology_ICT_projects, "Methodology for environmental impacts assessment of ICT projects" � ETRI Q18/5 2010-11-11
[ 163 ]
Discussion and proposal for Clause 9, "ICT project validating," of L.methodology_ICT_projects, "Methodology for environmental impacts assessment of ICT projects" � ETRI Q18/5 2010-11-11
[ 162 ]
Proposal for update of Clause 8 of L.methodology_ICT_projects, "Methodology for environmental impacts assessment of ICT projects" � ETRI Q18/5 2010-11-11
[ 161 ]
Draft skeleton of new Recommendation L.DC � Telecom Italia , Huawei Q17/5 2010-11-11
[ 160 ]
First Draft of new Recommendation L. metrics � Telecom Italia , Huawei Q17/5 2010-11-11
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