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ITU-T�NGN-GSI� TD�(2011-05-09)�


NGN Global Standards Initiative

Study Period 2009

Meeting� from 2011-05-09 to 2011-05-20

held in Switzerland [Geneva]

Other Meetings : 2012-12-03� 2012-06-04� 2012-02-06� 2011-10-10� [ 2011-05-09 ]� 2011-01-17� 2010-09-06� 2010-04-19� 2010-01-18� 2009-09-02� 2009-05-11� 2009-01-12�

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Temporary Documents �(GEN) ��Documents / Contributions

Title Source AI/Question
[ 761-GEN ]
Output ITU-T Recommendation Y.dpireq "Requirements for Deep Packet Inspection in NGN" for determination � Editors Q17/13 2011-05-20
[ 760-GEN ]
Updated draft ITU-T Recommendation Y.dpifr "Framework for Deep Packet Inspection" � Editors Q17/13 2011-05-20
[ 759-GEN ]
Proposed Meeting Report of the Q.17/13 NGI-GSI meeting � Rapporteur Q17/13 2011-05-20
[ 755-GEN ]
Q.7/13 meeting report (Geneva, Switzerland, 9-20 May 2011) � Rapporteur Q7/13 2011-05-19
[ 754-GEN ]
Output version of Draft Recommendation Y.ipv6na (Q.7/13 meeting at NGN-GSI, 9-20 May 2011) � Editor Q7/13 2011-05-19
[ 753-GEN ]
Q.3/13 meeting report - Geneva, May 9-20 2011 � Rapporteur Q3/13 2011-05-20
[ 752-GEN ]
Update of draft Recommendation Y.MOC-Reqts "Requirements for support of machine oriented communication applications in the NGN environment" , output of the May 2011 Q3/13 meeting � Editors Q3/13 2011-05-19
[ 751-GEN ]
Updated general Living List of Q.3/13 (Geneva, 9-20 May 2011) � Rapporteur Q3/13 2011-05-19
[ 750-GEN ]
Q.20/13 (Public data network) meeting report (Geneva, 9-20 May 2011) � Rapporteurs Q20/13 2011-05-19
[ 749-GEN ]
Output Draft Recommendation Y.Terms-IoT � Editors Q25/13 2011-05-19
[ 748-GEN ]
Project descriptions on Future Networks � Rapporteur Q25/13 2011-05-19
[ 747-GEN ]
Updated MM roadmap document � Rapporteur Q25/13 2011-05-19
[ 746-GEN ]
Updated IPTV roadmap document � Rapporteur Q25/13 2011-05-19
[ 745-GEN ]
Updated IoT roadmap document � Rapporteur Q25/13 2011-05-19
[ 744-GEN ]
Updated NGN roadmap document � Rapporteur Q25/13 2011-05-19
[ 743-GEN ]
Q.25/13 Meeting Report � Rapporteur Q25/13 2011-05-19
[ 742-GEN ]
Draft Recommendation Y.2022 (Y.FAid-loc-split) - Functional architecture for the support of host-based ID/locator separation in NGN, for consent � Editors Q5/13 2011-05-19
[ 741-GEN ]
Report of the ad-hoc meeting on SUN � Chairman, SG 13 Q25/13, Q21/13, Q16/13, Q12/13, Q5/13, Q4/13, Q2/13 2011-05-19
[ 740-GEN ]
Meeting report of Q.9/13 � Rapporteurs Q9/13 2011-05-19
[ 739-GEN ]
Output of draft Recommendation Y.MC-ARCH " Functional Architecture of Multi-connection" � Editors Q9/13 2011-05-19
[ 738-GEN ]
Q9 Living list for the contributions of C1114, C1115, C,942, C,943, C,944, C,945, C,947 � Rapporteur Q9/13 2011-05-19
[ 737-GEN ]
Output of draft Recommendation Y.MC-Streaming " Streaming Service over Multi-connection" � Editors Q9/13 2011-05-19
[ 736-GEN ]
Q.12/13 living list on energy saving using smart objects and NGN � Rapporteur Q12/13 2011-05-19
[ 735-GEN ]
Draft Recommendation Y.WoT, Framework of Web of Things, (ITU-T NGN- GSI meeting, Geneva , 9-20 May 2011) � Editors Q12/13 2011-05-19
[ 734-GEN ]
Draft Recommendation Y.IPTVintwVoD, IPTV interworking for VoD services � Editor Q12/13 2011-05-19
[ 733-GEN ]
Draft Recommendation Y.NGN-Web, Functional Requirements and Architecture of Web Service Component in NGN � Editors Q12/13 2011-05-19
[ 732-GEN ]
Draft Recommendation Y.UbiNet-hn, Framework of object-to-object communication using ubiquitous networking � Editors Q12/13 2011-05-19
[ 731-GEN ]
Q.12/13 meeting report (Geneva, 9-20 May 2011) � Rapporteur Q12/13 2011-05-19
[ 730-GEN ]
Living list items on Y.CD&S � Associate Rapporteur Q5/13 2011-05-19
[ 729-GEN ]
Living list item on Sensor Control Networks � Associate Rapporteur Q5/13 2011-05-19
[ 728-GEN ]
Living list for NACF rev2 � Associate Rapporteur Q5/13 2011-05-19
[ 727-GEN ]
LS to SG11 for consideration of draft Supplement Y.iptv-ipmcast � Associate Rapporteur Q5/13 2011-05-19
[ 726-GEN ]
Q.5/13 Meeting Report � Associate Rapporteur Q5/13 2011-05-19
[ 725-GEN ]
Report of Q.13/11 � Rapporteur Q13/11 2011-05-19
[ 724-GEN ]
Living list for NGN-IoT-arch, Architecture of NGN for support of the Internet of Things � Editors Q5/13 2011-05-19
[ 723-GEN ]
Output text of draft Recommendation Y.USN-arch (May 9-20,2011 meeting) � Editor Q5/13 2011-05-19
[ 722-GEN ]
Draft Recommendation of Y.NGN SIDE Arch � Editors Q5/13 2011-05-18
[ 721-GEN ]
Draft Supplement 62 Revision � Editors Q13/11 2011-05-18
[ 720-GEN ]
Draft Recommendation Y.miptv-req, Functional Requirements of Mobile IPTV � Editor Q3/13 2011-05-18
[ 719-GEN ]
The output document of Y.ipv6split (May 2011) � Editors Q7/13 2011-05-18
[ 718-GEN ]
Y.MCC-arch: Functional requirements and architecture of the NGN for Multimedia Communication Centre service � Rapporteur Q5/13 2011-05-18
[ 717-GEN ]
Unassigned � n/a N/A 2011-05-24
[ 716-GEN ]
Draft Recommendation Y.IPTV-IDF, Information Delivery Framework for IPTV � Editors Q5/13 2011-05-18
[ 715-GEN ]
Output Draft TRQ.ets-protocol - Signalling Protocol Mappings in Support of Emergency Telecommunications Service in IP Networks � Editor Q13/11 2011-05-18
[ 714-GEN ]
Draft Y.2205 Revision 1 "Next Generation Networks - Emergency telecommunications - Technical considerations" for TAP Approval � Editor Q5/13 2011-05-18
[ 713-GEN ]
Output document of Y.ipv6-vmh "Framework of vertical multi-homing in IPv6-based NGN" � Editors Q7/13 2011-05-17
[ 711-GEN ]
Q.16/13 Outgoing liaison statements that do not require approval at SG 13 plenary � Rapporteur Q16/13 2011-05-19
[ 710-GEN ]
Q.16/13 meeting report � Rapporteur Q16/13 2011-05-19
[ 709-GEN ]
The Summary, Introduction, and Scope sections of the new draft ITU-T Recommendation on support of OAuth in NGN � Editor Q16/13 2011-05-18
[ 708-GEN ]
The Summary, Introduction, and Scope sections of the new draft ITU-T Recommendation on support of OpenID in NGN � Editor Q16/13 2011-05-18
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