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ITU-T�NGN-GSI� C�(2011-05-09)�


NGN Global Standards Initiative

Study Period 2009

Meeting� from 2011-05-09 to 2011-05-20

held in Switzerland [Geneva]

Other Meetings : 2012-12-03� 2012-06-04� 2012-02-06� 2011-10-10� 2011-01-17� 2010-09-06� 2010-04-19� 2010-01-18� 2009-09-02� 2009-05-11� 2009-01-12�

Results:257 total items.
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Contributions��Documents / Contributions

Title Source AI/Question
[ 1137 ]
Socio-economic Changes to Draft Recommendation Y.3001 � Swiss Administration Q21/13 2011-05-05
[ 1136 ]
Proposed modifications to the draft Rec.Q.3909 "NGN interoperability" � NEC Q8/11 2011-05-03
[ 1135 ]
Proposed text to the draft Recommendation Rec Q.3948 "Q.VoIP service testing at NGN UNI" � NEC Corporation , OKI Electric Industry Q10/11 2011-05-03
[ 1134 ]
Proposed new work programme of real-time multimedia service testing at NGN UNI � NEC Q10/11 2011-05-03
[ 1133 ]
Proposed new work items of protocol for additional service of PSTN/ISDN Simulation services � NEC Q3/11 2011-05-03
[ 1132 ]
Editorial comments on draft Rec. Y.2205 rev 1 � France Telecom Q5/13 2011-05-03
[ 1131 ]
Proposed update on Clause 9 of Y.FNvirt � ETRI Q21/13 2011-05-03
[ 1130 ]
Proposed update on Clause 8 of Y.FNvirt � ETRI Q21/13 2011-05-03
[ 1129 ]
Proposal for modification regarding "Framework of network virtualization for Future Networks" � Hitachi, Ltd. Q21/13 2011-05-02
[ 1128 ]
Edtorial modification regarding draft recommendation Y.3001 � Hitachi, Ltd. Q21/13 2011-05-02
[ 1127 ]
Proposed Initiation of New Work Item for Autonomic Manageable Network Architecture for Future Networks � ETRI Q21/13 2011-05-02
[ 1126 ]
Proposal modifying the description of CDF in clause 7.2.4 of Y.dsnarch � NSN, ZTE Q19/13 2011-05-02
[ 1125 ]
Proposal modifying the description of FEs within CDF in clause 7.3.1 of Y.dsnarch � NSN, ZTE Q19/13 2011-05-02
[ 1124 ]
Proposal for modifying the description of FEs in RLF in 7.3.3 and modifying figure 7-5 � NSN, China Mobile Q19/13 2011-05-02
[ 1123 ]
Proposal for modifying the RLF description in 7.2.2 � Nokia Siemens Networks Q19/13 2011-05-02
[ 1122 ]
Proposal for deleting the descriptions of 7.1 DSN architecture framework � NSN, China Mobile Q19/13 2011-05-02
[ 1121 ]
Proposal for adding new references in chapter 2 in Y.dsnarch � NSN, China Mobile Q19/13 2011-05-02
[ 1120 ]
Proposal for adding an information flow to illustrate DSN MMTel in Appendix I � NSN, China Mobile Q19/13 2011-05-02
[ 1119 ]
Proposal for adding information flow for reference point C4 in 7.4.5 � NSN, China Mobile Q19/13 2011-05-02
[ 1118 ]
Proposal for adding description in Annex A Relationship between DSN architecture and NGN architecture � NSN, China Mobile Q19/13 2011-05-02
[ 1117 ]
Proposed Requirements in the draft Recommendations, Y.vnc � ETRI Q4/13 2011-05-02
[ 1116 ]
Proposed Definitions in the Amendment of Y.2111 Rev.1 for Policy-based Charging and Control � ETRI Q4/13 2011-05-02
[ 1115 ]
Addition of Multi-connection Congestion Rate FE to the Multi-connection Access Control FE in the Multi-connection Architecture (Y.MC-ARCH) � InterDigital Q9/13 2011-05-02
[ 1114 ]
Addition of Multi-connection Retransmission Coordination FE to the Multi-connection Coordination Function in the Multi-connection Architecture (Y.MC-ARCH) � InterDigital Q9/13 2011-05-02
[ 1113 ]
Recommendation about network discovery flow � CATR,MIIT, P.R. China Q19/13 2011-05-02
[ 1112 ]
Recommendation about node ungraceful leaving for new session setup � CATR,MII P.R. China Q19/13 2011-05-02
[ 1111 ]
Recommendation about node graceful leaving for new session setup � CATR,MII P.R. China Q19/13 2011-05-02
[ 1110 ]
Proposal of adding performance management description in Y.dsnmmtel � China Mobile Q19/13 2011-05-02
[ 1109 ]
Proposal of adding configuration management description in Y.dsnmmtel � China Mobile Q19/13 2011-05-02
[ 1108 ]
Proposal of node load balancing in Y.dsnmmtel � CATR,MIIT P.R. China Q19/13 2011-05-02
[ 1107 ]
Proposal for new media control procedure in Y.MC-ARCH � China Mobile Q9/13 2011-05-02
[ 1106 ]
Proposal for new functions of Multi-connection Transport Function in Y.MC-ARCH � China Mobile Q9/13 2011-05-02
[ 1105 ]
Proposal for new functions of MMC-FE in Y.MC-ARCH � China Mobile Q9/13 2011-05-02
[ 1104 ]
Proposal for modification to content integrity protection in 7.6 of Y.dsn_sec_req � China Mobile Q19/13 2011-05-02
[ 1103 ]
Proposal for communication HOLD service of supplementary services support in chapter 9 of Y.dsnmmtel � CATR,MIIT P.R. China Q19/13 2011-05-02
[ 1102 ]
Proposal for adding a mapping table between security threats and correspondent requirement to Y.dsn_sec_req � China Mobile Q19/13 2011-05-02
[ 1101 ]
Proposal for adding a comparison in trust models between DSN and NGN to Y.dsn_sec_req � China Mobile Q19/13 2011-05-02
[ 1100 ]
Proposal for modifying the description of C9 reference point (between SCF and RF) and procedures of C9 � Ericsson , China Mobile Q19/13 2011-05-02
[ 1099 ]
Proposal for modifying the description of C3 and adding procedures of C3 reference point in chapter 7.4.3 in Y.dsnarch � Ericsson , China Mobile Q19/13 2011-05-02
[ 1098 ]
Proposal for adding new descriptions in Conventions in Y.dsnarch. � Ericsson , China Mobile Q19/13 2011-05-02
[ 1097 ]
Proposal for adding new descriptions in 7.2.8 End User Functions. � Ericsson , China Mobile Q19/13 2011-05-02
[ 1096 ]
Proposal for adding information flow for reference point C7 (between SCF and RLF) in 7.4.9 � Ericsson , China Mobile Q19/13 2011-05-02
[ 1095 ]
Proposal for adding descriptions in Summary and Keywords, and add History item in Y.dsnarch � Ericsson , China Mobile Q19/13 2011-05-02
[ 1094 ]
Proposal for adding description to C6 reference points (between EF and SCF) in 7.4.8 � Ericsson , China Mobile Q19/13 2011-05-02
[ 1093 ]
Proposed modifications to Q.3323.3 on stream synchronization � Huawei technologies Co. Ltd Q5/11 2011-05-02
[ 1092 ]
Propose a new work item to define the protocol interaction of multicast transition from IPv4 to IPv6 � Huawei technologies Co. Ltd Q5/11 2011-05-02
[ 1091 ]
Proposed baseline text of draft recommendation for iSCP architecture � Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd Q20/13 2011-05-02
[ 1090 ]
Proposal to add some scenario description in Y.ipv6na � Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Q7/13 2011-05-02
[ 1089 ]
Proposed baseline text of draft recommendation for iSCP requirements � Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd Q20/13 2011-05-02
[ 1088 ]
Q.Flowstatesig is stable and ready for consent � Anagran Inc. Q5/11 2011-05-02
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