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ITU-T�SG13� TD-WP3�(2005-04-25)�


Next-generation networks

Study Period 2005

Meeting� from 2005-04-25 to 2005-05-06

held in Switzerland [Geneva]

Other Meetings : 2009-09-01� 2009-01-12� 2008-09-122008-05-222008-01-142007-09-212007-04-162006-11-032006-07-172006-01-162005-08-29� [ 2005-04-25 ]� 2004-12-07

Results:47 total items.
Temporary Documents �(WP3) ��Documents / Contributions

Title Source AI/Question
[ 47-WP3 ]
WP 3/13 Report � Chairman WP 3/13 Q14/13, Q12/13, Q8/13, Q7/13, Q2/13 2005-05-06
[ 46-WP3 ]
Living list of text proposed for MPLScpi � Editor Q12/13 2005-05-05
[ 45-WP3 ]
Drafting group text on MPLS control plane interworking � Editor Q12/13 2005-05-05
[ 44-WP3 ]
LS to SG 4 on Coordination on Management aspects of Accounting, Charging and Billing in NGN � SG 13 Q2/13 2005-05-05
[ 43-WP3 ]
Q.12/13 meeting report � Rapporteur Q12/13 Q12/13 2005-05-05
[ 42-WP3 ]
Joint Q.7/13, Q12/13 and Q4/11 meeting report � Rapporteurs Q4/11, Q12/13, Q7/13 2005-05-05
[ 41-WP3 ]
MPLS interworking � SG 13 Q12/13, Q7/13 2005-05-05
[ 40-WP3 ]
Liaison statement to SG 11 on coordination on Signalling aspects of Accounting, Charging and Billing in NGN � SG 13 Q2/13 2005-05-05
[ 39-WP3 ]
Draft Recommendation Y.mpls-mob (MPLS capabilities for NGN services with mobility and QoS support) � Editor Q2/13 2005-05-05
[ 38-WP3 ]
Updated Living List of Q.2/13 - outcome of April 25-May 6 2005 Q.2/13 meeting � Rapporteur Q2/13 2005-05-05
[ 37-WP3 ]
Report � Rapporteur Q.2/13 Q2/13 2005-05-05
[ 36-WP3 ]
Liaison statement to IETF � SG 13 Q2/13 2005-05-05
[ 35-WP3 ]
Liaison statement to SG 2 concerning NGN Directory Framework � SG 13 Q2/13 2005-05-05
[ 34-WP3 ]
Draft Recommendation Y.ngn-mcast : MPLS capabilities for NGN services over MPLS with multicast and QoS support � Co-Editor Q2/13 2005-05-05
[ 33-WP3 ]
Revised version of draft Y.ngn-account (Requirements and framework allowing accounting, charging and billing capabilities in NGN) as agreed output of April 25- May 6 2005 Q.2/13 meeting in Geneva, Switzerland � Editor Q2/13 2005-05-05
[ 32-WP3 ]
Updated text for Draft Recommendation on Generic VPN functional decomposition (Y.vpn-decomp) as output of Q.2/13 April 25-May 6 2005 meeting � Editor Q2/13 2005-05-05
[ 31-WP3 ]
Draft revised Rec. Y.1401rev � Rapporteur Q7/13 2005-05-05
[ 30-WP3 ]
Draft Rec. Y.tdmip � Rapporteur Q7/13 2005-05-05
[ 29-WP3 ]
Draft Rec. Y.1413 Corrigendum � Rapporteur Q7/13 2005-05-05
[ 28-WP3 ]
Draft Rec. Y.tfo-ip � Rapporteur Q7/13 2005-05-05
[ 27-WP3 ]
Draft Rec. Y.ppi � Rapporteur Q7/13 2005-05-05
[ 26-WP3 ]
Draft Rec. Y.gina � Rapporteur Q7/13 2005-05-05
[ 25-WP3 ]
Draft Rec. Y.csem � Rapporteur Q7/13 2005-05-05
[ 24-WP3 ]
Liaison statement IETF-PWE3 on IANA allocation for PW type for Y.1414 � Rapporteur Q.7/13 Q7/13 2005-05-05
[ 23-WP3 ]
Liaison statement to ITU-T SG 16 on Tandem Free Operation - IP network Interworking - User Plane Interworking � Rapporteur Q.7/13 Q7/13 2005-05-05
[ 22-WP3 ]
Liaison statement to ITU-T SG 15 on timing issues on TDM over packet switched networks � Rapporteur Q.7/13 Q7/13 2005-05-05
[ 21-WP3 ]
Report of Q.7/13 � Rapporteur Q.7/13 Q7/13 2005-05-05
[ 20-WP3 ]
Draft meeting report of Q.14/13 � Associate Rapporteur Q14/13 2005-05-05
[ 19-WP3 ]
Living lists of the meeting of Q.8/13 � Rapporteur Q.8/13 Q8/13 2005-05-04
[ 18-WP3 ]
Report of the meeting of Q.8/13 � Q.8/13 Rapporteur Q8/13 2005-05-04
[ 17-WP3 ]
Proposed Agenda for Q.14/13 � Associate Rapporteur Q14/13 2005-05-04
[ 16-WP3 ]
Additional information on COM 13-D 91 � Associate Rappoteur Q.14/13 Q14/13 2005-05-04
[ 15-WP3 ]
Proposed revised Question 12/13 � Q.12/13 Rapporteur Q12/13 2005-05-03
[ 14-WP3 ]
Q.12/13 agenda � Rapporteur Q.12/13 Q12/13 2005-05-03
[ 13-WP3 ]
Working text for an Amendment to Recommendation X.84 � Editor Q12/13 2005-05-03
[ 12-WP3 ]
Additional information on COM 13-D 133 � Rapporteur Q.2/13 Q2/13 2005-05-02
[ 11-WP3 ]
Proposed agenda for joint Q.4/11, Q.7/13 and Q.12/13 � Q.12/13 Rapporteur, Q.4/11 Rapporteur Q4/11, Q12/13, Q7/13 2005-05-02
[ 10-WP3 ]
Proposal on functional requirement of transport Network for service scenario of Convergence universal Multimedia Service in NGN � Rapporteur Q8/13 2005-04-29
[ 9-WP3 ]
Draft meeting agenda of Q.8/13 � Rapporteur Q.8/13 Q8/13 2005-04-26
[ 8-WP3 ]
Q.2/13 draft agenda � Q.2/13 Rapporteur Q2/13 2005-04-26
[ 7-WP3 ]
Draft agenda for WP 3/13 meeting � Chairman WP 3/13 Q14/13, Q12/13, Q8/13, Q7/13, Q2/13 2005-04-25
[ 6-WP3 ]
Liaison response on Coordination of ITU-T SG 9 Studies � ITU-T SG 17 Q9/17, Q8/13, Q2/13 2005-04-22
[ 5-WP3 ]
Proposed Agenda for Q.14/13 Meeting � Acting Rapporteur Q.14/13 Q14/13 2005-04-21
[ 4-WP3 ]
Draft meeting agenda � Q.7/13 Rapporteur Q7/13 2005-04-20
[ 3-WP3 ]
MPLS control plane interworking � MPLS and Frame Relay Alliance Q12/13 2005-04-19
[ 2-WP3 ]
Updated Living List of Q.2/113 - outcome of March 2005 Q.2/13 meeting � Q.2/13 Rapporteur Q2/13 2005-04-19
[ 1-WP3 ]
Liaison statement on NGN activities � ITU-T SG 3 Q2/13 2005-02-22
Results:47 total items.
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