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ITU-T�SG13� ALL�(2004-12-07)�


Multi-protocol and IP-based networks and their internetworking

Study Period 2005

Meeting� from 2004-12-07 to 2004-12-17

held in Switzerland [Geneva]

Collective Letters��Documents / Contributions

Title Source AI/Question
[ 1 ]
Meeting of Study Group 13, Geneva, 7-17 December 2004 � SG 13 2004-11-19

Contributions��Documents / Contributions

Title Source AI/Question
[ 5 ]
Text for Draft Recommendation on Generic VPN Functional Decomposition (Y.vpn-decomp) � Editor Q2/13 2004-11-02
[ 4 ]
QoS support of VPN services - Framework and Characteristics (tentatively called Y.vpn-QoS) � Editors Q2/13 2004-11-02
[ 3 ]
Draft Recommendation Y.17fw (MPLS management framework) � Editor, Y.17fw Q5/13 2004-11-02
[ 2 ]
Report of the Q.3/13 interim meeting (20-24 September 2004, Sophia Antipolis) � Rapporteur, Q.3/13 Q5/13 2004-11-02
[ 1 ]
Questions assigned to ITU-T Study Group 13 "Next Generation Networks" � WTSA-04 QALL/13 2004-11-12

Delayed Contributions��Documents / Contributions

Title Source AI/Question
[ 67 ]
A Proposal on further application method of FDI packet and BDI packet � ZTE corporation, China Q5/13 2004-11-30
[ 66 ]
A Proposal on redefinition of TTSI structure � ZTE corporation, China Q5/13 2004-11-30
[ 65 ]
The NGN Directory Framework - Architecture and Protocols � VeriSign, Inc. Q11/13, Q8/13, Q7/13, Q5/13, Q3/13, Q2/13, Q1/13 2004-11-26
[ 64 ]
Operational Scenarios � Nortel Networks (Canada) Q5/13 2004-11-26
[ 63 ]
Comments on clause 9 of draft Recommendation Y.ethmpls � Nortel Networks (Canada) Q7/13 2004-11-26
Currently viewing 5 of 67� documents related to this meeting (more...)

Temporary Documents��Documents / Contributions

Title Source AI/Question
[ 117-GEN ]
LS from SG 19 on need to account for accessibility needs for NGN and on the development of guidelines for accessibility � ITU-T SG 19 QALL/13 2004-12-17
[ 116-GEN ]
LS from SG 19 on their view on NGN related work and coordination � ITU-T SG 19 Q6/13 2004-12-17
[ 115-GEN ]
LS to SG 11 on Plan of new draft Rec. Y.ipv6sig � Rapp. Q.9/13 Q9/13 2004-12-17
[ 114-GEN ]
LS to SG 11 on plan of new draft Rec. Y.ipv6sig �
Rapp. Q.9/13 Q9/13 2004-12-16
[ 113-GEN ]
Report of Q.8/13 meeting � Rapporteur Q.8/13 Q8/13 2004-12-16
Currently viewing 5 of 156� documents related to this meeting (more...)

Reports��Documents / Contributions

Title Source AI/Question
[ 5 ]
REPORT OF WORKING PARTY 4/13 (QoS and OAM) � ITU-T SG 13 (Geneva, 7-17 December 2004) Q5/13, Q4/13 2005-01-27
[ 4 ]
REPORT OF WORKING PARTY 3/13 (Service requirements and scenarios) � ITU-T SG 13 (Geneva, 7-17 December 2004) Q14/13, Q12/13, Q8/13, Q7/13, Q2/13 2005-02-16
[ 3 ]
REPORT OF WORKING PARTY 2/13 (Functional architecture and mobility) � ITU-T SG 13 (Geneva, 7-17 December 2004) Q10/13, Q9/13, Q6/13, Q3/13 2005-02-16
[ 2 ]
REPORT OF WORKING PARTY 1/13 (Project management and coordination) � ITU-T SG 13 (Geneva, 7-17 December 2004) Q.13/13, Q.11/13, Q.1/13 2005-01-24
[ 1 ]
REPORT OF THE ITU-T SG 13 MEETING (Next Generation Networks) � ITU-T SG 13 (Geneva, 7-17 December 2004) Q.1-14/13 2005-01-24

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