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ITU-T�SG11� TD-GEN�(2006-07-24)�


Signalling requirements and protocols

Study Period 2005

Meeting� from 2006-07-24 to 2006-07-28

held in Switzerland [Geneva]

Other Meetings : 2009-01-192008-09-122008-09-052008-01-162007-09-212007-04-232006-11-03� [ 2006-07-24 ]� 2006-01-232005-09-052005-05-022004-12-06

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Temporary Documents �(GEN) ��Documents / Contributions

Title Source AI/Question
[ 450-GEN ]
Signalling Requirements to Support Aggregated Endpoints in NGN � Editors (Mr. Martin Dolly, Mr. Jerry Ezrol) 3/11 2006-07-27
[ 449-GEN ]
Q.3/11 Meeting Report � Q.3/11 Rapporteur 3/11 2006-07-27
[ 448-GEN ]
Q.5/11 Meeting Report � Q.5/11 Rapporteur 5/11 2006-07-27
[ 447-GEN ]
Agreed output from Geneva meeting for draft Q.rcp3.1 (COPS clean version) �
the zip file contains the clean and the marked up versions.
Editor (Mr. Heyuan Xu) 5/11 2006-07-27
[ 446-GEN ]
Output Draft User to Network Interface Recommendation � Editors (Mr. Martin Dolly, Mr. Jerry Ezrol) 3/11 2006-07-27
[ 445-GEN ]
ITU-T SG 11 WP 2/11 Work Programme update � WP 2/11 Chairman 5/11, 4/11, 3/11 2006-07-27
[ 444-GEN ]
Report of Joint Q.3/11, Q.4/11 and Q.5/11 Session on ETS/TDR/EW � Joint Q.3/11, Q.4/11 and Q.5/11 Session Chair (Mr. 4/11, 3/11 2006-07-27
[ 443-GEN ]
Meeting Report for Q.4/11 Session � Q.4/11 Rapporteur (I. Rytina) 4/11 2006-07-27
[ 442-GEN ]
Final List of Participants (Geneva, 24 - 28 July 2006) � TSB ALL/11 2006-07-27
[ 441-GEN ]
Q.7/11 Meeting Report � Q.7/11 Rapporteur 7/11 2006-07-27
[ 440-GEN ]
Question 7 /11 October Interim Meeting ToR � Q.7/11 Rapporteur 7/11 2006-07-27
[ 439-GEN ]
Updated Question 7 /11 Work program � Question 7 /11 Rapporteur (Mr. Jae-young Ahn) 7/11 2006-07-27
[ 438-GEN ]
Q.7/11 Living List � Q.7/11 Rapporteur (Mr. Jae-young Ahn) 7/11 2006-07-27
[ 437-GEN ]
Draft Recommendation Q.NGN-nacf.sec �
the zip files contain the marked up versions (including the revision 1).
Editor (Mr. Souhwan Jung) 7/11 2006-07-27
[ 436-GEN ]
H.248 items related to Draft ITU-T Rec. Q.rcp3.2 "H.248 Rw Profile" � Rapporteur Q.5/11 5/11 2006-07-27
[ 435-GEN ]
Update of Q.5/11 Living List � Q.5/11 Rapporteur (Ms. Tina Tsou) 5/11 2006-07-27
[ 434-GEN ]
Output draft of Q.rcp.4 Annex B SNMP Alternative � Editor (Mr. Osamu Kamatani) 5/11 2006-07-26
[ 433-GEN ]
Output draft of Q.rcp.3 Annex B H.248 Alternative � Editor (Mr. Osamu Kamatani) 5/11 2006-07-26
[ 432-GEN ]
Resource control protocol no.2 (rcp2) � Editor Q.5/11 5/11 2006-07-26
[ 431-GEN ]
Initial Draft for TRQ.rsf- Signalling Flows For RACF � Editor Q.5/11 (Mr. Sudhir Kumar Mittal) 5/11 2006-07-26
[ 430-GEN ]
Q.2/11 Meeting Report � Q.2/11 Rapporteur 2/11 2006-07-26
[ 429-GEN ]
Reply on LS from SG17 Guidance on conformance and interoperability testing � ITU-T Study Group 11 (Geneva, 24-28 July 2006) 8/11 2006-07-26
[ 428-GEN ]
Q.8/11 Report meeting � Working Party 3/11, Q.8/11 Rapporteur (Mr. Dmitry Tarasov) 8/11 2006-07-26
[ 427-GEN ]
Draft Recommendation Q.rcp.1, "Resource control protocol no. 1 (rcp1): Protocol at the interface between service control entities and the Policy Decision Physical Entity (PD-PE) (Rs interface)" � Editor (Mr. Tom Taylor) 5/11 2006-07-26
[ 426-GEN ]
Baseline text for draft Recommendation Q.rcp.0, "Introduction to the Q.rcp series of Recommendations" � Editor (Mr. Tom Taylor) 5/11, 1/11 2006-07-26
[ 425-GEN ]
The Updated Draft Recommendation Q. sup_req � Editor (Ms. Xiaojie Zhu) 3/11 2006-07-26
[ 424-GEN ]
The revision 1 of draft recommendation Q.tt1 "Methods of testing and model network architecture for NGN technical means testing as applied to public telecommunication networks" � Editor (Mr. Denis Andreev) 8/11 2006-07-26
[ 423-GEN ]
WP 2/11 outgoing Liaison Statements � WP 2/11 Chairman 5/11, 4/11, 3/11 2006-07-26
[ 422-GEN ]
Draft Report - Joint Q.7/13, Q.12/13 and Q.4/11 meeting � Rapporteurs of Q.7/13, Q.12/13 and Q.4/11 4/11, 7/13, 12/13 2006-07-26
[ 421-GEN ]
Report of the Q.1/11 meeting � Q.1/11 Rapporteur 1/11 2006-07-26
[ 420-GEN ]
Draft new ITU-T Recommendation Y.mplstcpi � Editor (Mr. Tom Walsh) 4/11 2006-07-26
[ 419-GEN ]
Draft new ITU-T Recommendation Y.mplsccpi � Editor (Mr. Tom Walsh) 4/11 2006-07-26
[ 418-GEN ]
Revised draft recommendation Q.NNI_profile, NGN NNI signalling profile (output) � Editors of Q.NNI_profile 3/11 2006-07-26
[ 417-GEN ]
A.5 Justification for draft recommendation Q.tt1 � Editor (Mr. Denis Andreev) 8/11 2006-07-25
[ 416-GEN ]
Agenda of Q.8/11 meeting � WP3/11 Q.8/11 Rapporteur 8/11 2006-07-25
[ 415-GEN ]
The Updated Baseline Document Q.NGN-trx.profile �
the zip file contains the clean and the marked up versions.
Editor (Ms. Lu Yi), Co-editor (Ms. Niu Yingbin) 7/11 2006-07-27
[ 414-GEN ]
The Updated Draft Recommendation Q.user_data �
the zip file contains the clean and the marked up versions.
Editor (Ms Niu Yingbin) 2/11 2006-07-26
[ 413-GEN ]
Editor's comments on the Draft recommendation Q.tt1 "Methods of testing and model network architecture for NGN technical means testing as applied to public telecommunication networks" � Editor (Mr. Denis Andreev) 8/11 2006-07-25
[ 412-GEN ]
Report of Q.6/11 � Q.6/11 Rapporteur 6/11 2006-07-25
[ 411-GEN ]
Modernization of rural telephone networks on the basis of using SIP-Technologies � Q.6/11 Rapporteur 6/11 2006-07-25
[ 410-GEN ]
Signalling Handbook � Q.6/11 Rapporteur 6/11 2006-07-25
[ 409-GEN ]
Report of the 1st Focus Group on IP Television (IPTV) meeting � SG11 Chairman (for information) ALL/11 2006-07-25
[ 408-GEN ]
Agenda for Joint Q.3/11, Q.4/11, Q.5/11 Session on IEPS/TDR/EW � Q.4/11 Rapporteur (Mr. Ian Rytina) 5/11, 4/11, 3/11 2006-07-25
[ 407-GEN ]
Response to SG 17 re: WTSA Resolution 50 Obligations � SG 11 Security Coordinator ALL/11 2006-07-25
[ 406-GEN ]
Response to SG 17 re: SG Security Related Activities � SG 11 Security Coordinator ALL/11 2006-07-25
[ 405-GEN ]
Draft Meeting Agenda � SG 11 Security Coordinator ALL/11 2006-07-25
[ 404-GEN ]
Q.5/11 Agenda � Q.5/11 Rapporteur 5/11 2006-07-25
[ 403-GEN ]
Agenda for Q.3/11 � WP2/11 Q.3 Associate Rapporteur (Mr. Steve Norreys 3/11 2006-07-25
[ 402-GEN ]
Proposed Agenda � Q.708 (SANC) Coordinator ALL/11 2006-07-24
[ 401-GEN ]
Agenda for Joint Q.4/11, Q.12/13, and Q.7/13 meeting � Q.4/11 Associate Rapporteur 4/11 2006-07-24
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