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ITU-T�SG09� C�(2007-10-29)�


Integrated broadband cable networks and television and sound transmission

Study Period 2005

Meeting� from 2007-10-29 to 2007-11-02

held in United States [Louisville, Colorado]

Other Meetings : 2009-11-02� 2009-02-23� 2008-09-192008-05-052007-06-142006-10-022005-10-172005-01-17

Results:21 total items.
Contributions��Documents / Contributions

Title Source AI/Question
[ 106 ]
Preliminary Draft New Recommendation J.lsrt Network Service Operator's Requirements for Real-time Transmission of exLSDI Signals under Parallel Processing Functionality � KDDI Corporation Q15/9 2007-10-22
[ 105 ]
Draft new Recommendation J.stb-spec � KDDI Corporation Q5/9 2007-10-18
[ 104 ]
Proposed draft new Recommendation J.h-dpi, Seamless splicing for heterogeneous MPEG-2/H.264 bitstreams � KDDI Corporation Q7/9 2007-10-18
[ 103 ]
Clarification of relationship between the existing definitions of telephony service features in ITU-T and those defined in draft Recommendation J.siptel � KDDI Corporation Q9/9 2007-10-18
[ 102 ]
Reports on experimental results of the Yonsei calibration method � Korea (Republic of) Q14/9, Q2/9 2007-10-18
[ 101 ]
Draft of new ITU-T Recommendation - Calibration methods � Korea (Republic of) Q14/9, Q2/9 2007-10-18
[ 100 ]
Hybrid perceptual/bit-stream models with embedded video quality scores � Korea (Republic of) Q14/9, Q2/9 2007-10-18
[ 99 ]
Report on the performance of hybrid perceptual/bit-stream NR models � Korea (Republic of) Q14/9, Q2/9 2007-10-18
[ 98 ]
Proposed Revision to P.910 "Subjective video quality assessment methods for multimedia applications � USA Q14/9 2007-10-18
[ 97 ]
Validation Results for Draft New Recommendation "Calibration methods for constant misalignment of spatial and temporal domains with constant gain and offset." � USA Q14/9, Q2/9 2007-10-18
[ 96 ]
Additional issues to be considered in connection with KDDI's proposed Revision to ITU-T Recommendation J.181, Digital program insertion cueing message for cable television systems (Com9-68) � USA Q7/9 2007-10-18
[ 95 ]
Proposed Draft New Recommendation J.preffr "Roadmap for implementing preferential telecommunications in IPCablecom networks" � USA Q9/9 2007-10-18
[ 94 ]
Proposed Draft New Recommendation "Subjective video quality assessment methods for recognition tasks" � USA Q14/9 2007-10-18
[ 93 ]
Draft of items for a Living List and proposed draft revision to J.186 � Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd Q12/9 2007-10-18
[ 92 ]
Comments on Draft New Recommendation "Calibration methods for constant misalignment of spatial and temporal domains with constant gain and offset" � BT Q14/9, Q2/9 2007-10-18
[ 91 ]
Proposed revisions to draft new Recommendation on Architecture for synchronised programme transfer with pull operation over IP networks (J.spt-arch) � Japan Q11/9 2007-10-18
[ 90 ]
DLNA Reference in draft Recommendation J.700 (J.iptvfra) � United Kingdom Q9/9 2007-10-17
[ 89 ]
Developments in LSDI � United Kingdom Q15/9 2007-10-17
[ 88 ]
Proposal of draft new ITU-T Recommendation J samip (Revision of CoM9-C74) Subjective assessment method of picture quality delivered to the home over broadband IP networks � Poland Q2/9 2007-09-25
[ 87 ]
Proposed Amendment to J.203 'Common core for digital video recorder platform' � CableLabs Q4/9 2007-09-25
[ 86 ]
Proposed amendment to J.202 'Harmonization of procedural content formats for interactive TV application' � CableLabs Q4/9 2007-09-25
Results:21 total items.
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