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UIT-T�GRTAL�Documents de r�unions
Nb max de documents affich�s/page:
R�sultats: 25 documents
Num�ro Date Source Titre Questions�
Num�ro� Mise � disposition Taille
[ R�4 ] 2008-03-05 Chairman, TAL � Report of the TAL Group meeting held in Tobago, 20-22 February 2008 � Q3/3 �
[ R�4 ]��-�Espa�ol�-� Word 2008-03-05 [17:25]� 97'792� octets
[ R�4 ]��-�English�-� Word 2008-03-05 [17:24]� 113'152� octets
[ TD�53-PLEN ] 2008-03-03 ITU/BDT � Final report of the Seminar on costs and tariffs for TAL member countries � Q3/3 �
[ TD�53-PLEN ]��-�Espa�ol�-� Word 2008-03-03 [14:55]� 84'480� octets
[ TD�53-PLEN ]��-�English�-� Word 2008-03-03 [14:55]� 88'064� octets
[ TD�48-PLEN ] 2008-02-13 TSB � Final list of participants / Lista final de participantes � Q3/3 �
[ TD�48-PLEN ]�Revision 1�-�Multilingual�-� Zip (Document) 2008-02-26 [09:55]� 21'000� octets
[ TD�48-PLEN ]�Revision 1�-�Multilingual�-� Word 2008-02-26 [09:54]� 187'392� octets
[ TD�48-PLEN ]��-�Multilingual�-� Zip (Document) 2008-02-26 [09:52]� 20'822� octets
[ TD�48-PLEN ]��-�Multilingual�-� Word 2008-02-26 [09:52]� 186'368� octets
[ TD�39-PLEN ] 2008-02-20 Chairman, TAL Group � Draft Report of the TAL Group meeting held in Tobago, 20-22 February 2008 � Q3/3 �
[ TD�39-PLEN ]�Revision 2�-�Espa�ol�-� Word 2008-02-25 [11:02]� 72'704� octets
[ TD�39-PLEN ]�Revision 2�-�English�-� Word 2008-02-25 [11:02]� 90'112� octets
[ TD�49-PLEN ] 2008-02-13 Cable & Wireless � Extra-territorial use of mobile country codes (MCC) and mobile network codes (MNC) in the Caribbean � Q3/3 �
[ TD�49-PLEN ]��-�English�-� Zip (Document) 2008-02-25 [09:58]� 190'743� octets
[ TD�49-PLEN ]��-�English�-� Word 2008-02-25 [09:58]� 263'680� octets
[ TD�50-PLEN ] 2008-02-22 Digicel � Case study on compliance with GSM Association rules and ITU proposed rules � Q3/3 �
[ TD�50-PLEN ]��-�English�-� Zip (Document) 2008-02-25 [09:58]� 470'807� octets
[ TD�50-PLEN ]��-�English�-� Word 2008-02-25 [09:58]� 709'120� octets
[ TD�51-PLEN ] 2008-02-22 Cable & Wireless and Digicel � Ongoing work in the GSA Association and ITU regarding cross-border use of MCC codes � Q3/3 �
[ TD�51-PLEN ]��-�English�-� Word 2008-02-25 [09:58]� 46'592� octets
[ TD�47-PLEN ] 2008-02-07 TSB � List of documents / Lista de documentos � Q3/3 �
[ TD�47-PLEN ]�Revision 2�-�Multilingual�-� Word 2008-02-25 [09:56]� 105'984� octets
[ TD�47-PLEN ]�Revision 1�-�Multilingual�-� Word 2008-02-25 [09:55]� 102'400� octets
[ TD�39-PLEN ] 2008-02-20 Chairman, TAL Group � Draft Report of the TAL Group meeting held in Tobago, 20-22 February 2008 � Q3/3 �
[ TD�39-PLEN ]�Revision 1�-�Espa�ol�-� Word 2008-02-25 [09:55]� 72'192� octets
[ TD�39-PLEN ]�Revision 1�-�English�-� Word 2008-02-25 [09:55]� 89'600� octets
[ TD�52-PLEN ] 2008-02-25 Convener, Ad-hoc Group � Proposal of subjects of study for the next period � Q3/3 �
[ TD�52-PLEN ]�Revision 2�-�Espa�ol�-� Word 2008-02-25 [09:54]� 77'312� octets
[ TD�52-PLEN ]�Revision 2�-�English�-� Word 2008-02-25 [09:54]� 77'824� octets
[ TD�52-PLEN ]�Revision 1�-�Espa�ol�-� Word 2008-02-25 [09:53]� 77'824� octets
[ TD�52-PLEN ]�Revision 1�-�English�-� Word 2008-02-25 [09:53]� 81'920� octets
[ TD�52-PLEN ]��-�Espa�ol�-� Word 2008-02-25 [09:53]� 73'216� octets
[ TD�52-PLEN ]��-�English�-� Word 2008-02-25 [09:53]� 75'776� octets
R�sultats: 25 documents
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