Uni�n Internacional de Telecomunicaciones UIT
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P�gina principal : Oficina del Secretario General : CLCWGCOP21 Nuevo�-� Busque los documentos de la reuni�n
UIT-SG�CLCWGCOP21�Documentos de la reuni�n
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Resultados: 26 documentos
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[ 4 ] 2024-10-29 Chair, CWG-COP � Report by the Chair of the Council Working Group on Child Online Protection - Outcome of the nineteenth meeting of the Council Working Group on Child Online Protection �
[ 4 ]��-�English�-� Word 2024-10-30 [16:19]� 108'139� octetos
[ 1 ] 2024-08-26 Chair, CWG-COP � Draft agenda �
[ 1 ]�Revision 2�-�English�-� Word 2024-09-30 [13:49]� 92'040� octetos
[ 1 ]�Revision 1�-�English�-� Word 2024-09-27 [18:47]� 91'919� octetos
[ 1 ]��-�English�-� Word 2024-08-26 [17:11]� 88'066� octetos
[ INF�19 ] 2024-09-30 Pakistan � PTA's awareness and digital literacy initiatives and reporting mechanisms on child online protection �
[ INF�19 ]��-�English�-� Word 2024-09-30 [08:12]� 83'246� octetos
[ INF�9 ] 2024-09-18 Russian Federation , Armenia , Belarus , Tajikistan , Uzbekistan � Advancing digital literacy and online protection for children and adolescents with disabilities and special needs �
[ INF�9 ]��-�English�-� Word 2024-09-29 [20:26]� 93'531� octetos Replaced on 29.09.24 to add a co-signatory country �
[ INF�9 ]��-�Russian�-� Word 2024-09-19 [19:42]� 98'103� octetos Russian version courteously provided by Authors. Meeting in E only. �
[ INF�18 ] 2024-09-24 SG � Youth consultation - Child engagement �
[ INF�18 ]��-�English�-� PowerPoint 2007 2024-09-26 [11:40]� 35'393'251� octetos
[ INF�17 ] 2024-09-24 OECD � Digital Safety by Design for Children �
[ INF�17 ]��-�English�-� PowerPoint 2007 2024-09-24 [12:20]� 610'383� octetos
[ INF�16 ] 2024-09-24 Council of Europe � Lanzarote convention 2nd monitoring round: Findings and recommendations �
[ INF�16 ]��-�English�-� PowerPoint 2007 2024-09-24 [12:09]� 627'885� octetos
[ INF�15 ] 2024-09-24 DQ Institute � Global child online safety impact measure for digital citizenship programs �
[ INF�15 ]��-�English�-� PowerPoint 2007 2024-09-24 [11:53]� 20'252'136� octetos
[ INF�14 ] 2024-09-20 Nigeria � Nigeria's regulatory frameworks, initiatives and reporting mechanisms on child online protection �
[ INF�14 ]��-�English�-� Word 2024-09-20 [16:50]� 89'145� octetos
[ INF�10 ] 2024-09-18 UN Committee on the Rights of the Child � Child rights in digital environment �
[ INF�10 ]��-�English�-� Word 2024-09-19 [09:25]� 89'016� octetos
[ INF�13 ] 2024-09-18 United States � Considerations when developing reporting mechanisms to help prevent, minimize, and mitigate bullying and other forms of online harassment and abuse �
[ INF�13 ]��-�English�-� Word 2024-09-20 [10:12]� 95'710� octetos
[ INF�12 ] 2024-09-18 Kaspersky � Multistakeholder cooperation on protecting children against doxing �
[ INF�12 ]��-�English�-� Word 2024-09-20 [10:09]� 87'609� octetos
[ INF�11 ] 2024-09-18 United Kingdom � The United Kingdom's regulatory approach under the Online Safety Act �
[ INF�11 ]��-�English�-� Word 2024-09-20 [10:08]� 185'986� octetos
[ INF�6 ] 2024-09-17 Serbia � Presentation of the National Contact Center for Children Safety on the Internet established by the Ministry of Information and Telecommunication �
[ INF�6 ]��-�English�-� Word 2024-09-17 [17:34]� 87'101� octetos
[ 3 ] 2024-09-19 Office of the Special Representative of the UN-Secretary General on Violence Against Children � PoP - Protection through online participation - consultation with governments �
[ 3 ]��-�English�-� Word 2024-09-19 [09:25]� 89'970� octetos
[ INF�8 ] 2024-09-17 Andorra � Andorra's digital wellbeing improvement plan for children and teenagers �
[ INF�8 ]��-�English�-� Word 2024-09-18 [11:28]� 88'851� octetos
[ INF�7 ] 2024-09-18 North Macedonia � North Macedonia Safer Internet Centre �
[ INF�7 ]��-�English�-� Word 2024-09-18 [11:00]� 88'426� octetos
[ INF�5 ] 2024-09-16 Croatia � Protection children online �
[ INF�5 ]��-�English�-� Word 2024-09-16 [14:43]� 89'160� octetos
[ INF�4 ] 2024-09-16 ITU-T SG17 � Liaison statement on SG17 update on the work of the Correspondence Group on Child Online Protection (CG-COP) �
[ INF�4 ]��-�English�-� Word 2024-09-16 [14:26]� 100'697� octetos
[ INF�3 ] 2024-09-16 Israel (State of) � The State of Israel's initiatives and best practices on child online protection �
[ INF�3 ]��-�English�-� Word 2024-09-16 [12:03]� 91'007� octetos
[ 2 ] 2024-08-30 SG � Update on the ITU child online protection initiative and the COP global programme �
[ 2 ]��-�English�-� Word 2024-08-30 [14:43]� 91'458� octetos
[ INF�1 ] 2024-08-28 ITU-D SG2 RG � Liaison statement on securing information and communication networks: best practices for developing a culture of cybersecurity �
[ INF�1 ]��-�English�-� Word 2024-08-30 [14:39]� 93'518� octetos
[ INF�2 ] 2024-08-28 Italy � Interinstitutional Consultative Committee for media and digital literacy �
[ INF�2 ]��-�English�-� Word 2024-08-28 [14:22]� 89'997� octetos
Resultados: 26 documentos
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Actualizado el :�2024-10-30