Source :
Algeria (People's Democratic Republic of)
, Burkina Faso
, C�te d'Ivoire (Republic of)
, Ghana
, Kenya (Republic of)
, Mauritius (Republic of)
, Morocco (Kingdom of)
, Nigeria (Federal Republic of)
, Saudi Arabia (Kingdom of)
, Senegal (Republic of)
, South Africa (Republic of)
, Tunisia
, Zimbabwe (Republic of)
Abstract :
The WSIS Process, under the ITU��s leadership, has provided a multistakeholder framework on digital collaboration for development at the international, regional and local level. The Framework of the WSIS Action Lines and the participation of ITU and other UN Agencies in implementing this is still relevant and serves as an excellent mechanism for digital transformation for development. The WSIS Process provides an important framework for digital cooperation and implementation in Africa and other regions and ITU should maintain its leadership position for the WSIS Review and WSIS Beyond 2025. Designing the ITU's role in the overall review of the implementation of the outcomes of the World Summit on the Information Society will be beneficial in defining linkages between WSIS process and other intergovernmental processes that are also addressing "digital cooperation".