Abstract :
The World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC-19), held in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt from 28 October to 22 November 2019, adopted a number of decisions including work plans and created some additional study questions for the new study cycle. As contained in the Report of the Budget Committee (Doc. 337(Rev.2), COM 3) of the World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC-19), the work of the Conference identified some areas of additional work, studies, and development for the implementation of the decisions of the Conference. The total estimated cost for the completion of these new tasks was CHF 1 721 000. The virtual consultation of councillors considered C20/56, which contained the Secretary-General's request for the funding to implement the WRC-19 decisions. At that time, the Chief of the Financial Resources Management Department explained that there was no need for an urgent Council decision to enable savings to be released because the Secretary-General was authorized in the interest of the Union, under Article 12 of the Financial Regulations and Rules, to take certain financial decisions within the available resources. Therefore, it was agreed to propose that the next meeting of the Council consider authorizing the Secretary-General to take relevant measures as a matter of priority to allocate funds from annual savings generated during budget implementation in 2021, or to call for voluntary contributions, but not to withdraw from the Reserve Account.