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P�gina principal : Oficina del Secretario General : CWGWSIS35 Nuevo�-� Busque los documentos de la reuni�n
UIT-SG�CWGWSIS35�Documentos de la reuni�n
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Resultados: 17 documentos
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[ 20 ] 2020-03-13 SG � ITU Council contribution to the High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF) 2020 �
[ 20 ]��-�English�-� PDF (acrobat) 2020-03-13 [19:00]� 1'035'017� octetos
[ 17 ] 2020-02-20 SG � Outline of the ITU Council input of intergovernmental bodies to the 2020 HLPF �
[ 17 ]�Revision 1�-�English�-� Word 2020-03-07 [18:35]� 51'493� octetos
[ 17 ]��-�English�-� Word 2020-02-20 [11:13]� 39'844� octetos
[ 19 ] 2020-03-02 United States of America � Contribution by the United States of America: Comments on the draft Outline of the ITU Council input of intergovernmental bodies to the 2020 HLPF �
[ 19 ]��-�English�-� Word 2020-03-02 [15:03]� 43'591� octetos
[ 18 ] 2020-03-02 Canada � Contribution by Canada: Comments on the draft Outline of the ITU Council input of intergovernmental bodies to the 2020 HLPF �
[ 18 ]��-�English�-� Word 2020-03-02 [10:44]� 44'486� octetos
[ 16 ] 2020-02-07 Chairman, CWG � Final report by the Chairman - Summary of the 35th meeting �
[ 16 ]��-�English�-� Word 2020-02-07 [15:06]� 154'624� octetos
[ 14 ] 2020-02-07 SG � ITU Input to the 2020 HLPF and ECOSOC on the theme "Accelerated action and transformative pathways: realizing the decade of action and delivery for sustainable development" �
[ 14 ]�Revision 2�-�English�-� Word 2020-02-07 [11:48]� 41'456� octetos
[ 14 ]�Revision 1�-�English�-� Word 2020-02-07 [10:53]� 40'733� octetos
[ 14 ]��-�English�-� Word 2020-02-07 [09:04]� 40'184� octetos
[ 15 ] 2020-02-07 Chairman, CWG � Draft summary of the 35th meeting �
[ 15 ]��-�English�-� Word 2020-02-07 [11:46]� 80'473� octetos
[ 1 ] 2019-12-11 Chairman � Draft agenda �
[ 1 ]�Revision 3�-�English�-� Word 2020-02-06 [15:16]� 59'155� octetos
[ 1 ]�Revision 2�-�English�-� Word 2020-02-06 [12:44]� 58'937� octetos
[ 1 ]�Revision 1�-�English�-� Word 2020-02-05 [08:54]� 58'722� octetos
[ 13 ] 2020-02-06 Chairman � Vice-Chairman of Region D (Africa) - WSIS Implementation in Africa 2020 �
[ 13 ]��-�English�-� Word 2020-02-06 [15:15]� 1'968'519� octetos
[ INF�1 ] 2020-02-04 N/A (no se aplica) � ECOSOC Letter for Input to the 2020 HLPF and ECOSOC on the theme by functional commissions and other intergovernmental bodies and forums �
[ INF�1 ]��-�English�-� PDF (acrobat) 2020-02-04 [19:42]� 139'057� octetos
[ 12 ] 2020-01-28 Chairman � Vice-Chairman of Region E (Asia-Pacific) - WSIS Implementation in Asia Pacific 2007-2019 �
[ 12 ]��-�English�-� Word 2020-02-03 [10:34]� 115'344� octetos
[ 11 ] 2019-12-26 Russian Federation � Contribution by the Russian Federation - Implementation of the outcomes of the WSIS �
[ 11 ]��-�English�-� Word 2020-01-08 [09:33]� 36'928� octetos
Resultados: 17 documentos
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