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Page d'accueil : Bureau du Secr�taire g�n�ral : EGD482.3 Ajout�s r�cemment�-� Recherche de documents de r�union
UIT-SG�EGD482.3�Documents de r�unions
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R�sultats: 8 documents
Num�ro Date Source Titre
Num�ro� Mise � disposition Taille
[ 8 ] 2019-06-10 Chairman � Progress report recommending possible revision to Decision 482 concerning complex/large non-GSO satellite filings and exceptionally complex GSO satellite filings �
[ 8 ]��-�English�-�Word 2019-06-10 [10:38]� 140'778� octets
[ 1 ] 2019-04-03 Chairman � Draft agenda of the third meeting �
[ 1 ]��-�English�-�Word 2019-06-05 [08:43]� 52'434� octets
[ 7 ] 2019-06-05 Chairman � Draft progress report containing recommendations about the possible revision of Decision 482 with regard to complex/large non-GSO satellite filings and exceptionally complex GSO satellite filings �
[ 7 ]��-�English�-�Word 2019-06-05 [08:42]� 129'498� octets
[ 4 ] 2019-05-25 United States of America � Contribution from the United States of America - Consideration of changes to Council Decision 482, cost recovery �
[ 4 ]��-�English�-�Word 2019-05-29 [11:53]� 109'335� octets
[ 6 ] 2019-05-24 Saudi Arabia (Kingdom of) � Contribution from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia - Cost recovery applicable to exceptionally complex GSO Satellite Filings �
[ 6 ]��-�English�-�Word 2019-05-28 [07:43]� 33'655� octets
[ 5 ] 2019-05-24 Egypt (Arab Republic of) � Contribution from Egypt - Cost recovery mechanism for satellite filings contained in Decision 482 �
[ 5 ]��-�English�-�Word 2019-05-27 [16:21]� 85'316� octets
[ 3 ] 2019-05-23 China � Contribution from the People's Republic of China - Comments on the cost recovery �
[ 3 ]��-�English�-�Word 2019-05-24 [08:26]� 52'380� octets
[ 2 ] 2019-05-22 United Arab Emirates � Contribution from the United Arab Emirates - Cost recovery mechanism for satellite findings contained in Decision 482 �
[ 2 ]��-�English�-�Word 2019-05-22 [14:40]� 46'462� octets
R�sultats: 8 documents
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