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UIT-SG�WSIS25�Documents de r�unions
Nb max de documents affich�s/page:
R�sultats: 36 documents
Num�ro Date Source Titre
Num�ro� Mise � disposition Taille
[ 9 ] 2014-09-19 N/A � WG-WSIS-25-09-Chairman WG WSIS-Draft Report on the Outcomes of the WG-WSIS meetings held since PP-10 �
[ 9 ]�Revision 2�-�English�-�Word 2014-10-03 [11:49]� 60'670� octets
[ 9 ]�Revision 1�-�English�-�Word 2014-10-02 [17:47]� 59'739� octets
[ 9 ]��-�English�-�Word 2014-09-19 [15:19]� 56'675� octets
[ 26 ] 2014-10-03 N/A � WG-WSIS-25-26-Chairman WG-WSIS - Summary of the 25th Meeting �
[ 26 ]��-�English�-�Word 2014-10-03 [11:39]� 67'079� octets
[ 20 ] 2014-10-01 N/A � WG-WSIS-25-20-Executive report on implementation of Resolutions 140 (PP-10) and 1332 (Council-11) �
[ 20 ]�Revision 1�-�English�-�Word 2014-10-02 [11:16]� 57'485� octets
[ 20 ]��-�English�-�Word 2014-10-01 [10:10]� 56'942� octets
[ 25 ] 2014-10-02 N/A � WG-WSIS-25-25-Rapport du Panel 3 - Forum ICT4ALL 2014 - Suivi du SMI �
[ 25 ]��-�Fran�ais�-�Word 2014-10-02 [10:29]� 37'489� octets
[ 1 ] 2014-09-11 N/A � WG-WSIS-25-01-Draft agenda �
[ 1 ]�Revision 2�-�English�-�Word 2014-10-02 [09:26]� 45'404� octets
[ 1 ]�Revision 1�-�English�-�Word 2014-10-01 [16:33]� 44'976� octets
[ 1 ]��-�English�-�Word 2014-09-11 [15:30]� 42'461� octets
[ 24 ] 2014-10-01 N/A � WG-WSIS-25-24-CSTD ten-year review of the implementation of WSIS outcomes �
[ 24 ]��-�English�-� PowerPoint 2007 2014-10-01 [17:36]� 1'176'605� octets
[ 23 ] 2014-10-01 N/A � WG-WSIS-25-23-ITU's Ten-Year Contribution to the WSIS Implementation and Follow-up �
[ 23 ]�Part 6�-�English�-� PDF (acrobat) 2014-10-01 [18:40]� 1'591'993� octets ITU's ten-year contribution to the WSIS Implementation and Follow-up (2005-2014) �
[ 23 ]�Part 5�-�English�-� PDF (acrobat) 2014-10-01 [16:10]� 6'069'251� octets ITU Contribution to the Implementation of the WSIS Outcomes - 2014 (work in progress) �
[ 23 ]�Part 4�-�English�-� PDF (acrobat) 2014-10-01 [16:09]� 6'639'514� octets ITU Contribution to the Implementation of the WSIS Outcomes - 2013 �
[ 23 ]�Part 3�-�English�-� PDF (acrobat) 2014-10-01 [16:08]� 6'583'423� octets ITU Contribution to the Implementation of the WSIS Outcomes - 2012 �
[ 23 ]�Part 2�-�English�-� PDF (acrobat) 2014-10-01 [16:07]� 4'262'910� octets ITU Contribution to the Implementation of the WSIS Outcomes - 2011 �
[ 23 ]�Part 1�-�English�-� PDF (acrobat) 2014-10-01 [16:05]� 6'809'226� octets ITU's five-year contribution to the WSIS Implementation and Follow-up (2005-2010) �
[ 22 ] 2014-10-01 N/A � WG-WSIS-25-22-ITU Contribution to the Implementation of the WSIS Outcomes - 2014 (work in progress) �
[ 22 ]��-�English�-� PDF (acrobat) 2014-10-01 [13:52]� 6'069'251� octets
[ 21 ] 2014-10-01 N/A � WG-WSIS-25-21-Executive report on implementation of Resolutions 172 (PP-10) and 1334 (Council-13) �
[ 21 ]��-�English�-�Word 2014-10-01 [10:17]� 57'618� octets
[ 19 ] 2014-09-30 N/A � WG-WSIS-25-19-Update on the Partnership on Measuring ICT for Development and ITU related activities �
[ 19 ]��-�English�-�Word 2014-09-30 [18:13]� 45'951� octets
[ 18 ] 2014-09-30 N/A � WG-WSIS-25-18-World Telecommunication and Information Society Day �
[ 18 ]��-�English�-�Word 2014-09-30 [16:59]� 43'485� octets
[ 17 ] 2014-09-29 N/A � WG-WSIS-25-17-WSIS Fund in Trust �
[ 17 ]��-�English�-�Word 2014-09-29 [17:21]� 259'841� octets
[ 16 ] 2014-09-29 N/A � WG-WSIS-25-16-Partnership on Measuring ICT for Development: Final WSIS Targets Review �
[ 16 ]��-�English�-� PDF (acrobat) 2014-09-29 [14:40]� 6'658'915� octets
[ 15 ] 2014-09-29 N/A � WG-WSIS-25-15-WSIS Stocktaking Success Stories 2014 �
[ 15 ]��-�English�-� PDF (acrobat) 2014-09-29 [14:40]� 10'336'155� octets
[ 14 ] 2014-09-29 N/A � WG-WSIS-25-14-WSIS Stocktaking Report 2014 �
[ 14 ]��-�English�-� PDF (acrobat) 2014-09-29 [14:36]� 2'384'999� octets
[ 13 ] 2014-09-29 N/A � WG-WSIS-25-13-WSIS Action Lines Executive Summaries (Achievements, Challenges and Recommendations) �
[ 13 ]��-�English�-� PDF (acrobat) 2014-09-29 [14:34]� 4'019'258� octets
[ 12 ] 2014-09-29 N/A � WG-WSIS-25-12-WSIS+10 High-Level Event: High-Level Policy Statements �
[ 12 ]��-�English�-� PDF (acrobat) 2014-09-29 [14:33]� 4'386'384� octets
[ 11 ] 2014-09-29 N/A � WG-WSIS-25-11-WSIS+10 Statement on Implementation of WSIS Outcomes and the WSIS+10 Vision for WSIS Beyond 2015 �
[ 11 ]��-�English�-� PDF (acrobat) 2014-09-29 [14:32]� 5'197'786� octets
[ 10 ] 2014-09-29 N/A � WG-WSIS-25-10-Forum Track of the WSIS+10 High-Level Event �
[ 10 ]��-�English�-� PDF (acrobat) 2014-09-29 [14:32]� 5'653'849� octets
[ 8 ] 2014-09-19 N/A � WG-WSIS-25-08-Chairman WG WSIS-WSIS+10 High level event outcomes and future ITU activities �
[ 8 ]��-�English�-�Word 2014-09-19 [15:08]� 38'225� octets
[ 7 ] 2014-09-18 N/A � WG-WSIS-25-07-United Nations General Assembly Resolution on Modalities for the overall review by the General Assembly of the implementation of the outcomes of the World Summit on the Information Society �
[ 7 ]��-�English�-� PDF (acrobat) 2014-09-18 [10:21]� 30'093� octets
[ 6 ] 2014-09-17 N/A � WG-WSIS-25-06-Report on the WSIS Project Prizes �
[ 6 ]��-�English�-�Word 2014-09-17 [10:02]� 39'922� octets
[ 5 ] 2014-09-17 N/A � WG-WSIS-25-05-Report on the WSIS Stocktaking Process �
[ 5 ]��-�English�-�Word 2014-09-17 [10:01]� 41'451� octets
[ 4 ] 2014-09-11 N/A � WG-WSIS-25-04-WSIS+10 High-Level Event: WSIS Action Lines Executive Summaries (Achievements, Challenges and Recommendations) �
[ 4 ]��-�English�-�Word 2014-09-11 [15:29]� 49'574� octets
[ 3 ] 2014-09-11 N/A � WG-WSIS-25-03-WSIS+10 High-Level Event: High-Level Policy Statements, Forum Track Outcome Document and Reports �
[ 3 ]��-�English�-�Word 2014-09-11 [15:28]� 51'409� octets
[ 2 ] 2014-09-11 N/A � WG-WSIS-25-02-WSIS+10 High-Level Event: Outcome Documents �
[ 2 ]��-�English�-�Word 2014-09-11 [15:28]� 49'668� octets
R�sultats: 36 documents
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