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2010 Session of the ITU Council

Results:119 total items.
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Contributions��Documents / Contributions

Title Source Destination Date
[ 119 ]
List of documents � N/A � 2010-11-10
[ 118 ]
Final list of participants � N/A � 2010-11-10
[ 117 ]
List of Resolutions and Decisions � SG 2010-11-12
[ 116 ]
Resolution 1325 - Contributory shares for defraying Union expenses � SG 2010-11-08
[ 115 ]
Resolution 1324 - Contributory shares for defraying Union expenses � SG 2010-11-08
[ 114 ]
Resolution 1323 - Four-year rolling Operational Plan for the Telecommunication Development Sector for 2011-2014 � SG 2010-11-08
[ 113 ]
Resolution 1322 - Four-year rolling Operational Plan for the Telecommunication Standardization Sector for 2011-2014 � SG 2010-11-08
[ 112 ]
Resolution 1321 - Four-year rolling Operational Plan for the Radiocommunication Sector for 2011-2014 � SG 2010-11-08
[ 111 ]
Resolution 1320 - Four-year rolling operational plan for the General Secretariat for 2011-2014 � SG 2010-11-08
[ 110 ]
Resolution 1319 - Financial operating report for the biennium 2008-2009 � SG 2010-11-08
[ 109 ]
Summary record of the final meeting of the 2010 session of the Council � SG PL 2010-11-12
[ 108 ]
Model Host Country Agreement for ITU TELECOM Events � SG 2010-11-08
[ 107 ]
Draft four-year rolling operational plan for the Telecommunication Development Sector for 2011-2014 � SG 2010-11-08
[ 106 ]
Outcome of the Second Meeting of the Council Working Group on Child Online Protection � SG 2010-11-08
[ 105 ]
Report on the outcomes of the WG-WSIS meetings held since PP-06 � SG 2010-09-03
[ 104 ]
Contributory share of the Republic of the Marshall Islands for defraying Union expenses � SG PL 2010-08-24
[ 103 ]
Report by the Chairman of the Council Group on Financial Regulations and Related Financial Management Issues (Group FINREGS) � SG 2010-08-24
[ 102 ]
Draft four-year rolling operational plan for the Radiocommunication sector for 2011-2014 � SG 2010-08-10
[ 101 ]
Report of the Chairman of the Tripartite Group on Human Resources Management � SG 2010-07-09
[ 100 ]
Draft four-year rolling operational plan for the Telecommunication Standardization Sector for 2011-2014 � SG 2010-08-09
[ 99 ]
Reports on the main results of WG-WSIS and of the Dedicated Group on Internet-Related Policy Issues � SG 2010-08-09
[ 98 ]
Report by the Chairman of the Council Group for the elaboration of the Strategic Plan and the Financial Plan for the Union 2012-2015 � SG 2010-07-09
[ 97 ]
Draft four-year rolling Operational Plan for the General Secretariat for 2011-2014 � SG 2010-07-09
[ 96 ]
Suspension/Removal of ITU Sector Members and Associates � SG 2010-09-30
[ 95 ]
Contributory shares of the Republic of Somalia for defraying Union expenses � SG PL 2010-07-09
[ 94 ]
External audit of the accounts of the Union � SG PL 2010-11-12
[ 93 ]
Report to the Plenipotentiary Conference of the Council Working Group to prepare for the World Conference on International Telecommunications in 2012 � SG 2010-07-05
[ 92 ]
Summary record of the ninth Plenary Meeting � SG PL 2010-04-23
[ 91 ]
Summary record of the eighth Plenary Meeting � SG PL 2010-04-23
[ 90 ]
Summary record of the seventh Plenary Meeting � SG PL 2010-04-23
[ 89 ]
Summary record of the sixth Plenary Meeting � SG PL 2010-04-23
[ 88 ]
Summary record of the fifth Plenary Meeting � SG PL 2010-04-23
[ 87 ]
Resolution 1318 - ITU's role in ICTs and improving road safety � SG 2010-04-23
[ 86 ]
Decision 557 - Conclusion, on a provisional basis, of the cooperation agreement between ITU and CERN � SG 2010-04-23
[ 85 ]
Decision 556 - Submission of documentation to Council Sessions � SG 2010-04-23
[ 84 ]
Resolution 1317 - Dates and Agenda of the World Conference on International Telecommunications in 2012 �
Further to an invitation from the United Arab Emirates, WCIT will be held in Dubai from 3 to 14 December 2012.
SG 2010-04-23
[ 83 ]
Resolution 1316 - Continuation of the work of the Council Working Group for the elaboration of the draft stregic plan and the draft finanical plan for 2012-2015 � SG 2010-04-23
[ 82 ]
Resolution 1315 - Changes in the conditions of service under the United Nations common system � SG 2010-04-23
[ 81 ]
Resolution 1314 - Accounts of activities related to ITU TELECOM Asia 2008 � SG 2010-04-23
[ 80 ]
Resolution 1313 - Audited accounts of ITU TELECOM Africa 2008 � SG 2010-04-23
[ 79 ]
Decision 555 - Cancellation of interest on arrears and irrecoverable debts � SG 2010-04-23
[ 78 ]
Summary record of the fourth Plenary Meeting � SG PL 2010-04-23
[ 77 ]
Contribution from Algeria - Draft Resolution: ITU's role with regard to international public policy issues concerning the potential misuse of satellite images for criminal or terrorist purposes � ALG PL 2010-04-21
[ 76 ]
Cooperation agreement between ITU and CERN � SG PL 2010-04-21
[ 75 ]
Report of the Standing Committee on Administration and Management to the Plenary � SG PL 2010-04-22
[ 74 ]
Summary record of the third Plenary Meeting � SG PL 2010-05-20
[ 73 ]
Summary record of the second Plenary Meeting � SG PL 2010-05-20
[ 72 ]
Summary Record of the first Plenary Meeting � SG PL 2010-04-21
[ 71 ]
Secretariat of the Council � SG 2010-04-19
[ 70 ]
Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen of the Council � SG PL 2010-04-19
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