Format |
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Posted |
English |
145920 bytes |
2008-11-7 |
[117]�Annex 38
- Liaison statement to interim Working Party 5C - Results of the consideration on the SF-series Recommendations |
224256 bytes |
2008-11-7 |
[117]�Annex 37
- Liaison statement to WP 5C - Gateway links for high altitude platform stations in the range from 5 850 to 7 075 MHz |
192512 bytes |
2008-11-6 |
[117]�Annex 36
- Liaison statement to Working Party 4C - Studies related to WRC-11 Agenda item 1.25 |
107520 bytes |
2008-11-6 |
[117]�Annex 35
- Proposed liaison statement to the Working Party of the Special Committee - Use of the band 21.4-22 GHz for broadcasting-satellite service and associated feeder-link bands in regions 1 and 3
109568 bytes |
2008-11-6 |
[117]�Annex 34
- Proposed liaison statement to Working Parties 6A, 5A, 5C and 5D - Working documents towards PDNRs on permissible levels of interference into satellite transmissions of BSS(S) geostationary networks operating in the frequency band 1 467-1 492 MHz and techn |
114176 bytes |
2008-11-7 |
[117]�Annex 33
- Liaison statement to Working Party 5A (Copy to Working Party 5C for information) - Studies on compatibility of broadband wireless access (BWA) networks and fixed-satellite service (FSS) networks in the 3 400-4 200 MHz band
1847296 bytes |
2008-11-6 |
[117]�Annex 32
- Liaison statement to Working Parties 5B, 5C and 7B - WRC-11 Agenda item 1.12 |
107520 bytes |
2008-11-7 |
[117]�Annex 31
- Liaison statement to Working Party 5D (Copy to Working Party 5A for information) - Methodologies for determining whether an IMT base station at a given location could transmit in the band 3 400-3 600 MHZ without exceeding the PFD limits in Nos. 5.430A, 5. |
142848 bytes |
2008-11-7 |
[117]�Annex 30
- Liaison statement to Working Party 5C - Methodology for statistically calculating the interference received by the fixed service from space-to-earth emissions for frequency bands above about 17 GHz
118784 bytes |
2008-11-7 |
[117]�Annex 29
- Liaison statement to Working Parties 3J and 3M - Additional information for consideration by Working Parties 3J and 3M |
216576 bytes |
2008-11-7 |
[117]�Annex 28
- Liaison statement to WPs 1B and 5A (information copy to WP 4C) on the study of software-defined radio and cognitive radio systems |
114688 bytes |
2008-11-7 |
[117]�Annex 27
- Liaison statement to Working Party 1A - Information on satellite networks in the fixed-satellite and broadcasting-satellite services to be used in consideration of WRC-11 Agenda item 1.22 |
108544 bytes |
2008-11-6 |
[117]�Annex 26
- Liaison statement to ETSI working group MAR ESV of SES technical committee - Vehicle mounted earth stations (VMES)
115200 bytes |
2008-11-6 |
[117]�Annex 25
- Liaison statement to Working Party 7B - Working document towards a preliminary draft new Recommendation ITU-R SA.[23 GHz SRS SHARING]
116224 bytes |
2008-11-6 |
[117]�Annex 24
- Liaison statement to Working Party 1A (Copy to Working Party 4C for information) - Proposed deletion of portions of Section 3 of Annex 5 to Recommendation ITU-R SM.1541-2
120832 bytes |
2008-11-6 |
[117]�Annex 23
- Liaison statement to Working Party 7B - Coordination between GSO FSS and GSO MetSat networks in the frequency bands 18.1-18.4 GHz in regions 1 and 3
and 18.0-18.3 GHz in region 2
73216 bytes |
2008-11-4 |
[117]�Annex 22
- Draft work plan for WRC-11 Agenda item 8.1.3 - Resolution 80 (Rev.WRC-07) |
202240 bytes |
2008-11-5 |
[117]�Annex 21
- Revision of the draft Work Plan for WRC-11 Agenda item 1.13 |
439808 bytes |
2008-11-11 |
[117]�Annex 20
- Survey of submissions in the 21.4-22 GHz band - (WRC-11 Agenda item 1.13) |
75776 bytes |
2008-11-11 |
[117]�Annex 19
- Working document on WRC-11 Agenda item 1.13 |
21488128 bytes |
2008-11-6 |
[117]�Annex 18
- Working document towards a preliminary draft revision of Report ITU-R BO.2071 - System parameters of BSS between 17.3 GHz and 42.5 GHz and associated feeder links |
192512 bytes |
2008-11-5 |
[117]�Annex 17
- Working document towards a preliminary draft new Report and/or Recommendation, as appropriate - Delta C/(N+1) criteria for efficient use of GSO orbit/spectrum with small antennas in the FSS bands |
155648 bytes |
2008-11-4 |
[117]�Annex 16
- Working document towards a preliminary draft new Report - Guidelines that may be used by administrations in the design of their systems for C/(N+I) calculation for the FSS plan allotments having links with high rain attenuation |
3966464 bytes |
2008-11-4 |
[117]�Annex 15
- Working document towards a preliminary draft new Report - An interference reduction technique by adaptive-array earth station antennas for sharing between fixed-satellite service (FSS) and fixed/mobile services |
800256 bytes |
2008-11-4 |
[117]�Annex 14
- Working document toward a preliminary draft new Report ITU-R S.[C-BAND DVB-S2] - Application of DVB-S2 to small receiving antennas in the 3 700-4 200 MHz band
596480 bytes |
2008-11-4 |
[117]�Annex 13
- Working document towards a preliminary draft new Report - An interference reduction technique in telecommunication satellite networks using geostationary-satellite orbit
303616 bytes |
2008-11-4 |
[117]�Annex 12
- Working document towards a preliminary draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R BO.1659 - Mitigation techniques for rain attenuation for broadcasting-satellite service systems in frequency bands between 17.3 GHz and 42.5 GHz
95232 bytes |
2008-11-4 |
[117]�Annex 11
- Working document towards a preliminary draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R BO.1776 - Reference power flux-density for the broadcasting-satellite service in the band 21.4-22 GHz in Regions 1 and 3
69632 bytes |
2008-11-4 |
[117]�Annex 10
- Working document towards a preliminary draft new Recommendation ITU-R S.[BSS(S) INTERF CRITERIA SAT] - Permissible levels of interference into satellite transmissions of BSS(S) geostationary networks operating in the band 1 467-1 492 MHz for use... |
100352 bytes |
2008-11-3 |
[117]�Annex 09
- Working document towards a preliminary draft new Recommendation ITU-R S.[BSS(S) TECH CHAR SAT] - Technical characteristics of transmissions and receivers operating with BSS(S) satellite networks in the band 1 467-1 492 MHz for use in sharing studies with |
16475648 bytes |
2008-11-4 |
[117]�Annex 08
- Working document towards a preliminary draft new Recommendation ITU-R S.[IMT-PFD] - Methodologies for determining whether an IMT base station at a given location could transmit in the band 3 400-3 600 MHz without exceeding the pfd limits in Nos. 5.430A, 5 |
505856 bytes |
2008-10-24 |
[117]�Annex 07
- Working document toward a preliminary draft new Recommendation ITU-R [SF].[STATMETH] - Methodology for statistically calculating the interference received by the fixed service from space-to-Earth emissions for frequency bands above about 17 GHz |
653312 bytes |
2008-10-31 |
[117]�Annex 06
- Working document towards a preliminary draft new Recommendation - A methodology to compute interference levels resulting from variations in earth station off-axis e.i.r.p. due to pointing errors caused by movement of the vehicle mounted platform |
133120 bytes |
2008-10-31 |
[117]�Annex 05
- Working document towards a preliminary draft new Recommendation - Variations in earth station off-axis e.i.r.p. due to antenna pointing errors caused by movement of the vehicle mounted platform |
1918976 bytes |
2008-10-23 |
[117]�Annex 04
- Preliminary draft new Report - Studies on compatibility of broadband wireless access (BWA) networks and fixed-satellite service (FSS) networks in the 3 400-4 200 MHz band |
1021440 bytes |
2008-10-31 |
[117]�Annex 03
- Preliminary draft new Report ITU-R S.[MAIN LOBE] - Methodology on the modelling of earth station antenna gain in the region of the antenna main lobe and the transition region between the minimum angle of the reference antenna pattern and the main lobe |
253440 bytes |
2008-10-30 |
[117]�Annex 02
- Preliminary draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R S.1673 - Methodologies for the calculation of the worst-case interference levels from non-geostationary fixed-satellite service systems using highly-elliptical orbits into geostationary fixed-satellite se |
1390592 bytes |
2008-10-30 |
[117]�Annex 01
- Preliminary draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R S.1001-1 - Use of systems in the fixed-satellite service in the event of natural disasters and similar emergencies for warning and relief operations |
302592 bytes |
2008-11-12 |
- Chairman's Report on the meeting of Working Party 4A (Geneva, 6-15 October 2008) |