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ITU-R�WP3J�Meeting Documents
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Number Date Source Title Questions�
Number� Posted Size
[ 199 ] 2011-10-28 Chairman, WP 3J � Report on the meeting of Working Party 3J (Geneva, 17-26 October 2011) � N/A �
[ 199 ]��-�English�-� Word 2011-11-16 [13:31]� 109'320� bytes Report on the meeting of Working Party 3J (Geneva, 17-26 October 2011) - Propagation Fundamentals �
[ 199 ]�Annex 14�-�English�-� Word 2011-11-15 [15:23]� 2'465'916� bytes Working document towards a preliminary draft new Recommendation ITU-R P.[MATERIAL_EFFECT] - Effects of building materials and structures on radiowave propagation above about 100 MHz �
[ 199 ]�Annex 10�-�English�-� Zip (Document) 2011-11-15 [14:45]� 328'033'416� bytes Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R P.837-5 - Characteristics of precipitation for propagation modelling �
[ 199 ]�Annex 16�-�English�-� Word 2011-11-15 [14:17]� 57'370� bytes Answer to the University of the Basque Country (UPV/UBC) - Proposal of a multiplatform software to create ground electrical conductivity graphical layers for Google Earth and Google Maps �
[ 199 ]�Annex 15�-�English�-� Word 2011-11-15 [14:01]� 61'435� bytes Statistical reliability of attenuation statistics �
[ 199 ]�Annex 06�-�English�-� Word 2011-11-15 [12:03]� 1'785'705� bytes Draft revision to Recommendation ITU-R P.526-11 - Propagation by diffraction �
[ 199 ]�Annex 13�-�English�-� Word 2011-11-15 [11:52]� 57'083� bytes A method for estimating the shadow loss of individual buildings based on high-resolution maps �
[ 199 ]�Annex 08�-�English�-� Word 2011-11-15 [11:16]� 643'526� bytes Draft revision to Recommendation ITU-R P.833-6 �
[ 199 ]�Annex 11�-�English�-� Word 2011-11-15 [09:14]� 3'311'089� bytes Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R P.840 - Attenuation due to clouds and fog �
[ 199 ]�Annex 12�-�English�-� Word 2011-11-15 [08:39]� 227'920� bytes Working document towards a revision of Recommendation ITU-R P.833-6 - Attenuation in vegetation �
[ 199 ]�Annex 09�-�English�-� Word 2011-11-14 [17:57]� 221'934� bytes Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R P.835-4 - Reference standard atmospheres �
[ 199 ]�Annex 07�-�English�-� Word 2011-11-14 [16:22]� 3'437'596� bytes Draft revision to Recommendation ITU-R P.676 - Attenuation by atmospheric gases �
[ 199 ]�Annex 05�-�English�-� Word 2011-11-14 [16:01]� 6'573'901� bytes Draft revision to Recommendation ITU-R P.453-9 - The radio refractive index: its formula and refractivity data �
[ 199 ]�Annex 03�-�English�-� Word 2011-11-14 [15:02]� 192'792� bytes Draft new Question ITU-R [NANO]/3 - The effect of nanostructure materials on propagation �
[ 199 ]�Annex 01�-�English�-� Word 2011-11-14 [14:57]� 63'851� bytes Draft revision of Question ITU-R 201-3/3 - Radiometeorological data required for the planning of terrestrial and space communication systems and space research application �
[ 199 ]�Annex 04�-�English�-� Word 2011-11-14 [14:43]� 45'107� bytes Draft revision of Resolution ITU-R 40-2* - Worldwide databases of terrain height and surface features �
[ 199 ]�Annex 02�-�English�-� Word 2011-11-14 [14:34]� 44'339� bytes Draft revision of Question ITU-R 209/3 - Variability and risk parameters in system performance analysis �
[ 199 ]�Annex 17�-�English�-� Word 2011-11-14 [10:50]� 79'332� bytes List of output documents �
[ 198 ] 2011-10-26 Director, BR � Final List of Participants - Working Party 3J (Geneva, 17-26 October 2011) � N/A �
[ 198 ]��-�English�-� PDF (acrobat) 2011-10-26 [14:14]� 63'260� bytes
[ ADM�15 ] 2011-10-14 Chairman, WP 3J � Organization of work and allocation of documents � N/A �
[ ADM�15 ]�Revision 2�-�English�-� Word 2011-10-17 [18:20]� 74'024� bytes
[ ADM�15 ]�Revision 01�-�English�-� Word 2011-10-14 [17:03]� 72'046� bytes
[ ADM�15 ]��-�English�-� Word 2011-10-14 [15:11]� 89'163� bytes
[ ADM�16 ] 2011-10-17 Director, BR � Provisional List of Participants - Working Party 3J (Geneva, 17-26 October 2011) � N/A �
[ ADM�16 ]��-�English�-� PDF (acrobat) 2011-10-17 [16:24]� 65'686� bytes
[ ADM�14 ] 2011-10-14 WP 3J � Agenda for the meeting of Working Party 3J (Geneva, 17-26 October 2011) � N/A �
[ ADM�14 ]��-�English�-� Word 2011-10-14 [14:21]� 62'960� bytes
[ 188 ] 2011-10-10 European Space Agency , Germany (Federal Republic of) , Netherlands (Kingdom of the) � New input data for Study Group 3 databanks, measured at Cabauw, NL, KNMI RS site part IV "Radiometeorological data" Table 9 - "Statistics of total column. water vap. content" Table 10 - "Statistics of total colum. cloud liq. water content" � N/A �
[ 188 ]��-�English�-� Word 2011-10-11 [18:09]� 99'444� bytes
[ 185 ] 2011-10-10 China (People's Republic of) � A proposed simplified algorithm derived from Tretyakov's line coefficients � N/A �
[ 185 ]��-�English�-� Word 2011-10-11 [17:35]� 489'710� bytes
[ 177 ] 2011-10-08 United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland � Recommendation ITU-R P.526 - Propagation by diffraction - Correction and clarification � N/A �
[ 177 ]��-�English�-� Word 2011-10-11 [11:35]� 60'178� bytes
[ 154 ] 2011-09-19 United Arab Emirates � Investigation of ?0 values in UAE � N/A �
[ 154 ]��-�English�-� Word 2011-10-14 [14:21]� 705'405� bytes
[ 197 ] 2011-10-14 BR Study Group Department � List of documents issued � N/A �
[ 197 ]��-�English�-� Word 2011-10-14 [14:21]� 73'528� bytes
[ 196 ] 2011-10-14 WP 6A � Liaison statement to ITU-R Working Party 3K (copy to Working Party 3J for information) - Impact of global warming on ITU-R Recommendations - Interference assessment over cold and warm sea paths � N/A �
[ 196 ]��-�English�-� Word 2011-10-14 [11:24]� 2'927'291� bytes
[ 180 ] 2011-10-10 TELEKOMUNIKACJA POLSKA S.A. � Transformation of the measurement data from Brazil to the ITU-R Study Group 3 format � 202-3/3 �
[ 180 ]��-�English�-� Word 2011-10-11 [16:46]� 178'860� bytes
[ 183 ] 2011-10-10 China (People's Republic of) � Proposed modification to Recommendation ITU-R P.618-10 - For rain attenuation prediction along Earth-space path � N/A �
[ 183 ]��-�English�-� Word 2011-10-11 [17:14]� 162'001� bytes
[ 195 ] 2011-08-08 Iran (Islamic Republic of) � Draft new Question ITU-R [NANO]/3 - The effect of nanostructure materials on electromagnetic emission � N/A �
[ 195 ]��-�English�-� Word 2011-10-13 [10:28]� 61'319� bytes
[ 190 ] 2011-10-10 France , European Space Agency , Spain � Narrowband LMS MIMO channel � 207-4/3 �
[ 190 ]��-�English�-� Word 2011-10-11 [14:58]� 147'354� bytes
[ 194 ] 2011-10-10 European Space Agency � Working document towards a draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R P.682-2 - Multipath model for aircraft during approaches and landing � N/A �
[ 194 ]��-�English�-� Word 2011-10-11 [16:22]� 187'103� bytes
[ 193 ] 2011-10-10 Telenor ASA � Predicting annual precipitation attenuation distribution from sub-periods as an alternative to the Recommendation P.530-13 combined rain and wet snow method for los radio links � N/A �
[ 193 ]��-�English�-� Word 2011-10-11 [15:59]� 690'435� bytes
[ 192 ] 2011-10-10 Norway � Long-term observation of rainfall intensity in Norway � N/A �
[ 192 ]��-�English�-� Word 2011-10-11 [15:56]� 286'219� bytes
[ 191 ] 2011-10-10 Belgium , European Space Agency , France � Versatile 2-state model for land mobile satellite services � N/A �
[ 191 ]��-�English�-� Word 2011-10-11 [16:28]� 1'062'398� bytes
[ 189 ] 2011-10-10 Brazil (Federative Republic of) � Rain Attenuation Time Series Synthesizers for Terrestrial Links - Testing the Gamma distribution and B estimation � N/A �
[ 189 ]��-�English�-� Word 2011-10-11 [16:13]� 222'833� bytes
[ 168 ] 2011-10-07 Universidad del Pa�s Vasco � Proposal of a multiplatform software to create ground electrical conductivity graphical layers for Google Earth and Google Maps � 202-3/3 �
[ 168 ]��-�English�-� Word 2011-10-10 [16:54]� 434'653� bytes
[ INF�6 ] 2011-10-10 BR Study Group Department � Information for paricipants - Meetings of Working Parties 3J, 3K, 3L, 3M and Study Group 3 � N/A �
[ INF�6 ]��-�English�-� Word 2011-10-12 [15:30]� 1'328'515� bytes
[ 167 ] 2011-10-07 Luxembourg � Submission of data - Statistics of rainfall rate integration time conversion factor (Table C4-2) � N/A �
[ 167 ]��-�English�-� Word 2011-10-11 [13:52]� 350'322� bytes
[ 187 ] 2011-10-10 Canada � Further proposed corrections to Recommendation ITU-R P.676-8 � N/A �
[ 187 ]��-�English�-� Word 2011-10-11 [17:17]� 65'186� bytes
[ 186 ] 2011-10-10 Canada � Information document on an improved simplified method for estimating gaseous absorption at low angles along paths of finite length for Recommendation ITU-R P.676-8 � N/A �
[ 186 ]��-�English�-� Word 2011-10-12 [10:01]� 467'636� bytes
[ 184 ] 2011-10-10 China (People's Republic of) � Proposed modification to Recommendation ITU-R P.618-10 - The model for hydrometeor-induced cross-polarization along slant path � N/A �
[ 184 ]��-�English�-� Word 2011-10-11 [14:44]� 111'143� bytes
[ 182 ] 2011-10-10 China (People's Republic of) � Proposed modification to Recommendation ITU-R P.530-13 - For Rain Attenuation Prediction of terrestrial line-of-sight systems � N/A �
[ 182 ]��-�English�-� Word 2011-10-11 [17:09]� 91'984� bytes
[ 181 ] 2011-10-10 France � Information document on the variability associated with experimental statistic of propagation parameters � N/A �
[ 181 ]��-�English�-� Word 2011-10-12 [08:08]� 1'059'075� bytes
[ 179 ] 2011-10-10 TELEKOMUNIKACJA POLSKA S.A. � GlobCover map - Application to the field strength prediction � 203-4/3 �
[ 179 ]��-�English�-� Word 2011-10-11 [16:42]� 983'708� bytes
[ 178 ] 2011-10-09 United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland � Test results for revised sleet attenuation model � N/A �
[ 178 ]��-�English�-� Word 2011-10-11 [14:40]� 395'382� bytes
[ 176 ] 2011-10-08 United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland � A method for estimating the shadow loss of individual building based on high-resolution maps � 203-4/3 �
[ 176 ]��-�English�-� Word 2011-10-11 [11:25]� 4'494'400� bytes
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