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ITU-R�RRB.07�Meeting Documents
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Results: 11 total items.
Number Date Source Title
Number� Posted Size
[ 7 ] 2007-03-06 N/A � Draft Minutes of the 43rd RRB Meeting (12-16 February 2007) �
[ 7 ]�Revision 1�-�Fran�ais�-� Word 2007-06-08 [08:09]� 306'176� bytes
[ 7 ]�Revision 1�-�English�-� Word 2007-06-08 [08:09]� 300'032� bytes
[ OJ�1 ] 2007-05-24 N/A � Draft agenda of the 44th RRB Meeting (4-8 June 2007) �
[ OJ�1 ]�Revision 1�-�Fran�ais�-� Word 2007-06-05 [17:38]� 92'672� bytes
[ OJ�1 ]�Revision 1�-�English�-� Word 2007-06-05 [17:37]� 88'576� bytes
[ 8 ] 2007-05-22 N/A � Solicitud de Contribuciones de la RRB sobre la Resoluci�n 80, para ser llevadas a la CMR-07 �
[ 8 ]��-�Fran�ais�-� Word 2007-05-31 [13:44]� 172'544� bytes
[ 7 ] 2007-05-16 N/A � Coordination between the Administrations of France and Israel of orbital positions 5oW and 4oW : Request for assistance �
[ 7 ]��-�Fran�ais�-� Word 2007-05-30 [15:06]� 374'784� bytes
[ 10 ] 2007-05-22 N/A � Review of the Rules of Procedure for No. 5.357 and No. 5.376 �
[ 10 ]��-�Fran�ais�-� Word 2007-05-29 [17:38]� 82'432� bytes
[ 3 ] 2007-04-20 N/A � Director's report to the 44th RRB Meeting �
[ 3 ]�Addendum 4�-�Fran�ais�-� Word 2007-05-29 [15:14]� 76'800� bytes
[ 9 ] 2007-05-22 N/A � Submission by the Administration of the United Kingdom requesting the review of findings of some frequency assignments of their satellite networks INMARSAT-3 AOR EAST2, INMARSAT-3 IOR-2, INMARSAT-3 POR-2 AND INMARSAT-3 AOR WEST2 �
[ 9 ]��-�Fran�ais�-� Word 2007-05-29 [14:50]� 103'424� bytes
[ 8 ] 2007-05-22 N/A � Solicitud de Contribuciones de la RRB sobre la Resoluci�n 80, para ser llevadas a la CMR-07 �
[ 8 ]��-�English�-� Word 2007-05-29 [09:12]� 141'824� bytes
[ OJ�1 ] 2007-05-24 N/A � Draft agenda of the 44th RRB Meeting (4-8 June 2007) �
[ OJ�1 ]��-�Fran�ais�-� Word 2007-05-28 [11:05]� 93'696� bytes
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Updated :�2007-06-08