Format |
Size |
Posted |
English |
214016 bytes |
2006-10-11 |
[468]�Annex 15
- List of output documents |
99328 bytes |
2006-09-18 |
[468]�Annex 14
- Draft CPM text on Agenda item 1.15 related to a secondary allocation to the amateur service in the frequency band 135.7-137.8 kHz - Executive summary of CPM text for WRC-07 Agenda item 1.15 |
512000 bytes |
2006-09-29 |
[468]�Annex 13
- Draft CPM text for WRC-07 Agenda item 1.13 - Executive summary of CPM text for WRC-07 Agenda item 1.13 |
233472 bytes |
2006-10-11 |
[468]�Annex 12
- Working document towards a preliminary draft Revision of Recommendation ITU-R M.1450-2*,** - Characteristics of broadband radio local area networks
1657344 bytes |
2006-09-19 |
[468]�Annex 11
- Joint WP 8A / WP 8F - Preliminary draft new Report ITU-R M.[IP CHAR] - Key technical and operational characteristics for access technologies to support IP applications over mobile systems |
205824 bytes |
2006-09-29 |
[468]�Annex 10
- Preliminary draft new Report ITU-R M.[LMS.CHAR-BWA] - Characteristics of broadband wireless access systems operating in the mobile service to be used in sharing studies |
266240 bytes |
2006-10-11 |
[468]�Annex 09
- Preliminary draft new Recommendation ITU-R M.[LMS.CHAR.CELL] - Technical and operational characteristics of digital cellular land mobile systems to be used in sharing studies
133632 bytes |
2006-10-11 |
[468]�Annex 08
- Working document towards a preliminary draft new Recommendation [METH.SHAR.LMS] on methodologies for sharing studies related to systems in the land mobile service
234496 bytes |
2006-10-17 |
[468]�Annex 07
- Preliminary draft new Recommendation ITU-R M.[ENG] - System characteristics of television outside broadcast (TVOB), electronic news gathering (ENG) and electronic field production (EFP) in the mobile service |
135680 bytes |
2006-09-29 |
[468]�Annex 06
- PDNR ITU-R M.[LMS.PPDR.4.9 GHz] - Harmonized frequency channel plan for broadband public protection and disaster relief operations at 4 940-4 990 MHz |
137728 bytes |
2006-09-28 |
[468]�Annex 05
- Working document towards a PDNR ITU-R M.[LMS.PPDR.VHF/UHF] - Harmonized frequency channel plan for public protection and disaster relief operations in the ranges 380-399.9 MHz and 746-806 MHz |
6244352 bytes |
2006-10-11 |
[468]�Annex 04
- Preliminary draft new Recommendation - Integrated millimetre wave ITS radiocommunication systems
229376 bytes |
2006-10-17 |
[468]�Annex 03
- Consolidation of Reports from the Working Groups and Rapporteur Groups of Working Party 8A |
118272 bytes |
2006-11-22 |
[468]�Annex 02
- Consolidation of texts approved by Working Party 8A |
408576 bytes |
2006-11-22 |
[468]�Annex 01
- Working Party 8A Management |
311296 bytes |
2006-12-12 |
- Report of the 19th meeting of Working Party 8A (Geneva, 6-14 September 2006) |