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[13]� Draft new Recommendation ITU-R F[PMP26GHz] - Technical and operational requirements that facilitate sharing between point-to-multipoint systems in the fixed service and the inter-satellite service in the bnad 25.25-27.5 GHz





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1479667 bytes 2001-10-15 [13]� - [7/13] Draft new Recommendation ITU-R F[PMP26GHz] - Technical and operational requirements that facilitate sharing between point-to-multipoint systems in the fixed service and the inter-satellite service in the bnad 25.25-27.5 GHz

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4331663 bytes 2001-10-15 [13]�- [7/13] Proyecto de nueva Recomendaci�n UIT-R F.[PMP26GHz] - Requisitos t�cnicos y de explotaci�n que facilitan la compartici�n entre los sistemas punto a multipunto del servicio fijo y el servicio entre sat�lites en la banda 25,25-27,5 GHz

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6907675 bytes 2001-10-15 [13]�- [7/13] Projet de nouvelle Recommandation UIT-R F.[PMP26GHZ] - Caract�ristiques techniques et op�rationnelles propres � faciliter le partage entre les syst�mes point � multipoint du service fixe et le service inter-satellites dans la bande 25,25-27,5 GHz

Document :

ITU-R�SG07� Contribution� 13

Title :

Draft new Recommendation ITU-R F[PMP26GHz] - Technical and operational requirements that facilitate sharing between point-to-multipoint systems in the fixed service and the inter-satellite service in the bnad 25.25-27.5 GHz

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