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[80]� DNR ITU-R SF.[Doc. 4/80-9/101] - Methodology to evaluate the impact of space-to-Earth interference from the fixed-satellite service in the fixed service in frequency bands where precipitation is the predominant fade mechanism






212480 bytes 0001-10-15 [80]�Revision 1 - [4/80r1, 9/101r1] DNR ITU-R SF.[Doc. 4/80-9/101] - Methodology to evaluate the impact of space-to-Earth interference from the fixed-satellite service in the fixed service in frequency bands where precipitation is the predominant fade mechanism


224768 bytes 0001-10-15 [80]�Revision 1- [4/80r1, 9/101r1] Proy. de nueva Rec. UIT-R SF.[Doc. 4/80-9/101] Metodolog�a para evaluar la repercusi�n de la interferencia en el trayecto espacio-Tierra causada por el servicio fijo por sat�lite al servicio fijo en las bandas de frecuencia en las que ..


225280 bytes 0001-10-15 [80]�Revision 1- [4/80r1, 9/101r1] Proj. de nouv. Rec. UIT-R SF.[Doc. 4/80-9/101] - M�thode permet. d'�valuer l'incidence des brouil. espace vers Terre caus�s par des syst. du serv. fixe par satel. � des syst. du serv. fixe dans des bandes de fr�qu. o� les pr�cipitations

Document :

ITU-R�SG04� Contribution� 80

Title :

DNR ITU-R SF.[Doc. 4/80-9/101] - Methodology to evaluate the impact of space-to-Earth interference from the fixed-satellite service in the fixed service in frequency bands where precipitation is the predominant fade mechanism

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Source :

SG 4 & 9

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Updated :�2002-07-18