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Home : ITU-D : DAP1.2.1 : Meeting�2009-07-13�: Contributions� Recently posted�-� Search Meeting Documents
ITU-D�DAP1.2.1� C�(2009-07-13)�



Meeting� from 2009-07-13 to 2009-07-15

held in Uganda [Kampala]

Other Meetings : N/A

Results:35 total items.

Title Source Date
[ 35 ]
Outcome of the ITU Human Capacity Development Forum for Africa, 8-10 July 2009, Kampala, Uganda � Telecommunication Development Bureau 2009-07-15
[ 34 ]
Final List of Documents � Telecommunication Development Bureau 2009-07-14
[ 33 ]
Final list of Participants � Telecommunication Development Bureau 2009-07-14
[ 32 ]
Chairman's Report � Chairman 2009-07-14
[ 31 ]
Conversations on the World Financial and Economic Crisis � United Nations University 2009-07-13
[ 30 ]
Implementation of the recommendations of the "Connect Africa" Summit, Kigali, 29-30 October 2007 � Minist�re en charge de la reconstruction,RD Congo 2009-07-13
[ 29 ]
Assistance in migration IPV4-IPV6 � Minist�re en charge des t�l�communications/TIC, S� 2009-07-13
[ 28 ]
Cybersecurity strategies � Agence des T�l�communications de C�te d'Ivoire 2009-07-13
[ 27 ]
Protection of the environment and the population's health � Agence des T�l�communications de C�te d'Ivoire 2009-07-13
[ 26 ]
Harmonization of policy and regulatory frameworks in West Africa � Agence des T�l�communications de C�te d'Ivoire 2009-07-13
[ 25 ]
Follow-up on implementation of the outcomes of the "Connnect Africa" Summit � Comit� de r�gulation des t�l�communications, Mali 2009-07-09
[ 24 ]
Digital TV � Comit� de r�gulation des T�l�communications, Mal 2009-07-09
[ 23 ]
Programme for Infrastructure Development in Africa - PIDA � African Telecommunication Union 2009-07-09
[ 22 ]
Situation of persons with disabilities in regard to ICT access � Comit� de R�gulation des T�l�communications, Mali 2009-07-09
[ 21 ]
Infrastructure development � Comit� de R�gulation des T�l�communications, Mali 2009-07-09
[ 20 ]
Human resources and Institutions � Comit� de R�gulation des T�l�communications, Mali 2009-07-09
[ 19 ]
Harmonization of policy and regulaotry frameworks � Comit� de R�gulation des T�l�communications, Mali 2009-07-09
[ 18 ]
Implementing the reference framework for harmonization of telecommunications and ICT policy and regulation in Africa � African Telecommunication Union 2009-07-08
[ 17 ]
Proposal on continuation of Programme on assistance to least developed countries and small island developing States (DAP Programme 6) � Uganda Communications Commission 2009-07-08
[ 16 ]
Information Society Statistical Profiles 2009 - Africa � Telecommunication Development Bureau 2009-07-07
[ 15 ]
Power supply for telecommunication and ICT infrastructures � Minist�re des postes et des TIC, Tchad 2009-07-07
[ 14 ]
Rural Connectivity in Ethiopia � Ethiopian Telecommunication Agency 2009-07-07
[ 13 ]
Human resources training session � Minist�re en charge des T�l�communications/TIC, S� 2009-07-02
[ 12 ]
Harmonization of regulatory policies in Africa � Minist�re en charge des T�l�communications/TIC, S� 2009-07-02
[ 11 ]
Broadband infrastructures in Africa � Minist�re en charge des T�l�communications/TIC, S� 2009-07-02
[ 10 ]
Maintaining the regional initiative on strengthening and harmonizing policy and regulatory frameworks for integration of African ICT markets � Minist�re des Postes et des TIC, Burkina Faso 2009-07-02
[ 9 ]
Recommendation to maintain the African regional initiative on development of a broadband infrastructure and achievement of regional interconnectivity � Minist�re des Postes et des TIC, Burkina Faso 2009-07-02
[ 8 ]
Maintaining the regional initiative on "human and institutional capacity building" � Minist�re des Postes et des TIC, Burkina Faso 2009-07-02
[ 7 ]
Report on Implementation of WTDC-06 Resolutions (from 1 January 2007 to 31 December 2009) � Telecommunication Development Bureau 2009-05-14
[ 6 ]
A Fresh Look on ITU-D Activities � Telecommunication Development Bureau 2009-05-06
[ 5 ]
Summary of ITU-T Action Plan for WTSA-08 Resolutions (Johannesburg, 2008) which include reference to ITU-D/BDT � Telecommunication Standardization Bureau 2009-05-06
[ 4 ]
Report on Implementation of Doha Action Plan - WSIS Implementation � Telecommunication Development Bureau 2009-05-06
[ 3 ]
Report on Implementation of Doha Action Plan - Programmes, Study Groups, Activities and Initiatives in the Africa Region � Telecommunication Development Bureau 2009-05-06
[ 2 ]
Report on Implementation of Doha Action Plan (Resolution 17 - Regional Initiatives for the African region) � Telecommunication Development Bureau 2009-05-06
[ 1 ]
Draft Agenda of RPM-AFR � Telecommunication Development Bureau 2009-05-06
Results:35 total items.
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