Work item:
Guide on the use of the ITU-T SG15 Recommendations related to optical tech-nology
Agreed on 2008-02-22
Approval process:
Type of work item:
Equivalent number:
Supporting members:
This Guide contains a functional grouping of the SG15 Recommendations on Optical Technology (e.g. optical fibres and cables, physical optical interfaces, optical fibre submarine cable systems).
An introduction to each category with more than one Recommendation outlines the subjects which are common to the that category.
For each Recommendation there a short description of the purpose, of the content and, in many cases, also of the evolution of the content in the subsequent versions. There are also cross-references to the other Recommendations dealing with related issues.
The main purpose of this Guide is to give to developing countries an improved capability in the application of standards, while the telecommunication industry, particularly manufacturers and op-erators, could benefit from the greater involvement of developing countries in the making and ap-plication of standards.
The Guide could also have a wider use among manufacturers and operators who are not directly involved in the preparation of this group of Recommendations and they could find in the Guide a useful tool both for rapidly focusing on the Recommendation(s) of specific interest and for better understanding the meaning and the objectives of each Recommendation.
Historic references:
ITU-T A.5 justification(s): |
First registration in the WP:
2008-02-22 00:00:00
Last update:
2008-03-04 09:26:43