Work item:
Guidelines for Assessing the Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Greenhouse gas emissions
Under study [Issued from previous study period]
Approval process:
Type of work item:
Equivalent number:
2026 (Medium priority)
Supporting members:
China Unicom, ChinaTelecom, State Grid Corporation of China, ZTE Corporation (China), Nokia corporation, Orange, Colombia, ARCEP
As the demand for artificial intelligence technology increases, so does the environmental pressure it imposes. The environmental impact associated with AI, driven by significant energy costs, has become a critical issue that must be addressed for the future development of AI. The main purpose of this WI is to establish appropriate guidelines for assessing greenhouse gas emission of AI systems, provide general principles that guide relevant stakeholders about AI systems in combination with environmental considerations and about the use of AI solutions to address current environmental challenges and achieving sustainable environments.
This work will help promote management and reduction action plans in environmental contexts, as well as technological innovation in related industries where AI is used. The application of AI technology requires significant computing power and electricity, which inevitably pressures on the environment. With substantial energy costs, the environmental impact, in particular GHG emissions, has become a crucial issue to address for the future development of AI.
This Recommendation provides a holistic framework for evaluating the greenhouse gas emissions of artificial intelligence, covering direct and indirect impacts, assessment, and mitigation strategies. The methods in L.1410 and L.1480 provide the baseline for this assessment. This WI will build on those methods and provide practitioner additional guidance how to apply the methods for AI systems. This Recommendation will help relevant parties ensure that current adaptation actions are effective in addressing the evolving climate change over the long term. This Recommendation will provide a focused framework for evaluating whether it is environmentally beneficial, from GHG emissions, to use artificial intelligence technology compared to not using AI or comparing GHG emissions impact of two AI systems This assessment will take into account the full life cycle of AI systems, including the use of the AI system. It will help AI users to choose a system or solution that is cause less influence to the environment from a Climate Change perspective.
Historic references:
ITU-T A.5 justification(s): |
First registration in the WP:
2024-07-03 11:52:59
Last update:
2024-07-03 11:58:24