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ITU-T work programme

[2025-2028] : [SG12] : [Q14/12]

[Declared patent(s)]  - [Associated work]

Work item: P.NATS-ph3
Subject/title: Quality integration module for adaptive video streaming QoE in the context of P.120X-Recommendation series; extension of P.1204.X models towards HDR, 8K and viewing-distance dependency
Status: Under study 
Approval process: AAP
Type of work item: Recommendation
Version: New
Equivalent number: -
Timing: 2026 (Medium priority)
Liaison: -
Supporting members: Telefon AB - LM Ericsson Netscout Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT) Rohde & Schwarz GmbH & Co. KG Ilmenau University of Technology
Summary: The new work item targets the collaborative development of an Open Source Pq-module usable as a component in conjunction with the corresponding Pa and Pv modules of e.g. P.1203.1, P.1203.2 and P.1204.X. The following description outlines the basic ideas around this new work item: Context: There are some aspects regarding which the current long-term integration Pq in P.1203.3 can be improved Correspondingly, the underlying training and validation test databases should be amended for an even better basis for a Pq-type model. Similar database-limitations also apply to the training and validation databases used for the long-term integration evaluation in the pixel-based model tracks of P.NATS Phase 2. Based on these considerations, the parties mentioned above agreed that there should be a joint development of a new Pq integration module, integrating the combined knowledge of the participating parties (who e.g. have contributed to the integration components described in P.1203.3). Outline of the project: The Work Item targets a short development cycle, aiming for consent of a new Pq-related standard during the first meeting of SG12 / Q14/12 in new Study Period, provisionally scheduled for January 2021. Due to the current limitations of running subjective tests as a result of the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, the finalization of the project may be re-considered. The project takes a green-field approach where first a simple model is created step-by-step and continuously improved till standard finalization. As an entry requirement for participation, the contribution of at least two long-sequence (1min up to 5min) audiovisual quality test databases is defined, and these databases need to be available at the time of kicking off the project in April 2020, reflecting the targeted short duration of the P.NATS Phase 3 project. The databases must have the following characteristics: At least 24 valid subjects, HTTP-based adaptive streaming type degradations such as stalling, quality adaptations, etc., per-subject ratings on 5-point ACR-scale or similar, given as retrospective ratings at end of viewing for given sequence duration, bitstream features that enable the calculation of P.1203.1 Mode 3 or P.1204.3 type per-1-sec Video-quality and P.1203.2-type audio-quality scores plus exact timing information about Initial Loading Delay and Stalling Events, if possible provision of audio and video sources for screening within participant group; acceptable databases are, for example, the training and validation databases finally used in the P.NATS Phase 1 or Phase 2 competitions; in turn, rejected databases from these projects would not be acceptable. Active participants are expected to adhere to the project goals, which are the creation of an Open Source standard (inspired e.g. by the goals of the developments of video technology within the Alliance for Open Media, AOM), attractivity for proponents to participate in the collaboration due to the multi-lateral benefit of open know-how exchange, active and constructive participation to ensure an equal spread of the development load across participants and the required short development cycle of the project, high quality and high number of databases, and reduced complexity of merging due to the evolutionary character of the model creation. To get to such new Pq-module, additional databases are needed, which will be created during the course of the project. Each participant is required to contribute at least 1 (more are welcome) new long-sequence test database. The subjective test method for these new databases will be discussed and decided on by the project participants. For the Open Source development, the GitHub available by ITU-T can be used (cf. Further details of the new P.NATS Phase 3 Work Item will be described in Terms-of-Reference (ToR) and Requirement Specification documents to be created during the project.
Comment: -
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First registration in the WP: 2020-04-28 16:33:26
Last update: 2025-01-23 16:48:43