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ITU-T work programme

[2022-2024] : [SG16] : [Q13/16]

[Declared patent(s)]

Work item: F.IMTS-reqs
Subject/title: Requirements and framework for integrated multimedia transport service
Status: [Carried to next study period]
Approval process: AAP
Type of work item: Recommendation
Version: New
Equivalent number: -
Timing: -
Liaison: ITU-T SG13
Supporting members: China Telecom, ZTE, China Mobile., MIIT (China), ETRI, China Unicom,
Summary: This draft Recommendation specifies the requirements and framework for integrated multimedia transport service. This Recommendation aims to describe the integrated multimedia transport system in the abstract level. It identifies key requirements and use case scenarios, abstract framework, and information flow model, providing a research foundation for the subsequent determination of technological architecture, service workflow, and possible interface standardization. With this Recommendation, an integrated media transport system can at the same time detect requirements of services, providing suitable application level guarantees (e.g. adaptive media bitrate, ensure data recovery, and etc.), plan best routing paths for transmission, and fully utilize the benefits of each transport network for packet delivery, therefore achieving optimal overall performance.
Comment: -
  Historic references:
Ge Chen, Editor
Chuanyang Miao, Editor
Xiuying Nie, Editor
Xin Shen, Editor
Zhifan Yin, Editor
ITU-T A.5 justification(s):
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First registration in the WP: 2023-11-10 12:20:18
Last update: 2024-02-02 14:32:17