ITU's 160 anniversary

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ITU-T work programme


[Work programme]
Work group: SG13 (Presentation Web page is available here)
Title: Future networks and emerging network technologies​
Description: ITU-T Study Group 13 is responsible for studies relating to the requirements, architectures, capabilities, and APIs as well as softwarization and orchestration aspects of converged future networks (FN), specifically focusing on IMT-2020 non-radio related parts. This also includes IMT- 2020 project management coordination across all ITU-T study groups and release planning and implementation scenarios. It is responsible for studies relating to cloud-computing technologies, big data, virtualization, resource management, reliability and security aspects of the considered network architectures. It is responsible for studies relating to FMC, mobility management, and enhancements to existing ITU-T Recommendations on mobile communications, including the energy-saving aspects. Furthermore, Study Group 13 responsibility includes studies on emerging network technologies for IMT-2020 networks and future networks, such as Information Centric Networking (ICN)/Content Centric Networking (CCN). Study Group 13 is also responsible for studies relating to standardization of concepts and mechanisms to enable trusted ICT, including framework, requirements, capabilities, architectures and implementation scenarios of trusted network infrastructures and trusted cloud solutions in coordination with all study groups concerned.
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Chair: MrKazunoriTanikawa
Vice-chair: MsYosraAbbes
Vice-chair: MrObidAsadov
Vice-chair: MsSoumayaBenbartaoui
Vice-chair: Mr.AbhijanBhattacharyya
Vice-chair: MrMohannadEl-Megharbel
Vice-chair: MrJohnHICKEY
Vice-chair: Ms.HalimaIsmaeel
Vice-chair: MrElliotKabalo
Vice-chair: MrKangchanLee
Vice-chair: MrMohammed KyariMustafa
Vice-chair: MrAndyPitts
Vice-chair: MrJoão Alexandre MoncaioZanon
Vice-chair: MsYuanZhang
Counsellor: MsTatianaKurakova
Administrative assistant: MsShabnamKarimova