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ITU-T K.78 (12/2020)

عربي | 中文 | English | Español | Français | Русский
High altitude electromagnetic pulse immunity guide for telecommunication centres
Recommendation ITU-T K.78 specifies the radiated and conducted immunity requirements against a high altitude electromagnetic pulse (HEMP) for equipment installed in telecommunication centres for functions such as switching, transmission, radiocommunication, and power distribution. The requirements consist of immunity test methods and levels for telecommunication equipment in each installation condition. The telecommunication system can be more robust by applying surge protective devices (SPDs) for surge mitigation and electromagnetic screening to the building and/or equipment enclosures.
Series title: K series: Protection against interference
Approval date: 2020-12-14
Provisional name:K.hemp
Approval process:AAP
Status: In force
Maintenance responsibility: ITU-T Study Group 5
Further details: Patent statement(s)
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