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ITU-T K.56 (05/2021)

عربي | 中文 | English | Español | Français | Русский
Protection of radio base stations against lightning discharges
Recommendation ITU-T K.56 presents the techniques applied to a telecommunication radio base

station in order to protect it against lightning discharges. The need of protection is obtained from the

methodology contained in IEC 62305-2, which is used to determine the relevant lightning protection

level (LPL) for the installation. The protection techniques for the external area cover the lightning

protection system (LPS), bonding procedures, earthing and the installation of surge protective devices

(SPDs) at the power meter station. The protection techniques for the equipment building cover the

feeder and lighting cables, the electric power conductors, the telecommunication cabling and the

earthing/bonding procedures applied to cable trays and equipment frames. This Recommendation also

provides guidelines in order to achieve adequate protection of the telecommunication equipment based

on the coordination between equipment resistibility, SPD protection level and installation

Series title: K series: Protection against interference
Approval date: 2021-05-21
Provisional name:K.rbs
Approval process:AAP
Status: In force
Maintenance responsibility: ITU-T Study Group 5
Further details: Patent statement(s)
Development history