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ITU-T K.122 (12/2016)

عربي | 中文 | English | Español | Français | Русский
Exposure levels in close proximity of radiocommunication antennas
The guidance concerning the exposure levels in close proximity to transmitting antennas is important for safety of the radiocommunication staff operating in such areas.
Recommendation ITU-T K.122 gives information concerning the electric field strength levels that can be expected in close proximity to the broadcasting and radiocommunication antennas so that a comparison with the exposure limits is possible. This is important for maintenance personnel and in some cases also for the general public. In the case of workers it is recommended that affected personnel should be trained by expert staff so that they are able to assess the exposure levels in close proximity of radiocommunication antennas.
There are many possible configurations of transmitting antennas. In this Recommendation the most typical ones are presented, in order to give general information about exposure levels that can be expected during the operation of radiocommunication systems.
Series title: K series: Protection against interference
Approval date: 2016-12-14
Provisional name:K.emf
Approval process:AAP
Status: In force
Maintenance responsibility: ITU-T Study Group 5
Further details: Patent statement(s)
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