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ITU-T Y Suppl. 80 (11/2023)

عربي | 中文 | English | Español | Français | Русский
ITU-T Y.3800 series – Quantum key distribution networks use cases
Supplement 80 to ITU-T Y-series Recommendations consolidates quantum key distribution network (QKDN) use cases in the context of networking technologies as the mandate of ITU-T SG13.
Through a comprehensive analysis, the QKDN uses cases are classified into several classes and this Supplement highlights the competitive advantage of the QKDN use cases and provides suggestions for future standardization efforts in ITU-T SG13.
Series title:
Approval date: 2023-11-03
Provisional name:Y.Supp.QKDN-UC
Approval process:Agreed
Status: In force
Maintenance responsibility: ITU-T Study Group 13
Further details: Patent statement(s)
Development history