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ITU-T Y Suppl. 18 (06/2012)

عربي | 中文 | English | Español | Français | Русский
ITU-T Y.2700-series - Supplement on next generation network certificate management
Supplement 18 to ITU-T Y-series Recommendations provides guidelines for managing ITU-T X.509 certificates for NGN security based on the trust model defined in ITU-T Y.2701 to supplement the information in ITU-T Y.2704. This Supplement is applicable to any next generation network (NGN) using certificates based on the framework for public key infrastructure (PKI) and privilege management infrastructure (PMI) specified in ITU-T X.509 for identification, authentication, privilege/attribute management and/or encryption between network elements and between user end-devices and the NGN provider customer premises equipment (CPE) provisioning element.
Series title:
Approval date: 2012-06-15
Approval process:Agreed
Status: In force
Maintenance responsibility: ITU-T Study Group 13
Further details: Patent statement(s)
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