
Partnerships in 2024

Measuring National ICT Sector Climate Impact : Arcep Case Study
Signed on 20/11/2024 between ITU and World Bank

Cybersecurity Capacity Building for Bhutanese Officials
Signed on 11/11/2024 between ITU and Japan International Cooperation Agency

Asistencia Técnica a la Comisión Nacional de Telecomunicaciones de Paraguay en el área regulatoria

Signed on 11/11/2024 between ITU and Comisión Nacional de Telecomunicaciones , Paraguay

Global Programme Digital Transformation
Signed on 06/11/2024 between ITU and Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH

Support to ITU Satellites Resources Training and Spectrum Management Conference

Signed on 28/10/2024 between ITU and United Nations Office for Project Services

Disaster Preparedness and Response through Satellite Telecommunications
Signed on 25/10/2024 between ITU and Intelsat Global Sales and Marketing Ltd.

Digital Skills for Life (ADD)

Signed on 23/10/2024 between ITU and Qualcomm, Inc.

Establishment of an ITU Acceleration Centre
Signed on 17/10/2024 between ITU and Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina

Digital Regulation Training for Africa

Signed on 16/10/2024 between ITU and Islamic Development Bank

Regional Regulatory Innovation for Central America – Sandbox
Signed on 03/10/2024 between ITU and European Commission

EU Support to Africa’s National Broadband Mapping Systems (Africa-BB-Maps)
Signed on 30/09/2024 between ITU and European Commission

Joint Capacity Development Activities under the ITU Academy Training Centres Programme
Signed on 10/09/2024 between ITU and National Telecom Regulatory Authority, Egypt

2024 ITU Regional Asia-Pacific CyberDrill

Signed on 10/09/2024 between ITU and Cyber Security Brunei

Modelo contractual para operación del Registro de Dominio “.co”
Signed on 02/09/2024 between ITU and Ministerio de Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones, Colombia

Accelerating digital government services development in Eswatini by leveraging GovStack principles, specifications and resources
Signed on 27/08/2024 between ITU and United Nations Development Programme

GIGA Initiative in the OECS Region
Signed on 12/08/2024 between ITU, United Nations Children’s Fund and Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States

Regional Cooperation of the GovStack Digital Government for the Central Asia and Caucasus region countries

Signed on 09/08/2024 between ITU and Eurasian Development Bank – National Information Technologies JSC, Kazakhstan

Actualización del PGCEA de Colombia y buenas prácticas en acceso y servicio universal con TV

Signed on 30/07/2024 between ITU and Ministerio de Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones, Colombia

Digital Transformation of Local Self-Governments in Montenegro

Signed on 29/07/2024 between ITU and UN/UNDP Multi-Partner Trust Fund Office, and United Nations Office for Project Services

Danish Contribution to Early Warning for All (EW4All)

Signed on 29/07/2024 between ITU and World Meteorological Organization

Greening Digital Companies 2024: Monitoring Emissions and Climate Commitments

Signed on 15/07/2024 between ITU and World Benchmarking Alliance

Design of dedicated technical capability and coverage on multi-orbit technologies

Signed on 12/07/2024 between ITU and Eutelsat S.A.

Ensuring coverage, access and use of digital connectivity in rural lagging territories to improve the quality of life for the most vulnerable groups  – Chile

Signed on 12/07/2024 between ITU and UN/UNDP Multi-Partner Trust Fund Office, and UN Women, and Pan American Health Organization, and Food and Agriculture Organization, and United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean

Partnership for Strengthening Cybersecurity

Signed on 20/06/2024 between ITU and Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH

Strengthening collaboration on ICT infrastructure mapping

Signed on 14/06/2024 between ITU and West Africa Telecommunications Regulators Assembly

A system Approach to Understanding National Cybersecurity Education Capacity

Signed on 14/06/2024 between ITU and General Secretariat of the Organization of American States

Accelerating Digital Innovation through the I-Codi Initiative

Signed on 10/06/2024 between ITU and Telecommunications and Digital Government Regulatory Authority, United Arab Emirates

The Women in the Digital Economy Community of Practice (CoP)

Signed on 10/06/2024 between ITU and United States Agency for International Development

Climate Risk and Early Warning Systems (CREWS) – Early Warnings for All Initiative (EW4All) multi-stakeholder accelerator in LDCs and SIDS

Signed on 07/06/2024 between ITU and United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction

Digital Skills for Life

Signed on 05/06/2024 between ITU and Qualcomm, Inc.

Support to telecommunication/ICT development activities in the Asia-Pacific region

Signed on 04/06/2024 between ITU and Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications, and the Arts of Australia

Scaling Entrepreneurial and Leadership Skills Training of Trainers (TOT) Programme for ITU Digital Transformation Centers

Signed on 17/06/2024 between ITU and United Nations Development Programme

Support to Women in Cyber Programme

Signed on 14/05/2024 between ITU and Microsoft

Digital Agriculture and Rural Transformation in Albania

Signed on 10/05/2024 between ITU and UN Joint SDG Fund, and Food and Agriculture Organization, and International Labour Organization

Capacity and Digital Skills Development

Signed on 08/05/2024 between ITU and PLDT Inc.

Establishment of an ITU Acceleration Centre Signed on 03/05/2024 between ITU and Ministère des Nouvelles Technologies de l’Information et de la Communication, Gabon

AI for Girls Accelerator

Signed on 23/04/2024 between ITU and EYGS LLP

Gender Inclusion in Cybersecurity

Signed on 22/04/2024 between ITU, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH, and United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime

Capacity-Development Activities under the ITU Digital Transformation Centres Initiative

Signed on 19/04/2024 between ITU and Bridge the Digital Divide, Sierra Leone

Giga School Connectivity Project – Sao Tome and Principe

Signed on 18/04/2024 between ITU and United Nations Children’s Fund

EQUALS Her Digital Skills initiative

Signed on 11/04/2024 between ITU and Women’s WorldWide Web

Girls in ICT Day 2024 in Thailand

Signed on 05/04/2024 between ITU and National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission, Thailand

Desarrollo del conocimiento en tecnologías, para especialistas del ICE

Signed on 05/04/2024 between ITU and Instituto Costarricense de Electricidad

Promoting effective regulation, greater investment and innovative models for school connectivity in underserved communities in DAP countries

Signed on 28/03/2024 between ITU and Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office, United Kingdom

Smart Kostanay Education Ecosystem 2.0

Signed on 27/03/2024 between ITU and Kostanay Engineering and Economics University named after M. Dulatov

Implementation of projects within the framework of the regional initiatives of the World Telecommunication Development Conference

Signed on 26/03/2024 between ITU and Regional Commonwealth in the field of Communications

Global Programme Digital Transformation

Signed on 26/03/2024 between ITU and Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH

National Plan for the Development of Networks for Broadband Internet Access

Signed on 14/03/2024 between ITU and Ministry of Economic Development, Montenegro

Assessing AI Readiness in Southeast Asia

Signed on 08/03/2024 between ITU and United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

Establishment of an ITU Acceleration Centre

Signed on 06/03/2024 between ITU and Communications Authority of Kenya

Implementation of the Protection through online participation (POP) Initiative

Signed on 06/03/2024 between ITU and Office of the Special Representative for the Secretary General on Violence against Children

Capacity and Digital Skills Development

Signed on 05/03/2024 between ITU and Bharti Airtel International (Netherlands) B.V

The Global E-waste Monitor 2024

Signed on 04/03/2024 between ITU, and United Nations Institute for Training and Research and Foundation Carmignac

Establishment of an ITU Acceleration Centre

Signed on 28/02/2024 between ITU and China Branch of BRICS Institute of Future Networks

Cybersecurity Development

Signed on 04/03/2024 between ITU and United Arab Emirates Cybersecurity Council, United Arab Emirates

Establishment of an ITU Acceleration Centre

Signed on 27/02/2024 between ITU and Ministry of Information, Communication and Information Technology, Tanzania

EW4All multi-stakeholder accelerator in LDCs and SIDS

Signed on 26/02/2024 between ITU and United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction

Establishment of an ITU Acceleration Centre

Signed on 23/02/2024 between ITU and China Academy of Information Communications Technology

Establishment of an ITU Acceleration Centre

Signed on 09/02/2024 between ITU and Malawi Communications Regulatory Authority

Establishment of an ITU Acceleration Centre

Signed on 07/02/2024 between ITU and Oficina Gubernamental de Tecnología de La Información y la Comunicación, Dominican Rep.

Establishment of an ITU Acceleration Centre

Signed on 07/02/2024 between ITU and Ministry of Digital Transformation, Innovation and Modernisation of the Administration, Mauritania

Establishment of an ITU Acceleration Centre

Signed on 06/02/2024 between ITU and Postal and Telecommunications Regulatory Authority of Zimbabwe

Establishment of an ITU Acceleration Centre

Signed on 01/02/2024 between ITU and Senegal Numérique SA

Promoting the Development of Smart Sustainable Cities & Communities Telecom Infrastructure in Egypt

Signed on 17/01/2024 between ITU and National Telecom Regulatory Authority, Egypt

UN India SDG Fund

Signed on 03/01/2024 between ITU and UN/UNDP Multi-Partner Trust Fund Office