Key Insights
A series of CyberDrills were held:
- Regional CyberDrill for Africa – Lilongwe, Malawi
- CyberDrill for Americas – Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
- Sub-regional CyberDrill for Americas – Santiago, Chile
- Inter-regional CyberDrill for Arab Region and CIS – Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
- Inter-regional CyberDrill for Europe and Asia-Pacific – Limassol, Cyprus
As part of the Cyber for Good initiative, 18 countries: Chad, Djibouti, Gambia, Guinea, Guinea Bissau, Lesotho, Mali, Malawi, Mozambique, Rwanda, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Solomon Islands, Tanzania, Timor-Leste, Togo, Uganda, and Zambia, benefitted from free cybersecurity trainings, services, and tools.
The third edition of the Women in Cyber programme, which aims to empower women to develop skills to enhance gender inclusion in cybersecurity, was delivered online over four months. Over 300 participants from 60 countries in the Africa, Arab States, and Asia and the Pacific Regions engaged in a dynamic curriculum to develop both soft and technical skills in various cybersecurity fields.
The first edition of the Her CyberTracks initiative was launched to help prepare women from developing and middle-income countries in Africa and Europe, for meaningful roles in cybersecurity policy negotiations. Through online training, regional events and interactive sessions, over 100 women policymakers and diplomats from 20 countries gained valuable insights into complex cyber-related issues and forged meaningful connections to fortify cyber resilience across their regions.