ITU Subregional workshop for Asia on promoting and measuring Universal and Meaningful Connectivity (UMC)
16-18 December 2024, Bangkok, Thailand
ITU Regional Workshop for the Arab States on promoting and measuring Universal and Meaningful Connectivity (UMC)
1-3 October 2024, Doha, Qatar
ITU Regional Seminar for CIS countries on promoting and measuring Universal and Meaningful digital Connectivity (UMC)
24-27 June 2024, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
ITU Regional Workshop for the Caribbean on promoting and measuring Universal and Meaningful Connectivity (UMC)
11-13 June 2024, Nassau, Bahamas
ITU workshop on UMC at Internet Governance Forum
Annual meetings of ITU’s expert groups on ICT indicators
ITU side-event on UMC at UN High-Level Panel Forum on Sustainable Development
World Telecommunication/ICT Indicators Symposium 2023: Advancing the measurement agenda to achieve UMC