The accelerated innovation journey kicked off in Egypt with 6 digital transformation projects!
Exciting news! On the 25 August, ITU’s International Centre of Digital Innovation (I-CoDI) has kicked off the accelerated innovation journey of the 6 digital transformation projects in Egypt together with I-CoDI Regional Focal Point, Karim Abdelghani, and the Joint Team on Digital Transformation and Innovation (JDTI) in Egypt.
From ideation in July to prototyping and implementation, over the next 3 months project teams co-led by the UN agencies (UNWomen, UNDP, WFP, IOM, UNHabitat, UNESCO, UNFPA and UNIDO) and the relevant ministries will be working on exciting new solutions using technology to accelerate digital transformation in Egypt in line with the priorities of the United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework.