Launching Child Online Protection in Malta
The ITU’s Telecommunication Development Bureau delivered a ‘Training of Trainers’ on Child Online Protection for educators to staff from schools across Malta.
The training raised awareness among educators on the protection and rights of children online and related challenges and provided them with the necessary skills to discuss and address these issues at school, train other staff in the education system, and overall create a safer online experience for children. More than 100 educators were trained.
The training was conducted at the request of the Malta Foundation for the wellbeing of Society, led by the Former President of Malta, within the framework of their Promote Online Protection (P.O.P-up) project.
Following the successful conclusion of the training, the ITU Child Online Protection Guidelines will be produced in Maltese soon.
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About the project
Project number: 9GLO21112
Project title: Creating a Safe and Prosperous Cyberspace for Children
Description: The National Cybersecurity Authority (NCA) of the Kingdom of the Saudi Arabia commits to provide financial support to the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) to enter into a strategic partnership and launch a unique and comprehensive global programme on “Creating a Safe and Prosperous Cyberspace for Children”. Such support will be used to provide technical assistance to developing countries on child online protection and develop countries’ capacity. It is envisioned that the outcome of such technical assistance by ITU will be conducive to increased international coordination between the ITU Member States on Child Online Protection.
Visit the project page for more details.