Guiding the future work of ITU-D – New ITU-D Study Group interim deliverables available
The work of the Study Groups supports the work of ITU-D by exploring critical questions, agreed at WTDC-22, which are researched by ITU-D members to develop guidelines and best practices for impactful usage in developing countries.
ITU-D’s two Study Groups: – Study Group 1on ‘Enabling Environment for Meaningful Connectivity’ and Study Group 2on Digital Transformation – respond to seven Study Questions each. It is an opportunity for members to scope out ideas and collaborate to achieve consensus on appropriate strategies to address telecommunication/ICT priorities.
At the last annual Study Group meeting, two interim deliverables were approved by members:
The co-rapporteurs of each publication explain the impact of this work and how they reach their findings.
Cristiana Camarate & Dr. Wei Pei, ITU-D Study Group 1
Vanessa Copetti Cravo & Nicole Darabian, ITU-D Study Group 2
This is an ITU Development #DigitalImpactUnlocked story