P2C outlook – 2024 and beyond

Pursuant to P2C’s core mandate to bridge the digital divide by mobilizing resources across the Action Framework and catalysing concrete joint efforts to accelerate connectivity, its three priority areas for 2024 include:

Pledge mobilization

  • Continue efforts to mobilize new pledges, with the goal of achieving USD 100 billion in contributions by 2026.  
  • Continue to launch single-issue pledging campaigns with the aim of raising visibility and awareness on a particular key challenge. Two such campaigns are already planned, related to AI for good, and education/school connectivity.

Catalysing action and measuring impact

  • Continue fostering awareness and matchmaking opportunities between pledgers, leveraging events in both ITU and broader UN platforms.
  • Continue to actively monitor and track P2C commitments and engagements, and the impact that P2C pledges are making towards the overall objective of achieving universal connectivity and sustainable digital transformation.
  • Develop an enhanced P2C pledging platform with additional functionality to ease usage and facilitate matchmaking.

Strengthening the P2C community and governance

  • Continue to share input and guidance on the Coalition’s activities through the P2C Global Advisory Board.
  • Improve the facilities available on the P2C pledging platform for collaboration and evaluation.

We look forward to the P2C community’s continued engagement and commitment and would welcome any further ideas and feedback at partner2connect@itu.int.