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Monday, 01 July 2024
09:00 – 12:00
Room B Speke Ballroom
Regional Regulatory Associations (RA)
Digital Regulation Network (DRN) Meeting

(By invitation only)

(This pre-event was by invitation only for regional regulatory associations, regional organisations and regulatory authorities)

The Regional Regulatory Associations / Digital Regulation Network (DRN) Meeting provides a unique platform for Regulatory Associations (RA) to share experiences and knowledge. The aim of the DRN initiative is to accelerate sustainable digital transformation through common approaches to collaborative digital policy, regulation and governance across economic sectors and across borders.

The meeting discussed the “Development of harmonized broadband mapping systems”.


  • 9h00-9h15 Opening remarks
    • Dr Cosmas Luckyson Zavazava, BDT Director, ITU
    • Dr Ally Yahaya Simba, Executive Secretary of the East African Communications Organization (EACO) and RA Chair
  • 9h15-9h30 Presentation on the progress of the ITU Initiative “Digital Regulation Network (DRN) – A collaborative network of networks”
  • 9h30-10h30 Discussion and interventions from the Regional Regulatory Associations
    • Way forward
  • 10h30-11h00 Coffee break – photo
  • 11h00-11h50 Development of harmonized broadband mapping systems
  • 11h50-12h00 Closing

Regulatory Associations Website 

Opening remarks
Dr Cosmas Luckyson Zavazava
BDT Director, ITU
Mr Ally Simba
Executive Secretary, East African Communications Organisations (EACO) and RA-24 Chair
14:00 – 16:00
Room B Speke Ballroom
Heads of Regulators Executive Roundtable: Charting the course of transformative technologies
(By invitation only)

This Executive Roundtable was by invitation only

Transformative technologies (AI, big data, IoT, blockchain, robotics, nanotechnology, 3 and 4 D printing, quantum computing, etc.) are profoundly changing all aspects of our lives questioning our policy and regulatory models and governance approaches in an increasingly complex and fragmented environment. The discussion focused on reimagining regulation for positive social and economic impact considering contributions to the GSR-24 Best Practice Guidelines and guidelines presented for adoption.

  • Best Practice Guidelines presentation and adoption – Mr George William Nyombi Thembo, Executive Director of Uganda Communications Commission (UCC) and GSR-24 Chair
  • Discussion on reimagining regulation for positive social and economic impact
Dr Cosmas Luckyson Zavazava
BDT Director, ITU
Mr George William Nyombi Thembo
Executive Secretary, Uganda Communications Commission (UCC) and Chair GSR-24, Uganda (Republic of)
Mr Neil Sahota
Chief Executive Officer ACSILabs Inc, UN AI Advisor IBM Master Inventor,
Mr Michael Niyitegeka
Director, Refactory Limited
Tuesday, 02 July 2024
09:00 – 10:30
Room B Speke Ballroom
Industry Advisory Group on Development Issues and Private Sector Chief Regulatory Officers’ (IAGDI-CRO) Meeting

This session convened industry and private sector thought leaders who shared experiences, best practices and concrete proposals to address the complex regulatory and business landscape of the digital ecosystems. The meeting focused on dissecting the key regulatory challenges and opportunities of this decade that are influencing how industry operates, including, but not limited the following areas:

  • Digital Infrastructure Development, with a focus on financing and fair share, digital public infrastructure and digital inclusion, security, and privacy, as well as ESG readiness
  • Regulation of the future, including reforms required to achieve an equal playing field, and new domains such as AI
  • Technologies for the Future:
    • Non-Terrestrial Networks & Terrestrial Networks complementarity to deliver connectivity everywhere.
    • IoT, Advanced 5G & the future 6G technology.
    • Policy, Standards, Technology & Spectrum considerations.

Limited Seats: Preference was given to ITU-D Sector Members. ITU Member States and Regulators were welcome to attend and seating was available on a first-come, first-served basis.

IAGDI-CRO Outcome Statement

Opening remarks
Dr Cosmas Luckyson Zavazava
BDT Director, ITU
Mr Bocar Ba
CEO, SAMENA Telecommunications Council & IAGDI-CRO Chairman
Ms Lele Modise
Group Chief Executive – Legal and Regulatory Officer , Vice-Chair of IAGDI-CRO and MTN Group
Ms Isabelle Mauro
Director General , Global Satellite Operators Association (GSOA)
Mr Amir Al-Gibreen
Group Chief Regulatory and Compliance , STC
Ms Ruth Sebatindira
Founding Partner, Ligomarc
Mr Fraser Graham
Director, Public Policy, Ooredoo Group
Mr Christopher Hemmerlein
Senior Public Policy Manager, Amazon
Mr Ahmed Riad Rashad
Senior Director, Strategy and Industry Development, Huawei
Ms Tatiana Lawrence
International & Regulatory Vice President, Iridium
Mr Aboubakar Haman
Chief Regulatory Officer, Axian Telecom
11:00 – 12:00
Room A Rwenzori Convention Hall
Opening ceremony
H.E. MAJ. (RTD) Jessica Alupo
Vice President, Uganda (Republic of)
H.E. Dr Chris Baryomunsi
Minister, Ministry of ICT and National Guidance, Uganda (Republic of)
Ms Doreen Bogdan-Martin
Secretary-General, ITU
Mr George William Nyombi Thembo
Executive Director, Uganda Communications Commission (UCC) and GSR-24 Chair, Uganda (Republic of)
Dr Cosmas Luckyson Zavazava
BDT Director, ITU
14:00 – 15:15
Room A Rwenzori Convention Hall
High Level Segment: Maximizing digital opportunities for impact 
-Ministerial conversation
-Interactive regulators and digital stakeholders’ conversation

This high-level session examined how to adjust the policy and regulatory pendulum to address today’s digital needs while preparing for tomorrow. The conversation started with a Ministerial exchange and continued with regulators and industry players.

  • What win-win solutions exist?
  • Addressing the financing gap to secure investments and achieve inclusive and sustainable digital development, what works and lessons learned
  • How to better leverage from digital infrastructures and technologies to reduce costs for universal access ensure resilience and extend connectivity for all, including those on the move?
  • From cross regulatory measures to innovation and collaboration, is it business as usual? Strengthening cross-border digital collaboration
  • Mainstreaming collaborative approaches in the digital ecosystems, the role of governments and regulators in providing a coherent approach to complex challenges
Dr Cosmas Luckyson Zavazava
BDT Director, ITU
Ministerial Panel
H.E. Mr Kabbyanga Godfrey Baluku
Minister of State for National Guidance, Uganda (Republic of)
H.E. Mr Toelupe Poumulinuku Onesemo
Minister, Ministry of Communications and Information Technology, Samoa (Independent State of)
H.E. Mr Nape Nnauye
Minister , Ministry of Information, Communication and Information Technology, Tanzania (United Republic of)
Interactive Panel with regulators and industry players
Professor Sandra Maximiano
Chair, Autoridade Nacional de Comunicações (ANACOM), Portugal
Eng. Omar AlRejraji
Deputy Governor of Regulation and Competition Sector, Communications, Space and Technology Commission (CST), Saudi Arabia (Kingdom of)
Mr Bocar Ba
CEO, Samena Telecommunications Council & IAGDI-CRO Chairman
Ms Jane Nkechi Egerton-Idehen
Managing Director & Chief Executive Officer, NigComSat, Nigeria (Federal Republic of)
15:45 – 17:00
Room A Rwenzori Convention Hall
Session 2 – Space economy

The expansion of satellite networks have yielded new space-based applications that can aid critical economic, business and societal challenges.
This session explored regulatory measures and approaches for an inclusive, safe and sustainable space economy, demystifying future services such as mobile satellite direct to mobile end user devices services.

  • Understanding the space-based infrastructure, what measures are needed to harness the opportunities and mitigate risks in terms of access (licensing), enforcement, and sustainability?
  • The ecosystem comprising different space stakeholders is evolving towards greater complexity, how to address the different requirements?
  • Preparing for the future, what services are coming next? Mobile satellite direct to mobile end user services, competing or complementing existing mobile terrestrial services?
Dr Dorothy Okello
Board Chair, Uganda Communications Commission (UCC), Uganda (Republic of)
Professor Konstantinos Masselos
President, Hellenic Telecommunications & Post Commission (EETT), Greece
Ms Jane Nkechi Egerton-Idehen
Managing Director & Chief Executive Officer, NigComSat, Nigeria (Federal Republic of)
Ms Tatiana Lawrence
International & Regulatory Vice President, Iridium
Mr John Janka
Chief Government Affair Officer, Global Government Affairs & Regulatory, Viasat
Mr David Goldman
Vice President, Satellite Policy, SpaceX
17:00 – 18:00
Room A Rwenzori Convention Hall
Dialogue on tools for sustainable space (Special event)

The future of space depends on a sustainable framework to regulate and encourage responsible actions in the shared commons. For countries hoping to harness the power of space-based service as well as those hoping to grow their own space sector, this means setting appropriate expectations for safe space operations, and measures to ensure efficient spectrum use as more space-based services are deployed. This workshop discussed the foundational best practices and current debates in space safety, and the spectrum parameters for many space systems to co-exist and flourish and that could be included in a future Space Policy & Regulation Toolkit for step-by-step guidance to regulate new space systems and to enable the use of their services.

  • Many soft laws, best practices and standards already exist – what additional policies and regulations will be needed to ensure a robust future of space?
  • What behaviors can governments encourage or require for a safe space ecosystem with diverse space stakeholders?
  • Earth Exploration Satellite Services are increasing in supply and demand; what regulatory approaches are needed?
  • How is the ITU preparing for space sustainability and growth? Updates from WRC-23
  • What key regulatory elements should be reviewed to ensure proper oversight to space-based systems and their associated ground networks?
Ms Ekaterine Imedadze
Commissioner, Communications Commission (ComCom), Georgia
Mr Jorge Ciccorossi
Senior Radiocommunication Engineer (BR), ITU
Mr Gonzalo de Dios
Head of Global Licensing, Project Kuiper, Amazon
Mr Cecil Ameil
Director for Regulatory Affairs, Responsible for Market Access, Policy and Spectrum Advocacy in Europe, Africa and Middle East , Société Européenne des Satellites (SES)
Ms Laura Roberti
Senior Director, Spectrum & Market Access, Telesat Canada
Wednesday, 03 July 2024
09:00 – 10:15
Room A Rwenzori Convention Hall
Session 3 – Connecting everyone, everything, everywhere, all at once

This session examined new policy and governance approaches needed to make the digital economy more available at the national, regional and global level as neither everyone nor everything is connected everywhere.

  • Can effective consultation using new tools (e.g. crowd sourcing) be the novel tool to identify black spots and performance of coverage obligations and set regulatory priorities for infrastructure deployment at national, regional and international levels?
  • What are some of the approaches that will allow policy makers and regulators to fast-track the achievement of social, economic and environmental goals towards the digitally connected Future We Want for all?
  • How can collaboration mechanisms for stakeholders’ engagement pave the way to resilient connectivity for everyone, everywhere, at all times?
  • Leveraging alternative technology and infrastructure from other sectors to ensure connectivity and resilience and address the difficult to reach areas
Ms Ava Nadir
Commissioner, Communications and Media Commission (CMC), Iraq (Republic of)
Mr Gustavo Delgado
Vice President of the Board, Unidad Reguladora de Servicios de Comunicaciones (URSEC), Uruguay (Eastern Republic of)
Ms Isabelle Mauro
Director General , GSOA
Mr Patrick Masambu
Director General, ITSO
Mr Ben Roberts
CTIO, Liquid Intelligent Technologies Group
Mr Samuel Chen
President of South African Regional Carrier Business, Huawei
10:45 – 12:00
Room A Rwenzori Convention Hall
Session 4 – Mastering digital transformation

The speed of tech evolution will continue to outpace policy makers and regulators.  The session examined how they can respond to challenges in digital regulation, focusing on:

  • Affordability and access to digital public services, how to address the remaining barriers to digital inclusion?
  • Digital public infrastructure: regulating the next layer requires bridging historical silos and strengthen collaboration to ensure safety, security, protection of data and privacy. What policy and regulatory measures apply? What works? What doesn’t work?
  • Building trust in the transformation process, are we there yet? Deploying and maintaining open- source in government requires new skill sets and sustainable business plans for the maintenance of systems. It also necessitates engagement with open-source communities and local ecosystems. What are the solutions?
  • Ensuring quality of service across digital infrastructures, services and applications, who is in charge?
Mr Petros Galides
Deputy Commissioner, Office of the Commissioner of Electronic Communications and Postal Regulation and EMERG Chair, Cyprus (Republic of)
Dr Abdul Busuulwa
Lecturer Department of Community and Disability Studies, Faculty of Special Needs and Rehabilitation, Kyambogo University, Uganda (Republic of)
Mr Louis-Marc Sakala
Director General, Agence de Régulation des Postes et des Communications Electroniques (ARPCE), Congo (Republic of the)
Mr Mothibi Ramusi
Chairperson, Independent Communications Authority of South Africa (ICASA), South Africa (Republic of)
Ms Denyse White Sutherland
Deputy National Chief Digital Officer, Ministry of Digital Transformation, Trinidad and Tobago
Ms Lele Modise
Group Chief Legal and Regulatory Affairs Officer, MTN
12:45 – 13:45
Room B Speke Ballroom
Network of Women (NoW) in ITU-D interactive session

A conversation to dissect barriers and explore mechanisms for greater participation of women in ICT-related fields at the highest levels of policy making, with a view to addressing leadership gender gap in the ICT sector.

Opening remarks and Group Discussions focused on key questions:

  • Why is gender balance in the digital ecosystem leadership important and how can we break stereotypes?
  • How can a gender perspective inform regulation for impact?
  • What policy and regulatory approaches have been, and can be, employed to increase the participation of women in tech operations and leadership?
  • Can you share three ITU-D meetings that you have participated in over the last four years and recommendations to increase women’s participation?


Opening remarks
Dr Cosmas Luckyson Zavazava
BDT Director, ITU
Ms Doreen Bogdan-Martin
Secretary General, ITU
Ms Sofie Maddens
Mrs Ashwaq Alotaibi
Ms Ekaterine Imedadze
Commissioner, Communications Commission (ComCom), Georgia
Dr Kim Mallalieu
Deputy Chairman, Telecommunications Authority of Trinidad and Tobago (TATT), Trinidad and Tobago
Professor Sandra Maximiano
Chair, Autoridade Nacional de Comunicações (ANACOM), Portugal
Mrs Regina Fleur Assoumou-Bessou
Chair, ITU-D Study Group 1 and Advisor to the Director General, Autorité de Régulation des Télécommunications/TIC de Côte d’Ivoire, Côte d’Ivoire (Republic of)
14:00 – 15:15
Room A Rwenzori Convention Hall
Session 5 – Safe and inclusive digital financial services

This session discussed regulatory approaches to an enabling safe, secured and inclusive digital financial ecosystem and the challenges of crypto-assets (digital currency) regulation, because of the complexity, anonymity, and online ubiquity of these assets across borders. Nascent regulatory approaches often build on the tradition of banking regulations.

  • How to ensure inclusive access to digital financial services?
  • There are growing calls to regulate cryptocurrencies. Is this the right approach and who is affected? Who is in charge? Who is responsible?
  • How to ensure security of digital transactions? What safeguards exist? Who is in charge?
  • Fintech: How to balance innovative regulatory approaches with traditional banking regulations?
  • What regulatory measures can regulators and digital players put in place to strengthen consumer safety and trust in digital financial services?
Mr Aliyu Yusuf Aboki
Executive Secretary, West Africa Telecommunications Regulators Assembly (WATRA)
Mr Mustafa Yasin Sheikh
Director General, National Communications Authority, Somalia
Mr James Gabriel Claude
CEO, Global Voice Group
Ms Mei Lin Fung
Chair, People Centered Internet
Mr Ronald Azairwe
CEO, Pegasus Technologies Ltd
15:45 – 17:00
Room A Rwenzori Convention Hall
Session 6 – AI and robotics for positive impact

Popular applications of AI include facial recognition systems, self-driving cars, neural networks, photo or object identification, translation and search software, and text chatbots. This session discussed how to meet the regulatory challenges brought by these technologies taking into consideration ethical aspects, standards development, and risk mitigation approaches for responsible AI and robotics.

  • Preparing for the expanding AI and robotics economy, do the basics still apply? AI applications, what lessons have we learned so far? What governance model to apply? What role for regulators in this brave new world? How to mitigate risks?
  • Leveraging innovative robotic technologies for social good, inclusion and accessibility, what policy and regulatory tools can support SMEs and start-ups in tech offering innovative solutions?
  • Regulators need to monitor and consider the implications – present and future – of this fast-moving area, what strategies to adopt to mitigate risks and create trustworthy AI systems?
  • How to collaborate with other stakeholders in the AI and robotic space and foster innovation and competition for positive impact?
Mr Neil Sahota
Chief Executive Officer ACSILabs Inc, UN AI Advisor, IBM Master Inventor
Ms Cristiana Camarate
Substitute Member of the Board of Directors, Agência Nacional de Telecomunicações (ANATEL), Brazil (Federative Republic of)
H.E. Mr Bassam Alsarhan
Chairman of the Board and CEO, Telecommunications Regulatory Commission (TRC), Jordan
Dr Gift Kallisto Machengete
Director General, Postal and Telecommunications Regulatory Authority of Zimbabwe (POTRAZ), Zimbabwe (Republic of)
Mr John Omo
Secretary General, African Telecommunications Union (ATU)
Dr Joyce Nakatumba-Nabende
Lecturer in the Department of Computer Science and Head, Makerere Artificial Intelligence Lab
Dr Chukwudi Ekwueme
Chairman, Uniccon Group of Companies
17:00 – 18:00
Room A Rwenzori Convention Hall
AI and Robotics in action (Side event)

In this session, young innovators could unveil their groundbreaking applications and solutions in AI and robotics to contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals. This session also delved into the transformative effects of AI across various industries, providing practical insights and success stories that underline the vast potential of AI-powered solutions

Mr Guillem Martinez Roura
Artificial Intelligence and Robotics Programme Officer (TSB), ITU
Mr Eugene Kudzai Jamu
Founder and Team Leader, Bruteforce Engineering (sponsored by POTRAZ), Zimbabwe (Republic of)
Mr Richard Ring Kuach Malek
South Sudan Robotics Club, South Sudan (Republic of)
Mr Emmanuel Maror Chol Ring
South Sudan Robotics Club (SSRC), South Sudan (Republic of)
Ms Mumbe Mwangangi
Co-founder, Nyansapo AI, Kenya (Republic of)
Dr William Wasswa
Head of the Department of Biomedical Sciences and Engineering, Mbarara University of Science and Technology (MUST), Uganda (Republic of)
Thursday, 04 July 2024
09:00 – 10:15
Room A Rwenzori Convention Hall
Session 7 – Agile regulation for innovation

This session examineed agile regulatory tools that provide a safe space for digital regulatory experimentation to allow fine tuning of new business models and foster resilience of future networks and services and support evidence-based regulatory decision-making.

  • Is Regulatory Impact Assessment (RIA), sandboxes and test beds the key to effective regulation?
  • What are the challenges and opportunities of regulatory sandboxing?
  • How different are RIA and text beds, what other approaches and solutions exist?
  • ICT regulators in Colombia, Mexico, France, Thailand and Saudi Arabia have set up sandboxes as an alternative to traditional initiatives. What are some key takeaways?
Mr Philip Marnick
General Director, Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA), Bahrain (Kingdom of)
Ms Bridget Mphatso Linzie
Executive Secretary, Communications Regulators Association of Southern Africa (CRASA)
Mr Mufarreh Nahari
Deputy Governor for International Affairs and Partnerships, Communications, Space and Technology Commission (CST), Saudi Arabia (Kingdom of)
Dr Tumubweinee Twinemanzi
Executive Director Banking Supervision, Bank of Uganda , Uganda (Republic of)
10:30 – 11:30
Room A Rwenzori Convention Hall
Session 8 – Harnessing digital for climate action

The ICT sector, a critical driver of global connectivity and technological advancement, stands at the forefront of efforts to combat climate change and tackle e-waste. However, the absence of regulated emissions reporting hinders effective policymaking and challenges our ability to set realistic targets and monitor progress. Recognising this critical gap, the ITU is leading an initiative to address the challenges in monitoring ICT sector Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions. This session discussed what is needed to undertake a comprehensive global GHG emissions data collection effort and to tackle increasing amounts of e-waste from the ICT sector.

  • What role do ICTs and transformative technologies play in combatting climate change and fostering environmental sustainability?
  • What measures can ICT regulators take to increase the reporting and monitoring of GHG emissions from the ICT sector? What are some of the barriers faced in collecting this data?
  • How can ICT regulators support the harmonization of ICT-related GHG emissions data collection methodologies across the global community?
  • How to strengthen public-private collaboration to monitor, track and analyze e-waste and GHG emissions reduction?
  • How to foster environmental transparency of digital ecosystems?
Mr Flavien Bachabi
President of the Board, Autorité de Régulation des Communications Electroniques et de la Poste (ARCEP-BENIN), Benin
Mr Xavier Merlin
Board Member, Autorité de Régulation des Communications électroniques et des Postes (ARCEP), France
Ms Gisa Fuatai Purcell
CEO, Office of the Regulator, Samoa (Independent State of)
Dr Kim Mallalieu
Deputy Chairman, Telecommunications Authority of Trinidad and Tobago (TATT), Trinidad and Tobago
Ms Dorothy Kabagambe Ssemanda
Chief Executive Officer, ATC, Uganda (Republic of)
11:30 – 12:00
Room A Rwenzori Convention Hall
Closing ceremony
RT. Hon. Thomas Tayebwa
Deputy Speaker of Parliament, Uganda (Republic of)
Dr Cosmas Luckyson Zavazava
BDT Director, ITU
Mr George William Nyombi Thembo
Executive Director, Uganda Communications Commission (UCC) and GSR-24 Chair, Uganda (Republic of)