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  • Monday
    16 Sep
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  • Thursday
    19 Sep

  • ITU Academy Training Centres (ATCs) 2nd Annual Meeting
    (Closed meeting)

    09:30 – 17:00
ITU Academy Training Centres (ATCs) 2nd Annual Meeting
(Closed meeting)
This meeting brings together representatives of the institutions participating in the ITU Academy Training Centres (ATCs), and is a practical, working event focused on implementing the programme and its operations.

  • Opening Ceremony

    09:30 – 10:15
    Open Webcast
  • Coffee break

    10:15 – 10:45
  • High-level dialogue on key issues related to digital transformation and the digital skills gap

    10:45 – 12:15
    Open Webcast
  • Announcement of the ITU-EU project “Capacity Development for Digital Transformation”

    12:15 – 12:30
    Open Webcast
  • Lunch break

    12:30 – 14:00
  • Bridging the digital skills divide

    14:00 – 15:15
    Open Webcast
  • Coffee break

    15:15 – 15:45
  • National digital skills frameworks for policymaking

    15:45 – 17:00
    Open Webcast
  • Welcome Cocktail

    17:15 – 18:45
Opening Ceremony
Mr Mohamed bin Thamer AlKaabi

Mr Mohamed bin Thamer AlKaabi

Ministry of Transportation and Telecommunications
Bahrain (Kingdom of)

Biography | Opening Remarks (Arabic)

Mr Mohamed bin Thamer AlKaabi

H.E. Mohamed bin Thamer AlKaabi was appointed as Minister of Transportation and Telecommunications in June 2022. He is responsible for regulating, developing and promoting the Transportation and Telecommunications sector in the Kingdom of Bahrain, as well as the postal services.

Prior to his appointment as Minister of Transportation and Telecommunications, Mohamed served as the Undersecretary of Civil Aviation Affairs from 2016 until 2022 and held several senior executive positions at Bahrain Airport Company.

Mohamed has over 40 years experience in the aviation industry and holds a Masters degree in Business Administration from the University of Glamorgan, UK.

He is currently a board member of the following organisations:

  • Chairman of National Space Science Agency (NSSA)

  • Bahrain Mumtalakat Holding Company (Mumtalakat)

  • Economic Development Board


Mr Mohamed bin Thamer AlKaabi

Opening Remarks (Arabic)

PDF file


بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم


سعادة الدكتور/ كوزماس زافازافا مدير مكتب تنمية الاتصالات بالاتحاد الدولي للاتصالات

السيد فيليب مارنك/ المدير العام لهيئة تنظيم الاتصالات بمملكة البحرين

أصحاب السعادة ،السيدات والسادة ،،

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته،

يشرفني أن أرحب بكم جميعًا في منتدى المهارات الرقمية، والذي تستضيفه مملكة البحرين بتنظيم من هيئة تنظيم الاتصالات وبالتعاون مع الاتحاد الدولي للاتصالات، حيث تعكس هذه الاستضافة التزامنا المشترك تجاه تعزيز وتطوير المهارات الرقمية وتبادل الأفكار والخبرات، والعمل على تحقيق مستقبلٍ رقمي أفضل وأكثر شمولاً للجميع.

الحضور الكريم،،،


إيمانا بالشباب كمحور للتنمية المستدامة وبناء المستقبل، حرصت حكومة مملكة البحرين برئاسة صاحب السمو الملكي الأمير سلمان بن حمد آل خليفة ولي العهد رئيس مجلس الوزراء حفظه الله، على الاستثمار في الطاقات الشبابية وتمكينها بأدوات العلم والمعرفة وذلك بتوفير المقومات الداعمة والمعززة لمهارات تكنولوجيا المعلومات والاتصالات لتهيئتها لمواكبة التحول الرقمي وذلك لتقليص الفجوة في المهارات الرقمية وتنمية القدرات وبناء قاعدة لرواد القطاع الرقمي والذي سينعكس على تسريع الابتكار في المملكة.


ولتمكين ذلك، فقد أطلقت مملكة البحرين عدة مبادرات للتطوير المهارات التقنيّة وصقلها، لربط الكفاءات بالفرص الوظيفيّة الواعدة في مجال تقنية المعلومات. بالإضافة الى البرامج المختلفة لتنمية الكوادر التقنية سواء من القطاع العام أو بالشراكة مع القطاع الخاص لسد فجوة المهارات الرقمية لتصبح عاملا مُّمكنا لبناء اقتصاد رقمي مستدام، وبناء القدرات وتعزيز الابتكار الرقمي وريادة الأعمال.


تأتي هذه الجهود ضمن إطار الخطة الوطنية السادسة للاتصالات، التي تهدف إلى تعزيز قطاع الاتصالات وتقنية المعلومات، ورفع مستوى المهارات الرقمية بما يتماشى مع رؤية مملكة البحرين 2030. هذه الرؤية التي تسعى إلى تحويل المملكة إلى مركز إقليمي للابتكار والاقتصاد الرقمي المستدام.


كما أن الخطة الاستراتيجية لقطاع الاتصالات وتقنية المعلومات 2023 – 2026 تركز على تطوير الكفاءات الرقمية من خلال برامج تدريبية متقدمة ومتطورة، ودعم الابتكار في قطاع التكنولوجيا، بالإضافة إلى تعزيز التعاون بين القطاعين العام والخاص لخلق بيئة رقمية متقدمة تلبي تطلعات سوق العمل الحالي والمستقبلي.


في هذا السياق، تحرص مملكة البحرين على تحديث المناهج التعليمية وتقديم برامج تدريبية مبتكرة تعزز من مهارات الشباب للاستخدام الامن للتقنيات الرقمية كما تؤهلهم للتعامل مع التقنيات الناشئة، مثل الذكاء الاصطناعي وإنترنت الأشياء، لضمان تزويد سوق العمل بالكفاءات المؤهلة للمستقبل.


السيدات والسادة،،،


سوف تتناول اعمال المنتدى عدة محاور ومواضيع مهمة تمتد على مدار ثلاثة أيام، كتقليص الفجوة الرقمية، وتنمية القدرات الرقمية، ومناقشة المهارات الرقمية المطلوبة لسوق العمل، واستعراض رؤى المختصين في مجال الصناعة حول احتياجات المهارات، وتقديم الدعم للمبتكرين ورواد الأعمال في المجال الرقمي. كما سيسلط المنتدى الضوء على أهمية تأمين استخدام التقنيات الرقمية والمعلومات على الإنترنت بطريقة آمنة ومسؤولة.


كما نتطلع في هذا المنتدى إلى تحقيق نتائج إيجابية ومستدامة، تعزز التنمية في قطاع الاتصالات، وأن يشكل هذا المنتدى فرصة لتضافر الجهود وتعزيز الشراكات من أجل تنفيذ المشاريع الهادفة لبناء وتطوير المهارات الرقمية و لتسريع التنمية الرقمية المستدامة.



وفي الختام، نتمنى لكم جميعاً مشاركة موفقة في هذا المنتدى، وإقامة طيبة في بلدكم الثاني مملكة البحرين.


والسلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته.


Dr Cosmas Luckyson Zavazava

Dr Cosmas Luckyson Zavazava

Telecommunication Development Bureau, ITU

Biography | Opening Remarks

Dr Cosmas Luckyson Zavazava

Dr Cosmas Luckyson Zavazava took office as Director of the Telecommunication Development Bureau (BDT) at the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) on 1 January 2023. 

With more than 30 years in telecommunications, including over 20 years in ITU’s Development Sector, Dr Zavazava has promoted and implemented impactful information and communication technology projects around the world. 

Prior to his election as BDT Director, he served as ITU’s Chief of Partnerships for Digital Development, overseeing development-related projects, strategic partnerships, and resource mobilization between 2019 and 2022, while launching new initiatives that have boosted the engagement of industry, private-sector and academia members in ITU’s work. 


Dr Cosmas Luckyson Zavazava

Opening Remarks

PDF file


Our host, Your Excellency, Mr Mohamed bin Thamer AlKaabi, Minister of Transportation and Telecommunications, Bahrain


Mr. Philip Marnick, General Director, Telecommunications Regulatory Authority, and Chair of this Digital Skills Forum


distinguished participants

ladies and gentlemen

good morning!


And, indeed, good afternoon or good evening to those joining remotely from all points east.

It is my distinct honour and privilege to welcome you to the ITU Digital Skills Forum.

I am deeply grateful to the Government of Bahrain for hosting this important Forum and for their warm hospitality.

This country’s commitment to digital skills is a shining example for us all.

In an era defined by digital transformation the importance of digital skills cannot be overstated.

Every aspect of our lives requires us to make use of increasingly advanced digital tools from education and healthcare to governance and economic development.

So, digital literacy is no longer a luxury.

We are gathered as representatives of a range of very different nations but we are united by a shared vision to empower our 21st century citizens with the digital skills they need to thrive.

Our goal is ambitious but achievable.

It is to ensure that no one is left behind in the digital revolution.

That revolution comprises the rise and rise of AI the power of Big Data and the challenge of new technologies like cryptocurrency which are bewildering for those not equipped with the right knowledge and skills.

But we can achieve that goal by fostering international collaboration sharing best practices and investing in digital education.

Connecting the unconnected has never been more crucial and not only for their own sake.

The global digital skills gap is a prevalent concern for many governments and industry leaders.

They also need those unconnected citizens to have the skills to perform 21st century jobs and drive progress.

At the ITU, the Telecommunications Development Bureau is committed to closing that digital skills gap.

Our role is to ensure digital transformation and digital skills development go hand in hand.

Together with our partner Cisco, we have launched the Digital Transformation Centre Initiative which equips citizens with basic and intermediate digital skills especially those in rural and underserved communities.

This Initiative has tremendous potential to unlock socio-economic opportunities for millions of people around the world to help improve their livelihoods and to bring them into today’s digital economy. Since the DTC initiative was launched it has benefitted over 364,000 participants.

Meanwhile, the ITU Academy offers training to professionals in the ICT field and other economic sectors.

More than 700 courses can be accessed each year through the platform which has a user base of over 50,000.

Yesterday, I met some of the many partners who make this possible namely the 14 ITU Academy Training Centres from across the world and I am delighted with the progress they are making. Since last year, the ATCs have delivered more than 90 courses benefitting over 5300 people.

But it is incumbent on us all academic institutions, governments and the private sector to create a comprehensive ecosystem for digital skills development.

ITU is ready to support you in this endeavour.

Today, it is my great pleasure to launch the ITU Digital Skills Toolkit a comprehensive, step-by-step guide to help you craft effective national digital skills strategies and policies.

This hands-on resource is filled with practical examples and actionable insights making it an invaluable asset for policy makers in all countries.

Please join us later this afternoon for an in-depth presentation of the Toolkit.

Over the next few days, you will also hear from thought leaders, policymakers and practitioners.

We will explore everything from digital inclusion and skills frameworks to cybersecurity and online safety from the skills required for the future of work to the impact of AI.

But let’s remember that behind all this technology lies the very human capacity to innovate, create and connect.

Let us harness this power to build more inclusive, resilient, and prosperous societies for all.

I look forward with excitement to the engaging and fruitful discussions ahead so let us begin.

Thank you!

Mr Philip Marnick

Mr Philip Marnick

General Director
Telecommunications Regulatory Authority
Bahrain (Kingdom of)

Biography | Opening Remarks

Mr Philip Marnick

Philip Marnick is the General Director of the Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA). He was appointed early January 2022 by the Members of the Board, to assume the position, paving the way for a more effective regulatory framework by continuing the evolution of the telecom sector liberalization.

Mr. Marnick leads the TRA, including the development of consumer protection initiatives and resolving disputes. The TRA develops regulatory rules that promote competition, innovation, and investment in broadband services and facilities, as well as developing a more comprehensive and competitive framework that aligns with international best practices. Ensuring that Bahrain remains a center of innovation and that its telecommunications sector serves everyone while supporting Bahrain’s strategic objectives.

Before assuming his role at the TRA, Philip managed and directed at Ofcom in the UK, where he was the Group Director of Spectrum responsible for all aspects of UK national and international spectrum management – from strategy to delivery including awards, clearance and enforcement.

Mr. Marnick has worked in the telecommunications sector for over 30 years. He has served as a senior executive in technology, operations, and strategy. Mr. Marnick has worked in both start-ups (from inception to sale) and major corporations, in firms such as UK Broadband, O2, Orange, BT, J-Phone in Japan (now Softbank Mobile), Extreme Mobile, and SpinVox (now Nuance).

From analogue to 5G, he has engaged across every mobile generation. Throughout his carrier he has been at the forefront of industry developments – in both fixed and mobile. He has collaborated on the first deployments of mobile networks utilizing new technologies and standards, this has also included innovative products such as the first camera phone and photo messaging service, as well as mobile internet and hosted voice services.


Mr Philip Marnick

Opening Remarks

PDF file


Welcome to Bahrain and the ITU Digital Skills Forum.


Today everything is going digital – people need the skills, so they are not left behind. Technology is advancing at a speed that is faster than ever. We can access information wherever we are, AI is making decisions.

The digital world also means that what was good connectivity before may not be good today.  Still too many people are not connected – we need to sort – but we need meaningful connectivity. We can’t just give people connectivity – it needs to continue to advance to ensure it continues to deliver what is needed.

Here in Bahrain, we have good connectivity – but we can’t rest – we need to keep advancing – I am happy that so many of the key players from our digital society are here with us today.

This event enables us to share ideas – learn from each other as we face the challenge of enhancing digital skills. We want to collaborate, share and learn from you all.

Often it is the young who we worry about learning.  But today young people have grown up with the digital world – they learn from each other.  We need to be open to learning from the young – everyone needs to be digitally literate. But let’s make sure we don’t forget people – it is too easy to assume – let’s not leave anyone behind.

Digital technology can bring people together – but it can also be lonely – people sitting in their room online.  People are being targeted by scams, miss information cyber-attacks. In everyday life we deal with, treats, crime, bullying – we also need to consider in the digital world. Online safety is a challenge – we not only need tools but education and information to ensure everyone – understands the risks – and is confident and comfortable being on-line.  If we get this wrong people will worry and not be confident to fully participate in the digital world.

We hope you all enjoy the event – we share, chat and can support each other as we ensure we enhance the skills of everyone – let’s ensure that we leave no one behind on our journey to the future.

Master of Ceremony
Ms Sara Abu AlFateh

Ms Sara Abu AlFateh

News Reader
Bahrain International Television, Master of Ceremonies, and Voice-Over Artist
Bahrain (Kingdom of)


Ms Sara Abu AlFateh

Sara Abu Al-Fateh is a seasoned Media and Public Relations professional with a background in financial services, currently working at The BENEFIT Company. She obtained a Bachelor’s degree in Banking & Finance from University of Bahrain.

Sara professionally stepped in front of the camera in 2007 as a reporter and news reader for Bahrain Television’s Channel 55. In 2010, she became an editor and news reader at Radio Bahrain, 96.5FM. She also hosted several shows on TV and Radio. Her charismatic personality and warm and energetic nature complemented by a decade long career in media have made her an expert in the art of working an audience. She has been the MC and hosted and moderated a number of events and conferences ranging from youth and university audience, to a high-profile audience and ministers and royal highnesses. She is also the official English-speaking MC for high level events of HM the king of the kingdom of Bahrain.


Ms Sara Abu AlFateh

No Title


Coffee break
High-level dialogue on key issues related to digital transformation and the digital skills gap
The session will bring together leaders from government, the private sector, international organisations and academic institutions, to discuss key issues related to digital transformation and the digital skills gap. The high-level debate will address the following questions:
  • Why do we need to talk about digital skills for digital transformation?
  • What are key challenges that different stakeholders are facing with respect to the digital skills gap?
  • What are the most important skills to be developed looking ahead (10 years from now)?
  • How can the formal education system keep up with the demand?
  • What are non-technical skills required in the context of the digital revolution?
Dr Cosmas Luckyson Zavazava

Dr Cosmas Luckyson Zavazava

Telecommunication Development Bureau, ITU


Dr Cosmas Luckyson Zavazava

Dr Cosmas Luckyson Zavazava took office as Director of the Telecommunication Development Bureau (BDT) at the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) on 1 January 2023. 

With more than 30 years in telecommunications, including over 20 years in ITU’s Development Sector, Dr Zavazava has promoted and implemented impactful information and communication technology projects around the world. 

Prior to his election as BDT Director, he served as ITU’s Chief of Partnerships for Digital Development, overseeing development-related projects, strategic partnerships, and resource mobilization between 2019 and 2022, while launching new initiatives that have boosted the engagement of industry, private-sector and academia members in ITU’s work. 


Dr Cosmas Luckyson Zavazava

No Title


Mr Mohamed bin Thamer AlKaabi

Mr Mohamed bin Thamer AlKaabi

Ministry of Transportation and Telecommunications
Bahrain (Kingdom of)


Mr Mohamed bin Thamer AlKaabi

H.E. Mohamed bin Thamer AlKaabi was appointed as Minister of Transportation and Telecommunications in June 2022. He is responsible for regulating, developing and promoting the Transportation and Telecommunications sector in the Kingdom of Bahrain, as well as the postal services.

Prior to his appointment as Minister of Transportation and Telecommunications, Mohamed served as the Undersecretary of Civil Aviation Affairs from 2016 until 2022 and held several senior executive positions at Bahrain Airport Company.

Mohamed has over 40 years experience in the aviation industry and holds a Masters degree in Business Administration from the University of Glamorgan, UK.

He is currently a board member of the following organisations:

  • Chairman of National Space Science Agency (NSSA)

  • Bahrain Mumtalakat Holding Company (Mumtalakat)

  • Economic Development Board


Mr Mohamed bin Thamer AlKaabi

No Title


H.E. Mr Bonjean Rodrigue Mbanza

H.E. Mr Bonjean Rodrigue Mbanza

Ministry of Digital Economy and New Information Technologies


H.E. Mr Bonjean Rodrigue Mbanza

Mr. Bonjean Rodrigue MBANZA has been the Minister of Digital Economy and New Information Technologies of Gabon since January 17, 2024. Before assuming this position, he briefly served as Technical Advisor to the Minister of the Interior and Security from January 1 to January 17, 2024.

He has also held various roles, including Prefect of Police from 2020 to 2024, Chief of Staff of the Intervention Police at the Camp of the Intervention Police Forces (FOPI) from 2013 to 2020, and Chief of Operational Detachment at the Intervention Police Staff from 2006 to 2009. His previous experiences include positions in the Central African DDR (Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration of MINUSCA, Special Intervention Unit), as well as functions as Aide-de-camp to the Commander in Chief of the National Police Forces (FPN).


H.E. Mr Bonjean Rodrigue Mbanza

No Title


Ms Mia Seppo

Ms Mia Seppo

Assistant Director-General for Jobs and Social Protection


Ms Mia Seppo

Mia Seppo assumed the role of Assistant Director-General for the Jobs and Social Protection Cluster at the International Labour Organization on 1 February 2023. She manages three departments: Employment Policy, Job Creation, and Livelihoods; Social Protection; and Sustainable Enterprises, Productivity, and Just Transition.

With over two decades at the United Nations, Ms Seppo has worked in post-conflict and peacekeeping contexts, managed UN support to complex elections and coordinated multiagency responses to crises, including the COVID-19 pandemic. Her fieldwork covers Africa, Central Asia, and Asia, with notable tenures as UN Resident Coordinator in Malawi and Bangladesh. Throughout her career, she has been engaged in the UNs advocacy for the Sustainable Development Goals and rights-based approaches.


Ms Mia Seppo

No Title


Ms Jūratė  Šovienė

Ms Jūratė Šovienė

Chair of the Council
Communications Regulatory Authority
Lithuania (Republic of)


Ms Jūratė Šovienė

With a master’s degree in law Ms Jūratė Šovienė has 20 years of professional experience in competition policy (antitrust, mergers, and State aid control) and 16 years of experience as an executive manager. In May 2022, appointed Chair of the Council of the Lithuanian Communications Regulatory Authority. Prior to this, served as Chief Legal Adviser to the President of the Republic of Lithuania and Head of the Legal Affairs Group as well as Deputy Chair of the Lithuanian Competition Council. One of the 40 in their 40s Notable Women Competition Professionals in Enforcement in Europe, the Americas, Africa, recognized by W@Competition (2019).  


Ms Jūratė Šovienė

No Title


Ms Natia Kukuladze

Ms Natia Kukuladze

Georgian National Communications Commission


Ms Natia Kukuladze

Natia Kukuladze serves as the Commissioner at the Communications Commission (ComCom), the National Regulatory Authority of Georgia, a position she has held since 2021. With two decades of experience in communications management, Natia has contributed her expertise to both private and public sectors, as well as international organizations.

Over the course of her career, Natia has held significant roles, including Head of Communications in various settings. She has served as the Head of the Strategic Communications Office in the Administration of the Government of Georgia and the Ministry of Education and Science. Additionally, she held the position of the Head of the Media Literacy Development Department at ComCom.

Since 2018, Natia has also been an Associate Professor of Business and Technology, delivering lectures on strategic communication and media literacy at both the Bachelor’s and Master’s levels. Natia holds a Master’s Degree in Public Administration from the Georgian Institute of Public Affairs (GIPA). She is also a graduate of the Netherlands Marketing Institute, having earned recognition as a Practicing Marketer. Furthermore, she successfully completed the Certified Leadership Development Program at Harvard Business School.Notably, Natia has undertaken professional development opportunities abroad. She completed an internship at the UK Government Communications Service and participated in the International Visitor Leadership Program (IVLP) in the USA. These experiences have enriched her global perspective and added depth to her professional accomplishments.


Ms Natia Kukuladze

No Title


Mr Chris Reeves

Mr Chris Reeves

Vice President, Digital Impact Office, EMEA


Mr Chris Reeves

Chris is a Vice President at Cisco and leads a global Cisco program driving national digitization and digital skills projects across Europe, the Middle East and Africa. In this role, Chris is focused on accelerating the digital agenda in partnership with national governments; progressing projects on Digital adoption, Digital skills, IoT, Sustainability and Cyber Security.

Cisco understands the transformational power that technology can bring to countries, communities and individuals. Chris is responsible for the delivery of Cisco’s Networking Academy in the EMEA region. Every year the Cisco Networking Academy has over 1.8 million student participants in the EMEA region. Chris builds partnerships that deliver Cisco’s stated purpose, “TO POWER AN INCLUSIVE FUTURE FOR ALL”.

Prior to joining Cisco, Chris was a managing director at Accenture. He has also previously worked in research and development at BT. Chris has a master’s degree in Computer Systems Engineering from Edinburgh. University and a bachelor’s degree in Electronic Engineering and Computer Science from Keele University.


Mr Chris Reeves

No Title


H.E. Mr Torpong Selanon

H.E. Mr Torpong Selanon

National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission (NBTC)


H.E. Mr Torpong Selanon

Born in 1976, Mr. Torpong Selanon received a Master Degree from the Graduate School of Social Development and Management Strategy, National Institute of Development Administration (NIDA), Thailand. He was previously vice president of the Thailand Association of the Blind (2020 – 2021) before being selected to be Commissioner of the National Broadcasting and Telecommunications in the area of Consumer Protection and Promotion and Protection of Human Rights in April 2022.

Mr. Selanon has long been an advocate for improving the quality of people’s lives. He has also served under many nationally recognized organizations such as: Advisor for the National Broadcasting and Telecommunication Commission in the area of Consumer Protection and Promotion and Protection of Human Rights, Director of Career Promotion And Employment Of Persons With Disabilities for Disabilities Thailand, Qualified Director of the Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities under the Ministry of Social Development and Human Security, Broadcasting Subcommittee on the topic of Over the Top services for National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission, Advisor to subcommittee of People with Disabilities under the Commission of Social, Children, Women, Elderly People, People with Disabilities, and Minorities Welfare of National Legislative Assembly of Thailand, and President of Thailand Association of the Blind.

Being visually impaired himself, Mr. Selanon sees the importance of being able to access services, especially telecommunication services to improve quality of life in the digital transformation era. Mr. Selanon as the NBTC commissioner is committed to keeping working and advocating for a connected world.


H.E. Mr Torpong Selanon

No Title


Mr Choolwe Andrew  Nalubamba

Mr Choolwe Andrew Nalubamba

Director General
Zambia Information and Communications Technology Authority (ZICTA)
Zambia (Republic of)


Mr Choolwe Andrew Nalubamba

Choolwe Andrew Nalubamba is the Director General for the Zambia Information and Communications Technology Authority (ZICTA). He is a seasoned professional with more than 23 years of experience across multiple disciplines in telecommunications and Information Technology (IT). He has led many ICT initiatives and has served as an expert resource for private and public sector institutions in Zambia and internationally.

His consultancy, resource work, and accomplishments include addressing and speaking at high level engagements for the International Telecommunications Union (ITU), the African Union (AU), African Telecommunications Union (ATU), Communications Regulators Association of Southern Africa (CRASA), COMESA, African Top-Level Domain (AfTLD), Forum for Incident Responders and Security Teams (FIRST) and AfricaCERT, among others.

Mr. Nalubamba is a Chevening alumnus and holds an MSc in Operational Communications from Coventry University (United Kingdom), a Bachelor of Engineering degree in Electronics and Telecommunications from the University of Zambia, and several professional certifications.


Mr Choolwe Andrew Nalubamba

No Title


Announcement of the ITU-EU project “Capacity Development for Digital Transformation”
Mr Angel Draev

Mr Angel Draev

Senior Project Manager, Capacity and Skills Development Division


Mr Angel Draev

Angel Draev possesses 15+years of experience in multilateralism, foreign affairs, development, the private sector. He is a results-driven, strategically minded and vision-oriented leader and project manager with a proven track record of managing projects and leading teams internationally.

Currently managing the ITU project “Capacity development for digital transformation” which aims to enhance the capacity of policymakers and government officials globally with a focus on the developing countries. Passionate about digital transformation and development in general. Proficient in the United Nations system, the European Union and public-private partnerships.


Mr Angel Draev

No Title


Dr Cosmas Luckyson Zavazava

Dr Cosmas Luckyson Zavazava

Director, Telecommunication Development Bureau


Dr Cosmas Luckyson Zavazava

Dr Cosmas Luckyson Zavazava took office as Director of the Telecommunication Development Bureau (BDT) at the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) on 1 January 2023. 

With more than 30 years in telecommunications, including over 20 years in ITU’s Development Sector, Dr Zavazava has promoted and implemented impactful information and communication technology projects around the world. 

Prior to his election as BDT Director, he served as ITU’s Chief of Partnerships for Digital Development, overseeing development-related projects, strategic partnerships, and resource mobilization between 2019 and 2022, while launching new initiatives that have boosted the engagement of industry, private-sector and academia members in ITU’s work. 


Dr Cosmas Luckyson Zavazava

No Title


Ms Jehan AlMurbati

Ms Jehan AlMurbati

Head of Office a.i.
Bahrain (Kingdom of)


Ms Jehan AlMurbati

Mrs. Jehan AlMurbati is a seasoned development professional with over 25 years of experience across the private sector, government, and the United Nations. Her expertise spans engineering, management, sustainable development, energy, environment, water governance, trade, private sector development, and gender equality. She has built strong partnerships with national and regional institutions, civil society, and governments, leveraging her in-depth knowledge of the GCC and broader regional context.

As the Acting Head of Office for UNDP Bahrain since June 2024, Mrs. AlMurbati oversees operational and programmatic processes, ensures adequate capacity within the Country Office, and fosters strategic partnerships. She also leads the development of the Country Programme Document (CPD) 2025-2029, a pivotal framework guiding UNDP’s work in Bahrain.

Throughout her tenure with UNDP, she has played a key role in managing portfolios focused on sustainable growth, energy, environment, and gender. She spearheaded initiatives like the National Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Action Plans and championed gender equality by integrating these themes into national policies and development strategies. Her previous secondment as Executive Director of the Sustainable Energy Unit (SEU) further emphasized her leadership in promoting energy efficiency and renewable energy in Bahrain.

Mrs. AlMurbati holds a Master’s degree in Engineering Management from Tufts University, completed on a Fulbright scholarship, and a Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering from Kuwait University. Fluent in Arabic, English, and French, she is a dynamic leader committed to sustainable development.


Ms Jehan AlMurbati

No Title


Dr Thomas Juergensen

Dr Thomas Juergensen

Head of Trade and Economic Affairs
European Union Delegation to Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Oman and Qatar


Dr Thomas Juergensen

Since 2022 Mr Thomas Juergensen represents the EU in all matters related to trade and economic affairs in the Gulf region, including bilateral cooperation and relations with the Gulf Cooperation Council. Additionally, he coordinates with EU Member States in relevant areas including investment, energy, transport, climate and digitalization. He also chairs the EU commercial counsellors’ meetings.

Mr Thomas Juergensen has been working with the European Union since 2001 with a focus on external economic and trade affairs, including FTA negotiations and WTO Dispute Settlement. He obtained a PhD in European Law from Potsdam University in Germany. His mother tongue is German, and he is also competent in English, French and Spanish


Dr Thomas Juergensen

No Title


Lunch break
Bridging the digital skills divide
One of the main barriers to Internet use and hence closing the digital divide is the lack of knowledge and skills of people  to effectively use digital technologies, and the benefits they can bring. The session will look at those who are still not using digital technologies and will explore the skills needs that will help bridge the digital divide. It will explore issues such as the Internet usage gap and specific groups that need particular attention, including the elderly, persons with disabilities, farmers, or women in rural and remote communities. It will also highlight the intergenerational skills gap and present examples of successful digital skills initiatives that contribute to closing the usage gap. The session will identify concrete actions, solutions and tools that can help achieve the SDGs through inclusive digital capacity and skills development.
Ms Sofie Maddens

Ms Sofie Maddens

Chief, Digital Knowledge Society Department


Ms Sofie Maddens

A Belgian Lawyer by training, Sofie Maddens is the Chief of the ITU BDT Digital Knowledge Society Department and Head a.i., of the Regulatory and Market Environment Division. She has managed complex private sector, government, and regional and international projects and grants for national governments and their National Regulatory Authorities, the European Commission, the World Bank, the Telecommunications Development Bureau of the ITU as well as for a wide variety of private telecommunications, consulting and financial sector clients in Asia and the Middle East, as well as in the Americas, Europe and Africa.

She has held senior management positions since 1994 in both the public and private sectors at national and international level, leading and implementing projects and programmes on ICT institutional and organizational frameworks and capacity, infrastructure development, knowledge management systems and platforms; data management and analysis, and advising on and building institutional and organizational capacity.

She has taught and advised on privatization strategies, infrastructure development, liberalization and competition strategies, market entry and universal access strategies, use of scarce resources, consumer protection policies, as well as international trade and regulatory negotiations, bringing in her knowledge and experience of industry trends and innovative solutions for ICT/digital policy and regulation and development. In addition, she has authored numerous strategic, political, legal, and regulatory texts as well as international trade negotiations strategies in the field of ICT/digital.


Ms Sofie Maddens

No Title


Mr Alfie Hamid

Mr Alfie Hamid

Head of Global Strategic Partnerships
Cisco NetAcad


Mr Alfie Hamid

Alfie Hamid began his career as a Mathematics & Science teacher in South Africa. Over the years, he was promoted through the ranks and culminated his educator career in government as the Head of Education Technology.  In 2006, he joined Microsoft as their Academic Programs Manager, managing their flagship Partners in Learning Program and other initiatives for South Africa, Swaziland and Lesotho. After three years at Microsoft, he joined Cisco to manage their Networking Academy program for the Southern Africa region and over time was promoted to Regional Manager for Africa. 

Currently he is the Head of Global Strategic Partnerships at Cisco, focusing on Cisco’s Networking Academy and Skills for All. He manages relationships and partnerships with entities like the ITU, UNESCO, GIZ, USAID and several others. Alfie Hamid also serves as the Chairperson of the African Union Commission’s TVET Cluster. 

He strongly believes that the pursuit of skills and knowledge is a fundamental commandment, as it unleashes potential and levels the playing fields. Given his knowledge and background in digital skills development, he is invited to speak and present at several international events. 



Mr Alfie Hamid

No Title


Ms Iris Magally Pretel Trejo

Ms Iris Magally Pretel Trejo

IT Training Specialist


Ms Iris Magally Pretel Trejo

Iris Magally Pretel Trejo is a Systems Engineer with postgraduate studies in public management and extensive experience as an IT Training Specialist at INICTEL-UNI. She is an expert in the design and management of learning programmes, as well as in the implementation of virtual learning environments. She stands out for her ability to organise specialised training activities and supervise academic management to ensure quality and effectiveness

She is actively engaged in capacity building and the adoption of digital technologies for business. Her skills include administration of virtual learning platforms, Training Course Outline development, academic supervision, management systems in educational organisations, interpretation and internal auditor training under ISO 21001:2018, and project management.


Ms Iris Magally Pretel Trejo

No Title


Ms  Giovanna Bottani

Ms Giovanna Bottani

Director of Operations
ST Foundation


Ms Giovanna Bottani

Born in Italy and raised across South America, Asia, and Europe, Giovanna brings over 20 years of experience in philanthropy, business ethics, and corporate social responsibility (CSR). Her career began in 2003 as a CSR specialist at STMicroelectronics, followed by a role as Deputy Director of Operations at Fondazione ST in 2006. She then served as Head of External Communication at the Italian Centre for Social Responsibility (I-CSR) under the Ministry of Labour and collaborated with various consulting agencies specializing in sustainability. 

Giovanna holds a political science and international politics degree from the University of Milan. Driven by her natural curiosity and eagerness to learn, she furthered her education with a master’s degree in Corporate Social Responsibility from the University of Pisa, a master’s in integrated communication from the Business School Sole 24 Ore, and a master’s in business process innovation from Milan Polytechnic. In 2016, she earned a Diploma of advanced studies in management of non-profit organizations from the University of Geneva. 

In 2012, the STMicroelectronics Foundation appointed Giovanna as the Director of Operations. Since then, she has significantly contributed to the organization’s growth, reporting directly to the President and coordinating the organization’s educational projects across all countries of intervention. 


Ms Giovanna Bottani

No Title


Ms Ajeng Ratri

Ms Ajeng Ratri

Assistant Vice President of CSR Education and Community Development
Indosat Ooredoo Hutchison
Indonesia (Republic of)


Ms Ajeng Ratri

Ajeng Kusumaning Ratri is the Assistant Vice President of CSR Education and Community Development at Indosat Ooredoo Hutchison, bringing over 7 years of experience in program design and community development. Her work focuses on transforming Indonesia into a digital nation by collaborating with key ministries, local stakeholders, and international digital ecosystem players to drive digital literacy, youth development, and women’s empowerment.

Known for her collaborative approach, Ajeng engages with multiple stakeholders to drive project success and build a robust digital ecosystem. Spearheading initiatives like IDCamp and SheHacks, Ajeng actively works alongside government bodies, communities, and industry partners to create inclusive digital literacy programs. Her projects empower startups, SMBs, and underserved communities, bridging the digital divide with high-impact solutions. Ajeng’s strategic mindset ensures that CSR efforts are aligned with corporate goals and foster sustainable growth within Indonesia’s digital landscape.


Ms Ajeng Ratri

No Title


Ms Abena Nyamesem

Ms Abena Nyamesem

Head, Sustainability and Partnerships


Ms Abena Nyamesem

Abena Nyamesem began her career as a seasoned Banker specializing in financial inclusion for consumers at the Bottom of the Pyramid. In 2010, she joined SC Johnson’s Developing Markets Platform as a Development Consultant where she supported the Cornell University, and Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Project Team to design a sustainable market co-creation strategy for implementation of the Groundswell Project in Ghana through product, service & sustainable social innovations.

Abena is currently a Lawyer and the Head of Sustainability and Partnerships at GIFEC focusing on developing Sustainability Models, assessing impact, and gathering learnings on ICT projects and digital literacy initiatives, in unserved and underserved communities. She leads the co-creation of digital skills and literacy content together with stakeholders to ensure the achievement of project objectives and the adoption of appropriate skills delivery methodologies. She is a Master Trainer in Entrepreneurship and ICTs for Women Entrepreneurs to increase their participation in today’s digital economy.

She holds a Sociology and Philosophy Degree, an MBA in Project Management, and an MA in Development Studies. She also holds a Certificate in Sustainability Planning and Bottom of the Pyramid Marketing Strategies from Cornel University, USA. She is a Grid Certified Trainer from Len Stevens Training, South Africa.  Abena is passionate about discovering sustainable digital literacy models, enabling the digital transformation of local economies, and studying the sociological aspects of digital skills development.


Ms Abena Nyamesem

No Title


Coffee break
National digital skills frameworks for policymaking
Developing effective digital skills policies and strategies requires knowledge about the demand and supply of digital skills at the national level, as well as information and data on current and future skills gaps. The session will look at existing frameworks, concepts and classifications of digital skills/competencies, and explain why these are important for policymaking and for developing national digital skills strategies. It will explore how countries can measure and monitor digital skills levels and identify needs and gaps in their countries and feature practical guidelines and tools that help with skills assessments and informed decision making. The session will also provide concrete examples of countries that have measured and assessed their national digital skills gaps to better target their skills interventions and make policy recommendations on how to design impactful national digital skills strategies.
Dr Susan Teltscher

Dr Susan Teltscher

Head of Capacity and Digital Skills Development


Dr Susan Teltscher

Dr Susan Teltscher is Head, Capacity and Digital Skills Development Division at ITU. In this context, she is responsible for ensuring the delivery of capacity development products and services in the field of digital technologies, with the objective of enhancing knowledge and skills for the digital transformation, in particular in developing countries. This includes the direction and coordination of the ITU Academy platform, the ITU Academy Training Centres (ATC) programme and the Digital Transformation Centres (DTC) Initiative, working in partnership with Government, industry and academic institutions.

From 2008 to 2017, Dr Teltscher was Head of the ITU Statistics Division. In this position, she was responsible for the collection, harmonization, analysis and dissemination of ICT statistics worldwide, and for the production of analytical reports on global and regional trends in ICT, including the annual ITU Measuring the Information Society Report and the ICT Development Index.

Before joining ITU in July 2008, she was Chief of the ICT Policy and Analysis Unit, ICT and E-Business Branch, of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), Geneva. Dr Teltscher received her PhD in Economic Geography in 1992 from the University of Washington (Seattle, United States).


Dr Susan Teltscher

No Title


Dr Cosmas Luckyson Zavazava

Dr Cosmas Luckyson Zavazava

Telecommunication Development Bureau, ITU


Dr Cosmas Luckyson Zavazava

Dr Cosmas Luckyson Zavazava took office as Director of the Telecommunication Development Bureau (BDT) at the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) on 1 January 2023. 

With more than 30 years in telecommunications, including over 20 years in ITU’s Development Sector, Dr Zavazava has promoted and implemented impactful information and communication technology projects around the world. 

Prior to his election as BDT Director, he served as ITU’s Chief of Partnerships for Digital Development, overseeing development-related projects, strategic partnerships, and resource mobilization between 2019 and 2022, while launching new initiatives that have boosted the engagement of industry, private-sector and academia members in ITU’s work. 


Dr Cosmas Luckyson Zavazava

No Title


Mr Chris Coward

Mr Chris Coward

Senior Principal Research Scientist, Affiliate Associate Professor
University of Washington

Biography | ITU Digital Skills Toolkit 2024

Mr Chris Coward

Chris Coward is Senior Principal Research Scientist and Affiliate Associate Professor at the University of Washington Information School.  Chris studies how people engage with new information and communication technologies — their perceptions, interests, and challenges — with the aim of developing new ways for individuals and communities to achieve greater agency in their use of technology. Many of Chris’ projects are rooted in the literacy fields — information, digital, media, civic. His current focus is misinformation where he collaborates with game researchers and designers to develop escape rooms and other play based activities as an immersive medium for people to build resistance to misinformation.

Much of Chris’ work is situated in public libraries where he uses participatory methods to design, test, and evaluate new interventions. He is especially interested in the role of context, and has worked with diverse communities in over 50 countries.

At the University of Washington Chris co-founded the Center for Internet Studies in 1999, which later became the Technology & Social Change Group (TASCHA), a research center he directed until 2023 that explores the role of digital technologies in building more open, inclusive, and equitable societies. In 2019, Chris was one of five principal investigators to establish the Center for an Informed Public, a nexus for multidisciplinary research on misinformation and translating research into policy, technology design, curriculum development, and public engagement. He is currently a visiting scholar at the University of Copenhagen (2023-2025).


Mr Chris Coward

ITU Digital Skills Toolkit 2024

Powerpoint file


Dr Amnesty LeFèvre

Dr Amnesty LeFèvre

Associate Professor
University of Cape Town
South Africa (Republic of)

Biography | Enhancing metrics for measuring digital skills

Dr Amnesty LeFèvre

Amnesty LeFevre, PhD MHS, is an Associate Professor at the University of Cape Town’s School of Public Health, with joint appointments on the faculty at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and as a Visiting Research Fellow at the United Nations University International Institute for Global Health. Dr. LeFevre has over 20 years of experience leading evaluations of health and development programmes in over a dozen low- and middle-income countries globally. For the last decade, her work has focused generating evidence on the impact of digital innovations in the development sector. This includes research to improve evaluation methods, including optimizing the measurement of digital skills at a population level and for specific use cases, including health workers and self-help groups.


Dr Amnesty LeFèvre

Enhancing metrics for measuring digital skills

Powerpoint file


Mr Elnur Mammadli

Mr Elnur Mammadli

Innovation and Digital Development Agency under the Ministry of Digital Development and Transport
Ministry of Digital Development and Transport
Azerbaijan (Republic of)

Biography | Aizerbaijan: Digital Skills Assessment 2023-2024

Mr Elnur Mammadli

Mr. Elnur Mammadli serves as the Director of the Executive Office and Digital and Business Transformation Department at the Innovation and Digital Development Agency of Azerbaijan. He has supported key national efforts  such as the Digital Academy and Digital Skills initiatives, while also leading the development of digital platforms that play a crucial role in these efforts.

Previously, as Director of the Digital Government Project & Product Management Department, he worked on enhancing public services through digital transformation. Today, his focus is on digitizing processes to ensure that these initiatives continue to progress successfully. By promoting collaboration between state bodies and leveraging data-driven approaches, Mr. Mammadli aims to contribute to Azerbaijan’s digital transformation in alignment with the goals of the Digital Skills Forum, which seeks to address global digital skills gaps and foster a digitally inclusive future.


Mr Elnur Mammadli

Aizerbaijan: Digital Skills Assessment 2023-2024

Powerpoint file


Welcome Cocktail

  • Digital skills for jobs

    09:30 – 10:45
    Open Webcast
  • Coffee break

    10:45 – 11:15
  • Industry perspective on skills needs

    11:15 – 12:30
    Open Webcast
  • Lunch break

    12:30 – 14:00
  • Digital innovators and entrepreneurs

    14:00 – 15:15
    Open Webcast
  • Coffee break

    15:15 – 15:45
  • Skills for a safe and secure use of digital technologies and online information

    15:45 – 17:00
    Open Webcast
Digital skills for jobs
With the increasing use of digital technologies in the world of work globally, much concern has been raised about the impact of technologies on employment and skills, jobs quality and quantity.  While new technologies and automation will replace certain tasks, technology also creates new jobs and requires new sets of skills. This may affect millions of people who either need to reskill / upskill or risk losing jobs. This session will address the following questions:
  • How does digital transformation impact jobs and skills development? What are core challenges and opportunities?
  • What are innovative strategies to enhance global workforce skills to meet the demands of the digital transformation, taking into the situation of youth, women and aging workers?
  • What are best practice examples to foster digital skills development in the world of work?
Mr Juan Iván Martín Lataix

Mr Juan Iván Martín Lataix

Skills Digitalisation Specialist
International Labour Organization (ILO)


Mr Juan Iván Martín Lataix

Juan Iván is a dynamic leader in digital transformation with a bachelor’s from ICADE Business School, an MBA from IESE University, and advanced studies at MIT and IMD. With over 20 years of senior experience across global cities like Madrid, Paris, Hanoi, Barcelona, and Geneva, he excels in pioneering innovative solutions and modernizing corporate processes. 

Currently a Digitalisation Specialist at the Skills Branch of the ILO, Juan is passionate about AI and its transformative impact on society, skills, and the future of work. A fervent advocate for education, Juan believes it is the cornerstone of freedom and prosperity. He actively supports NGOs focused on children, immigration, and education. Fluent in Spanish, English, and French, Juan brings a global perspective to his work and advocacy. 


Mr Juan Iván Martín Lataix

No Title


Dr Chunmei (Mei)  Zhao

Dr Chunmei (Mei) Zhao

Chief Education Solutions Officer, Stanford Global and Online Education
Stanford University
United States of America

Biography | Digital Skills for the Future: Perspectives from Stanford and the Silicone Valley

Dr Chunmei (Mei) Zhao

Mei Zhao is Chief Education Solutions Officer at the Stanford Center for Professional Development (SCPD), within the School of Engineering. She crafts customized education solutions for industry, government, and education organizations from across the globe, helping them navigate change, foster innovation, and address their unique challenges in a society increasingly impacted by technology.

Mei delights in her role as a catalyst to unleash organizational learning as a powerful force for transformation. She engages in consultative conversations with leaders, listening to understand their talent development needs to support their core strategy and objectives. Armed with this knowledge, she works with Stanford faculty from diverse departments to design learning experiences that cultivate the mindset, knowledge, and skills for success. This work draws upon cutting-edge research and innovation frameworks from Stanford, along with real-world, practical insights from the Silicon Valley.

Trained as an engineer as well as an education researcher, Mei is keen on taking an interdisciplinary approach to learning and development that drives quality and impact. Prior to Stanford, she was Senior Scholar at the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching and Director of International Consortium on Undergraduate Education at UC Berkeley.


Dr Chunmei (Mei) Zhao

Digital Skills for the Future: Perspectives from Stanford and the Silicone Valley

Powerpoint file


Mr Felipe Alfonso Hernandez Maya

Mr Felipe Alfonso Hernandez Maya

General Coordinator of User Policy
Federal Telecommunications Institute

Biography | Digital Skills for Jobs

Mr Felipe Alfonso Hernandez Maya

Felipe Alfonso Hernandez Maya has more than 17 years of professional experience in the telecommunications and broadcasting sector. He currently serves as General Coordinator of User Policy at the Federal Telecommunications Institute. Previously, he served as General Director of Supervision, which allowed him to know in detail the obligations of operators, and therefore, the rights protected for users.

In the former Cofetel, Felipe had extensive knowledge of the operation of the institution as Technical Assistant Secretary of the Plenary, as well as various aspects related to broadcasting, having also served as head of the area of television concessions and permits in the former Radio and Television Systems Unit.

Felipe holds a law degree from the Universidad Iberoamericana. First Mexican lawyer to graduate from a Master’s program in Telecommunications Law at Universidad Francisco Vitoria of Madrid and Universidad Anáhuac. D. in Public Administration from Universidad Anáhuac in conjunction with the Sorbonne University of Paris. He is certified in senior management by MIT, and recently received a Master’s degree in Information Technology from the University of Edinburgh in the United Kingdom.

In his current position as General Coordinator of User Policy, Felipe has promoted different projects that have been recognized and awarded at an international and national level by the International Telecommunications Union, REGULATEL and the specialized magazine U-GOB.


Mr Felipe Alfonso Hernandez Maya

Digital Skills for Jobs

Powerpoint file


Mr Alberto Wenceslas  Mounguengui Moudoki

Mr Alberto Wenceslas Mounguengui Moudoki

Chief Executive Officer
National Agency of Digital Infrastructures and Frequencies (NADIF)

Biography | Technology impact and jobs skillset in Gabon

Mr Alberto Wenceslas Mounguengui Moudoki

Alberto Mounguengui Moudoki is the Director General (CEO) of the National Agency for Digital Infrastructure and Frequencies of Gabon (ANINF) and cybersecurity expert, award-winning IT Executive who accelerates organizational growth and performance. Alberto articulates vision and strategy and leads the execution of strategic corporate technology initiatives that drive change, advance maturity, promote operational seamlessness, and enhance the user experience.

Alberto has 20+ years of experience in cybersecurity and AI. He is an alumnus of George Washington University in Washington, DC(USA). Alberto holds a Ms in Cybersecurity strategies (Cyber Defense) and many leading Industry certifications. He has done extensive work in national security and is an international speaker.

Alberto is leading the E-gov digital transformation journey as well as the digital identity for Gabon government.


Mr Alberto Wenceslas Mounguengui Moudoki

Technology impact and jobs skillset in Gabon

Powerpoint file


Mr Jonathan Peter  Mwakijele

Mr Jonathan Peter Mwakijele

Head of Training Department
African Advanced Level Telecommunications Institute (AFRALTI)
Kenya (Republic of)

Biography | Digital Skills for Jobs

Mr Jonathan Peter Mwakijele

Jonathan Peter Mwakijele is the current Head of Training Department at the African Advanced Level Telecommunications Institute (AFRALTI) located in Nairobi, Kenya since April 2013. AFRALTI is an Intergovernmental Organization (IGO) composed of 9 Member States, it trains an average of 1,500 participants every year. While working at AFRALTI, he had opportunity to chair the Human Resources Committee of the East African Communications Organization (EACO) with the Headquarters in Kigali, Rwanda for 4 years.

Before joining AFRALTI, he worked at the former Kigali Institute of Science and Technology (KIST), now College of Science of Technology of the University of Rwanda (COSTECH-UR) as Lecturer and Head of Department, Computer Engineering and Information Technology since 1997.  While at KIST, he had the opportunity to develop and lecture courses in undergraduate Degree programmes in ICT, coordinate the Master of Communications Management (MCM) and Master of Science in Operational Communications (MOC) Programmes. Between 2009 to 2022, he participated in the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) Steering Committee Meetings of Centers of Excellence (CoE) Network for Africa. Since 2023, he started representing AFRALTI in the ITU Academy Training Centres (ATC) meetings.

Jonathan has attended and spoken in several ICT Regional, International Forums and Conferences. He has participated in ICT human resources development initiatives in Africa for the last 28 years while working in Tanzania, Rwanda and Kenya.


Mr Jonathan Peter Mwakijele

Digital Skills for Jobs

Powerpoint file


Coffee break
Industry perspective on skills needs
Digital transformation is largely driven by industry players. Private companies are also at the forefront of innovation and technology development, as well as the adaptation of digital technologies in business processes and the development of new business models. The demand for a digitally skilled workforce is high, not only in the ICT industry but also in other economic sectors. This session will give the voice to industry representatives to discuss the core skills required to foster digital transformation, look at prospective growth industry sectors and related skills priorities. They will also share examples of how companies adjust to the rapid technological changes through effective skilling, re-skilling and upskilling programmes, as well as talent acquisition. Another objective of the session is to shed light on market needs related to digital transformation, which will help policy makers and training institutions to adjust their digital skills programmes and strategies.
Mr Fahd Batayneh

Mr Fahd Batayneh

Stakeholder Engagement Director, Middle East


Mr Fahd Batayneh

Fahd Batayneh joined ICANN Org in October 2013 as part of the Global Stakeholder Engagement Team (GSE) supporting the Middle East. Today, he is deeply involved in several regional projects that promote ICANN’s work in the region. He holds a BSc in Computer Engineering with honors, and an MBA. He calls Amman, Jordan his home


Mr Fahd Batayneh

No Title


Ms Sonya Janahi

Ms Sonya Janahi

Board Member
Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Bahrain (Kingdom of)


Ms Sonya Janahi

Sonya Janahi is the Founder & CEO for Maya La Chocolaterie, Maya Delices and its parent company, ‘SJ Investments’; a hospitality and F&B consultancy mandated to inspire home-grown innovative concepts with vast potential to turn them into international franchise names. Sonya founded Maya La Chocolaterie as the first artisan chocolate brand in Bahrain and has since evolved it into a successful brand synonymous with some of the best chocolatiers in the world. Her love for chocolate inspired her to pursue a qualification in Ecole Chocolate and she is a Certified Professional Chocolatier and a mentor and guide to the Chefs of Maya.

Boasting a distinguished career that spans over two decades working in the banking and telecom industries, and with specialized know-how in the areas of retail, investment, oil & gas and real estate, Sonya has applied her expertise to strategically diversify and evolve the family business, carving its growth path beyond Bahrain, to international territories, through best-in-class partnerships and Mergers &

Sonya is widely commended for her entrepreneurial spirit; she has sought to make a difference as an enabler of change, advocating for the region’s SME sector and using her own story of achievements and failures to stimulate progress in the realm of entrepreneurship as well as to empower all.


Ms Sonya Janahi

No Title


Ms Naria Santa Lucia

Ms Naria Santa Lucia

General Manager, Skills for Social Impact
Microsoft Philanthropies


Ms Naria Santa Lucia

As general manager for skills for social impact at Microsoft Philanthropies, Naria leads Microsoft’s global strategy, investments, and partnerships with governments, industry, educational institutions, and civil society to increase access to digital and AI skills for users to help millions of people thrive in the AI economy.

Prior to joining Microsoft Philanthropies, Naria served as Executive Director of the Washington State Opportunity Scholarship (WSOS), a unique public-private partnership helping to build the next generation of scientists, engineers, technology specialists, mathematicians, and health care professionals in Washington state through scholarships and support services for low- and middle-income college students.  Naria has also served as the Executive Director of the James B. Moran Center for Youth Advocacy, a juvenile and education law and social work organization in Illinois and the Director of LAW Fund and the Endowment for Equal Justice at the Legal Foundation of Washington.

Naria currently serves as the Co-Chair of the World Bank’s Solutions for Youth Employment initiative within the Jobs Group. She also serves on the Board of Seattle Arts and Lectures, where she is the Co-Chair of the Strategic Planning Committee. Naria is a graduate of the Law School and the College at the University of Chicago.


Ms Naria Santa Lucia

No Title


Mr Ahmed Riad Rashad

Mr Ahmed Riad Rashad

Senior Director, Strategy and Industry Development


Mr Ahmed Riad Rashad

Ahmed Riad, a seasoned professional in the ICT sector, possesses over 15 years of diverse international experience that spans digital transformation, innovation, and industry development. With a profound understanding of digital technologies, infrastructure, entrepreneurial ecosystems, and digital business growth, Ahmed’s expertise extends across multiple regions and hierarchies.

Throughout his illustrious career, Ahmed has worked with multinational corporations and organizations such as Ericsson, Nokia Siemens Networks, the International Telecommunications Union (ITU), and presently, Huawei Technologies. In his incumbent role at Huawei, Ahmed orchestrates strategic alliances and molds partnership avenues for Huawei’s standardization teams. He also engages robustly with global institutions in the realm of ICT standardization and strategic industry advancement, while simultaneously identifying and interpreting pivotal ICT industry shifts, fostering innovation within Huawei.

Prior to his role at Huawei, Ahmed worked at the ITU headquarters in Geneva. Notably, he played a pivotal role in planning and development of the Good Global Summit and leading the AI for Good Innovation Factory. Which is an AI for Good initiative that identified and amplified AI-driven solutions and innovations aligned with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. Additionally, at ITU Telecom, Ahmed adeptly handled Small and Medium Enterprises innovation initiatives and cultivated partnerships with multiple entities spanning the Middle East and North America.


Mr Ahmed Riad Rashad

No Title


Mr Wissam Kadi

Mr Wissam Kadi

Vice President, Global Initiatives at Academies and University Alliances


Mr Wissam Kadi

Wissam Kadi is a UN SDG advocate with a proven track record of activating global ecosystems through high-impact initiatives involving industry, government, international organizations, and academia. He is known for his powerful drive for accelerating impact through collaboration and co-creation with purpose-driven partners.

Wissam led several sustainability, youth, and diversity & inclusion initiatives involving SAP Academic and Innovation Community that includes 3,000 + educational institutions in 117 countries. Prior to joining SAP, he worked for HEC Paris and Texas A&M University in the capacity of Business Development.

Wissam completed an Exexcutive Master joint degree program in Marketing from SDA Bocconi School of Management in Italy and ESADE Business School in Spain.  He largely supports UN Goal 17- Partnerships for the Goals by 2030 and he has been invited to participate and speak at several high-level events across the globe. 


Mr Wissam Kadi

No Title


Lunch break
Digital innovators and entrepreneurs
Young entrepreneurs will present their groundbreaking products and services in the field of digital technologies and applications. This session highlights how innovative solutions are being designed to enhance digital skills in developing countries. The speakers will showcase projects that bridge the digital divide, empowering communities with the necessary tools to thrive in the digital age. Attendees will gain insights into the challenges and opportunities in deploying digital transformation initiatives in developing regions, and how these young leaders are making a tangible impact on communities. This session will address the following topics:
  • The role of young innovators in shaping the digital future.
  • Showcase of innovative products and services designed to enhance digital skills / Case studies from various developing countries demonstrating real-world impact.
  • Overcoming challenges:
    • strategies for scaling digital skill development projects in resource-limited settings.
    • share insights on the obstacles faced in implementing digital education initiatives.
    • Q&A session to discuss potential partnerships, funding opportunities, and future projects.
Ms Amani Alkhiami

Ms Amani Alkhiami

Global Compact Network
Saudi Arabia (Kingdom of)


Ms Amani Alkhiami

Amani Alkhiami is a committed youth and community development advocate dedicated to advancing social work and equity. As a global expert in communications and public relations, she specializes in social impact and youth empowerment. Currently advising the United Nations Global Compact in Saudi Arabia, Amani previously led global engagements and partnerships at the Mohammed bin Salman Foundation (Misk). Her extensive experience includes roles at the United Nations and various distinguished organizations in Saudi Arabia and globally, where she has spearheaded initiatives in public policy, strategic communications, and CSR focused on education, women’s empowerment, and environmental sustainability. 


Ms Amani Alkhiami

No Title


Ms Aashna Taneja

Ms Aashna Taneja

Lead, Program & Evaluation
India (Republic of)

Biography | Enabling children in the Indian education system to become effective learners

Ms Aashna Taneja

Aashna leads programs, curriculum, design, and training across government partnerships along with monitoring and evaluation. Under Aashna’s leadership, Labhya has successfully established large-scale partnerships with various state governments and multilateral organizations such as the United Nations Development Program India and UNICEF delivering essential Social Emotional Learning skills and psychosocial support to vulnerable youth, adolescent girls and children across 7 Indian states through in-person and digital programs. Aashna has ensured impact to over 700,000 young people through these programs.

Previously, Aashna served as a consultant for international projects with KPMG. Her volunteering experience with children in public schools through organizations such as Teach For India led her to discover her true passion at the intersection of well-being and education. Under Aashna’s leadership, Labhya is spearheading the pathway to impact 30 million children and make them effective learners by 2030.


Ms Aashna Taneja

Enabling children in the Indian education system to become effective learners

Powerpoint file



Mr Segun Ogunwale

Segun is the co-founder and CEO of Bridgia, an EdTech company that bridges the gap between education and employment. Bridgia partners with higher institutions and companies to offer programs, assessments, and tools that support students’ career development and transitions into the workplace. In 2023, Bridgia launched the Digital Skills for Employability Awareness and Assessment Tool through a partnership with the Education Collaborative, benefiting students in over thirteen higher institutions across five African countries. 

Segun’s expertise includes instructional design, learning management system deployment, and workforce development. His writings on higher education and the future of work have appeared in the World Economic Forum, University World News, and the Africa Report. 

He holds an honors degree in Computer Science and a Master’s degree with distinction in Management of Information Technology. Segun has received multiple professional certifications in Information Technology and has been recognized by the British Council, Drucker Society Europe, and the Tony Elumelu Foundation. He has served as a Youth Advisor to the European Union’s delegation to Nigeria and ECOWAS, and as the pioneer secretary of the Digital and Green Economy Committee of the Youth Sounding Board (YSB). Segun is passionate about Africa’s potential to become a talent powerhouse and a key player in the global knowledge economy. 


Mr Segun Ogunwale

Meet Kiki – a Digital Skills for Employability Awareness and Assessment Chatbot for Students

Powerpoint file


Ms Rahaf Abu Mayyaleh

Ms Rahaf Abu Mayyaleh


Biography | IBTKRGO-Innovators are born here

Ms Rahaf Abu Mayyaleh

Rahaf Abu Mayaleh has been an active youth and community advocate since 2014 and an environmental activist for over three years. With a deep passion for innovative entrepreneurial solutions that support modern digital skills, she founded the pioneering IBTKRGO project.

This initiative offers a comprehensive educational kit designed to facilitate the learning of robotics, artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things, and other essential digital skills. Each educational kit features a unique digital chip capable of executing projects ranging from simple tasks to advanced applications, such as monitoring room temperatures. What sets these educational kits apart is their complete environmental friendliness. They replace various traditional components used in digital skill learning with a small, lightweight chip that can be recycled at the end of its lifespan.


Ms Rahaf Abu Mayyaleh

IBTKRGO-Innovators are born here

Powerpoint file


Ms Lella Violet Halloum

Ms Lella Violet Halloum

Digital Changemaker & Global Student Outreach Lead

Biography | Digital Innovators and Entrepreneurs

Ms Lella Violet Halloum

Lella Violet is an award-winning digital changemaker, renowned for her pioneering solutions-oriented approach and creative thinking in the STEAM industry. As a Power of Youth Champion, she has spearheaded transformative initiatives that empower underserved and underrepresented communities worldwide, including women, youth and early professionals. Self-taught coder aged, 8. Lella sat her GCSE in ICT, age 11, five years ahead of her peers, and began her professional journey with IBM, meeting her first mentor and gaining work experience, that same year. By 15, she became the youngest-ever IBM Europe employee. She leverages her position to lead global student outreach initiatives for IBM Z. Her visionary leadership unites cutting-edge technology with social empowerment. Lella uses technology as a catalyst to raise awareness, boost employability readiness and drive the UN Sustainable Development Goals to ensure young people are at the fore of the ongoing digital transformation.

Lella is a sought-after global speaker and thought leader, she is dedicated to fostering inclusive opportunities in technology and education. Her impact resonates through strategic collaborations with industry leaders, governments, UN entities, and grassroots organizations, catalysing a new era of digital inclusion and inspiring the next generation of innovators worldwide. In 2024, Lella was scouted by the US Department of State and US Embassy in the UK to represent her country on the International Visitor Leadership Program (IVLP), the State Department’s premier exchange program, where she became the youngest-ever participant. Focused on diversity and inclusion in STEAM, she engaged in professional meetings, supporting the foreign policy goals of the United States and cultivating lasting relationships with American counterparts. Lella later received the IVLP Impact Award – monetary funding to turn ideas born on the month-long exchange into action.

Now, a Board Member and Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts (RSA), Lella’s impact spans partnerships with industry, global government, UN entities, and grassroots digital inclusion charities. Her efforts towards United Nations Sustainable Development Goals – Quality Education, Gender Equality, Decent Work & Economic Growth & Reduced Inequalities have been recognised as a recipient of the Diana Award, Harvard Society Prize, Women of the Future Young Star & Northern Power Women ‘One to Watch’.


Ms Lella Violet Halloum

Digital Innovators and Entrepreneurs

Powerpoint file


Coffee break
Skills for a safe and secure use of digital technologies and online information
With the rapid increase in cybersecurity threats, digital identity theft, the spread of misinformation, hate speech, cyberbullying and gender-based violence on the Internet, etc., Governments across the world are increasingly concerned about the safe and secure use of digital technologies and online information. In particular, the role of social media and the risks it carries for citizens and society have gained significant attention over the past years and prompted policy makers to implement policies and standards as well as share best practices. This session will explore how such risks could be addressed and mitigated through digital education and skills development programmes. It will feature various stakeholders and showcase best practice examples of how to educate citizens on the safe and secure use of online information.
Ms Natia Kukuladze

Ms Natia Kukuladze

Georgian National Communications Commission


Ms Natia Kukuladze

Natia Kukuladze serves as the Commissioner at the Communications Commission (ComCom), the National Regulatory Authority of Georgia, a position she has held since 2021. With two decades of experience in communications management, Natia has contributed her expertise to both private and public sectors, as well as international organizations.

Over the course of her career, Natia has held significant roles, including Head of Communications in various settings. She has served as the Head of the Strategic Communications Office in the Administration of the Government of Georgia and the Ministry of Education and Science. Additionally, she held the position of the Head of the Media Literacy Development Department at ComCom.

Since 2018, Natia has also been an Associate Professor of Business and Technology, delivering lectures on strategic communication and media literacy at both the Bachelor’s and Master’s levels. Natia holds a Master’s Degree in Public Administration from the Georgian Institute of Public Affairs (GIPA). She is also a graduate of the Netherlands Marketing Institute, having earned recognition as a Practicing Marketer. Furthermore, she successfully completed the Certified Leadership Development Program at Harvard Business School.Notably, Natia has undertaken professional development opportunities abroad. She completed an internship at the UK Government Communications Service and participated in the International Visitor Leadership Program (IVLP) in the USA. These experiences have enriched her global perspective and added depth to her professional accomplishments.


Ms Natia Kukuladze

No Title


Mr David Wright

Mr David Wright

SWGfL and Director UK Safer Internet Centre
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland


Mr David Wright

David is CEO at SWGfL and also Director UK Safer Internet Centre; the national awareness centre and part of the European Insafe network. David has worked extensively in online safety for over 20 years was appointed a CBE in the 2024 Kings Birthday Honours list for ‘services to the safety of children and young people’.

He advises a number of Governments, organisations and industry partners on online safety strategy and policy and has been appointed as an expert child online protection adviser to the UN ITU and nominated by UK Government as an expert to the Council of Europe Tech Facilitated Gender Based Violence committee. David has presented at conferences nationally and internationally.  He is a member of UK Council for Internet Safety and has recently been invited to be a member of the World Economic Forum’s Global Coalition for Digital Safety.

David has led the creation of a number of Helplines that directly and indirectly support victims of online harm, perhaps most notably the Revenge Porn Helpline in 2015 that supports adults who are victims of non consensual intimate image (NCII) abuse.  Consequentially, David has overseen the development of StopNCII, the worlds first device side hashing technology that empowers adults who experience NCII to prevent their images being shared online. David has led pioneering work, such as the development of multi award winning resources, and with Plymouth University, he has published a number of ground-breaking research reports.


Mr David Wright

No Title


Ms Rūta Jašinskienė

Ms Rūta Jašinskienė

Cybersecurity Capacity Building Expert
NRD Cyber Security
Lithuania (Republic of)


Ms Rūta Jašinskienė

Mrs. Rūta Jašinskienė is an expert in cyber capacity building and project management, boasting a rich background in intelligence analysis. Prior to joining the NRD Cyber Security team, Rūta dedicated 20 years to the Organised Crime Investigation Division, where she led a unit focused on drug control, intelligence analysis, and international investigations.

Over the last eight years, she has led and contributed to the projects related to the establishment of CSIRTs/SOCs and the enhancement of national cyber security capabilities in various countries worldwide. This includes comprehensive country maturity assessments, the development of national strategies, cybersecurity governance and the delivery of training programmes. Also, as the main liaison between the NRD Cybersecurity and the ITU Academy, Ruth Jašinskienė oversees the entire NRD Cybersecurity training management. She is responsible for resource allocation, quality control, programme development and coordination of training content between NRD Cyber Security and ITU.


Ms Rūta Jašinskienė

No Title


Mr Guy Ngambeket

Mr Guy Ngambeket

Director and Board Member


Mr Guy Ngambeket

Guy Ngambeket is a seasoned professional and expert in Digital and Cybersecurity with over 16 years of experience in the consulting industry. He has advised public and private clients in Africa, Europe, North America and Middle East on various strategic topics. He currently serves as Director and Board Member at ISC2. Over the years, he has authored several articles in his field of expertise.

He holds a computer science engineering degree from the National Advanced School of Engineering in Cameroon (Yaounde), an MBA at London Business School as well as several professional certifications.


Mr Guy Ngambeket

No Title


Mr Datuk Zulkarnain  Mohd Yasin

Mr Datuk Zulkarnain Mohd Yasin

Deputy Managing Director

Biography | Speech

Mr Datuk Zulkarnain Mohd Yasin

Datuk Zurkarnain Mohd Yasin currently serves as the Deputy Managing Director at the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC). In his role, he oversees the overall planning and management of the agency, with key responsibilities including strategic leadership, policy development, stakeholder engagement, risk management, and communication/public relations.

He began his career as an Advocate and Solicitor after graduating with an honours degree in law from the University of Malaya. Zurkarnain is known for his expertise in social media and convergence regulatory frameworks and frequently appears in media talk shows and speaks at regional and international forums on these subjects


Mr Datuk Zulkarnain Mohd Yasin

No Title


Datuk Zurkarnain Mohd Yasin currently serves as the Deputy Managing Director at the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC). In his role, he oversees the overall planning and management of the agency, with key responsibilities including strategic leadership, policy development, stakeholder engagement, risk management, and communication/public relations. He began his career as an Advocate and Solicitor after graduating with an honours degree in law from the University of Malaya. Zurkarnain is known for his expertise in social media and convergence regulatory frameworks and frequently appears in media talk shows and speaks at regional and international forums on these subjects.

Mr Najib Mokni

Mr Najib Mokni

Programme Specialist for Communication and Information Sector
UNESCO office to the Gulf States and Yemen


Mr Najib Mokni

Mr Najib Mokni is the Programme Specialist for Communication and Information Sector in the UNESCO office to the Gulf States and Yemen.

With more than 15 Years experience in the field of Communication and Information in the Maghreb, in the MENA Region and in Central Africa, Najib was until recently the Head of the CI Sector in the UNESCO Office for Central Africa at the Regional Office in Yaounde covering 10 countries during almost 5 years. Since February 2018, Najib has led the work and projects of UNESCO’s communication and information sector in Tunisia. Najib was appointed by the Regional Director of UNESCO’s Maghreb Office in January 2019 as the Office Affairs Manager of the UNESCO projects office in Tunisia.

Prior to joining UNESCO, Najib had more than 8 years of experience as a public services advisor in public administration in Tunisia, where he worked particularly within the Services of the Legal and Legislative Advisor to the government at the presidency of the Government in Tunisia. He then held the position of Manager of the Transparency and Access to Information program in the MENA region at the international NGO ARTICLE 19, the International NGO based in London defending freedom of expression and information.

Throughout his career, Najib was able to contribute to strengthening the legal framework governing the media and access to information in several countries in the MENA region and in Central Africa. Through partnerships with public structures, independent bodies, international NGOs, media professionals and civil society, Najib has developed several initiatives and projects in the MENA region and in Central Africa in the fields of freedom of expression and media, safety of journalists, access to information, PVE and MIL.

Najib speaks fluently Arabic, French and English. He holds a Master’s Degree in Legal, Political and Social Sciences from the University of Legal, Political And Social Sciences in Tunisia, as well as a Higher Cycle Diploma from the National School of Administration in Tunisia.


Mr Najib Mokni

No Title


  • Skills for the green and digital transition

    09:30 – 10:45
    Open Webcast
  • Coffee break

    10:45 – 11:15
  • Future skills requirements in the age of emerging technologies

    11:15 – 12:30
    Open Webcast
  • Lunch break

    12:30 – 14:00
  • Chair’s summary
    Closing Ceremony

    14:00 – 15:30
    Open Webcast
Skills for the green and digital transition
Green and digital transitions are interconnected and mutually reinforcing. While digital technologies facilitate the monitoring and management of environmental resources and processes, sustainability principles can guide the development and deployment of digital solutions in a responsible manner. Potential job losses due to digitalisation may be partially compensated by the green transition. Both transitions also create new jobs and require new skills for the successful and just transition for all. This session will address the following questions:
  • What are essential effects from the green and digital transitions on jobs and skills?
  • What skills (digital and beyond) are required to minimize and mitigate the impact of climate change, including from the digital transition itself?
  • What are policy measures and good practice examples of skills development for just green and digital transitions?
Ms Anne Shannon Baxter

Ms Anne Shannon Baxter

Senior Advocacy Manager


Ms Anne Shannon Baxter

As Senior Advocacy Manager, Anne Shannon is responsible for advocating for the digital inclusion of unconnected communities in low- and middle-income countries. She focuses on policy and advocacy to address the usage gap and to further expand connectivity in areas that are not yet covered by mobile broadband.

Before joining the GSMA, Anne Shannon worked as Policy Manager at the global consultancy Access Partnership in London where she focused on digital policy in the tech sector. She developed and executed policy campaigns for the world’s largest technology companies, engaging with international organisations, government agencies and industry leaders to drive change in telecommunications regulation, digital policy, and sustainable development. Prior to Access Partnership, Anne Shannon worked for a political risk consultancy in London where she focused on risk management for businesses operating in volatile environments. She holds an MA in International Studies and Diplomacy from SOAS, University of London, and a BA in International Relations from James Madison University in the United States.


Ms Anne Shannon Baxter

No Title


Ms Olga Strietska-Ilina

Ms Olga Strietska-Ilina

Area Lead on Skills for the Future of Work
International Labour Organization (ILO)

Biography | Skills for the green and digital transitions

Ms Olga Strietska-Ilina

Ms Olga Strietska-Ilina is an Area Lead for Skills for Future of Work at the ILO, Geneva. Her work focuses on anticipating skills needs, skills for trade and economic diversification, skills for just transition to climate-resilient future, and skills for technological change and digitalisation.

Before 2008, Olga worked at the European Centre for Development of Vocational Training (Cedefop). Earlier on, she was a Head of the Czech National Observatory of Employment and Training and taught International Relations at the Central European University (CEU).

Olga holds post-graduate degrees in Economic and Social Sciences from the University of Manchester, Society and Politics from the CEU, and History and Ethnography from the Moscow State University named after Lomonosov.

She published extensively and is the main author and/or (co-)editor of several books and reports, including “Changing demand for skills in digital economies and societies” (ILO, 2021), “The feasibility of using big data in anticipating and matching skills needs “ (ILO, 2020), “Skills and jobs mismatches in low- and middle-income countries” (ILO, 2019), “Skills for a greener future” (ILO, 2019), “Skills needs anticipation systems and approaches” (ILO, OECD et al, 2017), “Parallel cultures” (Routledge, 2017 2nd edition) and “A clash of transitions: Towards a learning society” (Peter Lang Publishing 2007).


Ms Olga Strietska-Ilina

Skills for the green and digital transitions

Powerpoint file



Ms Nanko Madu

Nanko Madu is the Director of Programs at AfriLabs, the largest network organisation of technology and innovation hubs in Africa, leading the organization’s design and implementation of programmes focused on building the African tech and innovation ecosystem through the deployment of capacity building and improvement strategies targeted at hubs, startups, innovators, SMEs as well as women and youths. Examples of such programmes include; the AfriLabs Capacity Building Programme (ACBP), the African Union Digital and Innovation Fellowship Program, Smart Cities Innovation Programme (SCIP), and Africa Europe Digital Innovation Bridge Network (AEDIB/NET.

Madu is a mentor, innovation ecosystem builder, international public speaker, and advisor. Her extensive experience in ecosystem development and support has established her as a leading figure in Innovation and Tech ecosystem building. With a career spanning over 14 years, she has worked on various programs that promote economic development and growth in Africa across different sectors including; climate change/green economy, renewable energy, AI research, education, and gender inclusion. She has successfully overseen the disbursement of over 2 million Euros in funding to hubs, startups, and innovators across Africa.

Prior to her current role at AfriLabs, she consulted for the World Bank on the Youth Enterprise With Innovation In Nigeria (YouWiN!) project, where she led the design and deployment of a large-scale training program for over 40,000 SMEs and contributed to the implementation of a 45 billion naira (300 Million USD) grant initiative for 3,900 youth-led enterprises in Nigeria.

Madu is passionate about human capital development, women’s economic inclusion, and achieving impactful results to drive change on the African continent. She has experience in green and digital transitions, advocating for the monitoring and management of environmental resources and processes as well as sustainability principles to guide the responsible development and deployment of digital solutions.


Ms Nanko Madu

Harnessing innovation for Africa’s green and digital transition

Powerpoint file


Dr Mindel  Van de Laar

Dr Mindel Van de Laar

Director, Capacity Development Office
United Nations University – MERIT and Maastricht University
Netherlands (Kingdom of the)

Biography | Skills for the twin green and digital transition

Dr Mindel Van de Laar

Mindel van de Laar is director of the capacity development office at UNU-MERIT and Maastricht University. She manages the offering of executive certificate programmes and tailor made projects that aim to train working professionals in the field of public policy and development. Her research focuses on innovations in higher education and capacity building, with specific focus on doctoral education, online and hybrid education and diversity in education. With her team, the capacity development office stresses the importance of translating educational programmes to serve the capacities and needs of professionals and make the learning applicable in the field, which requires a more broad and enhanced understanding of the term “making impact”.

From 2010-2021 she was the programme director of the dual career PhD programme in Governance and Policy Analysis at UNU-MERIT. From 2006-2010 she was the PhD programme director of both the full time and dual career PhD programmes for the Maastricht Graduate School of Governance at Maastricht University.  Mindel holds a PhD in Economics (2004) and a MSc in International Economic Studies (1997) from Maastricht University.


Dr Mindel Van de Laar

Skills for the twin green and digital transition

Powerpoint file


Mr Robert Marinkovic

Mr Robert Marinkovic

Adviser for Climate Change and Green Economy
International Organisation of Employers (IOE)

Biography | Skills for the green and digital transition

Mr Robert Marinkovic

IOE Adviser Robert Marinkovic deals with climate change policy and issues related to the
implementation of the 2030 agenda, the Sustainable Development Goals, the green economy and
just transition.

A political science BA graduate from the University of Geneva (Switzerland) and with an MSc in
Environmental Science also from the University of Geneva Robert started working for the City of
Geneva in its Agenda 21 Office, followed with an internship at UN Environment before settling at the
International Labour Organization in Geneva for some time with the RELMEETINGS department.
Robert joined IOE in 2018 and is currently coordinating its work on sustainability issues in
collaboration with other organisations, partners, and national employers’ organisations who are
members of IOE. Robert also coordinates the Sustainable Development Policy Working Group
together with IOE Senior Adviser Pierre Vincensini where members discuss sustainability issues and
actions on a regular basis.

In addition to his native Croatian, Robert speaks French, English and German.


Mr Robert Marinkovic

Skills for the green and digital transition

Powerpoint file


Coffee break
Future skills requirements in the age of emerging technologies
New and emerging technologies, in particular AI technologies, are impacting the workplace and skills needs across all industries and sectors. This poses challenges to employers, workers, educators, policy makers, researchers and other stakeholders in the digital transformation ecosystem. This session will bring together different stakeholders, to address the following questions:
  • Which economic sectors will be most impacted by AI technologies?
  • What key skills will be most influenced by AI advancements?
  • What are concrete examples of AI technologies (e.g. generative AI technologies) that will shape future skills and jobs?
  • What are effective policy measures to address those needs and challenges? How should Governments respond?
Mr Alfie Hamid

Mr Alfie Hamid

Head of Global Strategic Partnerships
Cisco NetAcad


Mr Alfie Hamid

Alfie Hamid began his career as a Mathematics & Science teacher in South Africa. Over the years, he was promoted through the ranks and culminated his educator career in government as the Head of Education Technology.  In 2006, he joined Microsoft as their Academic Programs Manager, managing their flagship Partners in Learning Program and other initiatives for South Africa, Swaziland and Lesotho. After three years at Microsoft, he joined Cisco to manage their Networking Academy program for the Southern Africa region and over time was promoted to Regional Manager for Africa. 

Currently he is the Head of Global Strategic Partnerships at Cisco, focusing on Cisco’s Networking Academy and Skills for All. He manages relationships and partnerships with entities like the ITU, UNESCO, GIZ, USAID and several others. Alfie Hamid also serves as the Chairperson of the African Union Commission’s TVET Cluster. 

He strongly believes that the pursuit of skills and knowledge is a fundamental commandment, as it unleashes potential and levels the playing fields. Given his knowledge and background in digital skills development, he is invited to speak and present at several international events. 



Mr Alfie Hamid

No Title


Mr Stijn Broecke

Mr Stijn Broecke

Senior Economist
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)

Biography | Future skills requirements in the age of emerging technologies

Mr Stijn Broecke

Stijn Broecke is a Senior Economist at the OECD, where he leads the organisation’s Future of Work Initiative. He currently manages a large research programme on the impact of Artificial Intelligence on the labour market. Stijn holds an MPhil in Development Studies from the University of Cambridge and a PhD in Economics from Royal Holloway, University of London. He has 20 years experience working in government (Mozambique Ministry of Health, UK Civil Service) and international organisations (African Development Bank and OECD). He is also a Research Fellow at IZA.


Mr Stijn Broecke

Future skills requirements in the age of emerging technologies

Powerpoint file


Ms Salma  Karim

Ms Salma Karim

Head of Human Capital & Innovation
Digital Development Agency (ADD)
Morocco (Kingdom of)

Biography | The impact of AI on jobs and skills in Morocco

Ms Salma Karim

Salma KARM, Head of the Human Capital and Innovation Department at the Digital Development Agency in Morocco (ADD), a public entity in charge of implementing the Government’s digital development strategy and promoting digital tools and their use among the public and private sectors and the citizens. 

Salma KARIM is an emerging leader in national digital transformation, digital education, and innovation. Through her demonstrated experience in public policy and strategic program implementation, Salma KARIM has initiated considerable change in education and training as well as research and innovation in Morocco. 


Ms Salma Karim

The impact of AI on jobs and skills in Morocco

Powerpoint file


Dr Ashok  Jashapara

Dr Ashok Jashapara

Professor, School of Business and Management Digital Organisation and Society Research Centre
University of London
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Biography | Future skills requirements

Dr Ashok Jashapara

Distinguished and internationally renowned, Professor Ashok Jashapara stands at the forefront of innovation as the Chair of Innovation Studies at Royal Holloway, University of London. A luminary in the realm of knowledge management and business analytics, he has been a catalyst for transformative insights and ground-breaking advancements. At the heart of his pioneering research lies a profound exploration of philosophical underpinnings that shape organizational knowledge and its transfer. Seamlessly intertwining the threads of organizational learning, data analytics, and strategic management, his work unveils new dimensions of understanding that propel latest thinking.

A prolific author, Professor Jashapara’s ideas have found their home in esteemed books and journals, a testament to their impact on shaping the future of academia and business. His written prowess has earned him a string of prestigious awards, a reflection of his unmatched ability to communicate intricate concepts with clarity and finesse. A master of securing research funding, Professor Jashapara’s accolades extend to his adeptness in harnessing resources from a diverse array of agencies. With the endorsement of the ESRC, NIHR, EU, and the United Nations, his research is poised to bring about real-world change and address the most pressing global challenges.

Beyond academia, his journey encompasses roles as varied as a bridge designer and a visionary leader of academic departments. His influence extends even further as a trustee of the Joseph Rowntree Foundation, the UK’s largest social policy charity, showcasing his dedication to shaping a better society.


Dr Ashok Jashapara

Future skills requirements

Powerpoint file


Ms Mariam  Al Ali

Ms Mariam  Al Ali

Business Development Manager, Training & Certification – Emerging Markets
Amazon Web Services

Biography | Future skills requirements in the age of emerging technologies

Ms Mariam  Al Ali

Driven by a passion for empowering individuals through education, Mariam AL Ali Dabboussi is committed to the field of enablement training and certification due to its profound impact on people’s lives. With over 11 years of experience, Mariam is a seasoned professional at AWS Training & Certification, with a personal mission to elevate education and growth opportunities for everyone, regardless of their circumstances. 

Recognizing the crucial role of enablement in emerging technologies, Mariam focuses on building large-scale, comprehensive skilling programs that equip individuals, organizations, and governments with the knowledge and expertise needed to harness these technologies effectively. By staying ahead of market demands, Mariam ensures that talent is developed to thrive in today’s dynamic job market. Together with her team, Mariam helps customers, partners, and employees realize the power of the AWS Cloud through on-demand, classroom, and hands-on training, industry-recognized certifications, and global education programs. 


Ms Mariam  Al Ali

Future skills requirements in the age of emerging technologies

Powerpoint file


Lunch break
Chair’s summary
Closing Ceremony
Mr Philip Marnick

Mr Philip Marnick

General Director
Telecommunications Regulatory Authority
Bahrain (Kingdom of)


Mr Philip Marnick

Philip Marnick is the General Director of the Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA). He was appointed early January 2022 by the Members of the Board, to assume the position, paving the way for a more effective regulatory framework by continuing the evolution of the telecom sector liberalization.

Mr. Marnick leads the TRA, including the development of consumer protection initiatives and resolving disputes. The TRA develops regulatory rules that promote competition, innovation, and investment in broadband services and facilities, as well as developing a more comprehensive and competitive framework that aligns with international best practices. Ensuring that Bahrain remains a center of innovation and that its telecommunications sector serves everyone while supporting Bahrain’s strategic objectives.

Before assuming his role at the TRA, Philip managed and directed at Ofcom in the UK, where he was the Group Director of Spectrum responsible for all aspects of UK national and international spectrum management – from strategy to delivery including awards, clearance and enforcement.

Mr. Marnick has worked in the telecommunications sector for over 30 years. He has served as a senior executive in technology, operations, and strategy. Mr. Marnick has worked in both start-ups (from inception to sale) and major corporations, in firms such as UK Broadband, O2, Orange, BT, J-Phone in Japan (now Softbank Mobile), Extreme Mobile, and SpinVox (now Nuance).

From analogue to 5G, he has engaged across every mobile generation. Throughout his carrier he has been at the forefront of industry developments – in both fixed and mobile. He has collaborated on the first deployments of mobile networks utilizing new technologies and standards, this has also included innovative products such as the first camera phone and photo messaging service, as well as mobile internet and hosted voice services.


Mr Philip Marnick

No Title


Dr Cosmas Luckyson Zavazava

Dr Cosmas Luckyson Zavazava

Telecommunication Development Bureau, ITU


Dr Cosmas Luckyson Zavazava

Dr Cosmas Luckyson Zavazava took office as Director of the Telecommunication Development Bureau (BDT) at the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) on 1 January 2023. 

With more than 30 years in telecommunications, including over 20 years in ITU’s Development Sector, Dr Zavazava has promoted and implemented impactful information and communication technology projects around the world. 

Prior to his election as BDT Director, he served as ITU’s Chief of Partnerships for Digital Development, overseeing development-related projects, strategic partnerships, and resource mobilization between 2019 and 2022, while launching new initiatives that have boosted the engagement of industry, private-sector and academia members in ITU’s work. 


Dr Cosmas Luckyson Zavazava

No Title