Distributed ledger technologies: Use cases
In this issue
Based on a focus group survey, this technical paper showcases multiple proposed distributed ledger technology (DLT) projects. Use cases represent the vertical domains of finance, healthcare, information and communication technology (ICT), entertainment, industry, and the public sector. Horizontally, they include identity management, security, data management, governance, and crypto-infrastructure. Distributed Ledger Technologies: Use Cases delves into transparency and trust, security management, economic and social incentives, efficiency and complexity reduction, disintermediation, and identity management of DLT. It also discusses the barriers to mass DLT adoption and the significance to sustainable development goals. Barriers to adoption discussed include general risks, knowledge risks, ecosystem barriers, DLT intrinsic features, and legal considerations. After reviewing almost 40 use cases, the authors give their recommendations to standards-makers, policy-makers, industry leaders, DLT implementers, and general parties interested in distributed ledger technology.