In this issue

To help identify core network requirements and shape the future networks’ design paradigm, this Technical Report summarizes some representative use cases for Network 2030.

Part I presents the following seven use cases: holographic type communications (HTC); tactile Internet for remote operations (TIRO); intelligent operation network (ION); network and computing convergence (NCC); digital twin (DT); space-terrestrial integrated network (STIN); industrial IoT (IIoT) with cloudification.

In Part II, five overarching abstract requirement dimensions are proposed and scored relatively in order to compare the requirements of each use case. Through a clustering methodology these dimensions are also presented graphically. Based on this, the most prominent requirements of each case can easily be extracted, and their accumulated statistics are further shown to provide future network designers with a high-level perspective of the diverse dimensions foreseen as requirements of future use cases.

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