Be He@lthy Be Mobile – A handbook on how to implement mBreatheFreely
In this issue
Asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease are serious, long-term problems, but mobile health technology can help people to prevent or manage these conditions.
The mBreatheFreely initiative uses patient-monitoring devices, personal digital assistants, text messaging on mobile phones, and other wireless devices to communicate health information to support people living with asthma and COPD. Be He@lthy, Be Mobile — A Handbook on How to Implement mBreatheFreely, part of a global initiative by the World Health Organization and ITU, guides healthcare practitioners, government leaders and policy-makers in developing, implementing and evaluating a successful mBreatheFreely programme.
Offering awareness raising and support in managing the condition, and using evidence-based techniques for behavioural change, the initiative can positively affect the health and quality of life of their patients.