How we are funded
Membership revenue
Contributions from ITU’s Member States, Sector Members, Associates, and Academia account for around 75 per cent of its total funding. At each Plenipotentiary Conference, ITU Member States select the size of their contribution. A single contributory unit for a Member State represents CHF 318,000 per year, with contributions varying from 1/16 unit class to 40 units. Contributions for Sector Members, Associates and Academia vary according to location, size of entity and nature of their membership.
Other sources of funding
ITU generates around 25 per cent of total funding as cost recovery, mainly from activities such as sales of ITU publications, satellite network filing fees, and the registration of Universal International Freephone Numbers (UIFN). ITU also develops partnerships with other organizations and entities that can provide voluntary contributions earmarked for specific projects, particularly in Developing and Least Developed Countries.
Explore how ITU is funded
Principles for Resource Mobilization