Terms & Conditions
The application process
- The application form will be submitted for approval to the national telecommunication administration of the ITU Member State (i.e. country) where your company/organization or academic institution has its headquarters. Applications from international and regional organizations go directly to the ITU Secretary-General.
- The amount of financial contribution (i.e. level of membership fees) will remain valid for the period 2024-2028.
- Every new member must pay one year of membership fees in advance (calculated from the first day of the month of joining). Upon approval of the application and receipt of payment, ITU will activate your membership.
Renewal and cancellation
- Your ITU membership is automatically renewed each year unless you cancel it.
- Please note that your membership in ITU runs from 1 January to 31 December of each year (calendar year), except for the year when your company/organization or academic institution joins.
- In case you wish to cancel your membership, your cancellation will take effect at the end of six months from the date that you notify the ITU Secretary-General by filling in the Membership cancellation form or sending an official letter to membership@itu.int.
Payment terms
- Subsequent invoices for annual contributions are sent in advance and no later than 15 September of each year.
- Annual contributions for current members are payable not later than 31 March of each year, after which they will bear interest on arrears in accordance with Resolution 152 (Rev. Busan, 2014).
- If you are late paying your fees for any given year (for more than six months after due date), your membership rights will be suspended until outstanding amounts are paid, and your fees will continue to be due unless you cancel your membership.
General conditions of joining
- Conditions of participation are determined in Article 19 of the Convention.
- The different categories appear in Nos. 229, 230 and 231 of Article 19 of the Convention.
- Financial Contribution (i.e. membership fees) of Sector Members.
• The scale of classes of contribution (from 1/16 to 40 units) is determined in No. 468 of Article 33 of the Convention. The class of contribution is selected voluntarily. However, the 1/16, 1/8 and 1/4 unit classes of contribution are reserved to specific categories in each Sector.
• Reference amount for the calculation of contributions (valid for the period 2019-2023):
1 contributory unit of Sector Member = CHF 63,600
• Minimum fee in ITU-R and ITU-T:
– 1/2 unit = CHF 31,800
– 1/16 unit = CHF 3,975 for companies/organizations from developing countries with annual per capita income not exceeding USD 2,000 (UNDP classification), which are not existing members of either or both Sectors, nor a subsidiary of a multinational corporation with executive headquarters based in a developed country.
• Minimum fee in ITU-D:
– 1/8 unit = CHF 7,950
– 1/16 unit for developing countries = CHF 3,975
• Regional and other international organizations may be exempted from financial contribution subject to reciprocity and upon several criteria in particular being a non-profit-making organization. They should send their request for exemption to the Secretary-General together with their application form. - Financial Contribution of Associates. Amount determined by Council on the basis of one contributory unit of a Sector Member and fixed at 1/6 unit = CHF 10’600 in ITU-T and ITU-R, and at 1/16 unit = CHF 3’975 or 1/32 unit = CHF 1’987.50 in ITU-D dependent upon the countries.
- Reduced fee for Associates (if the company/organization is qualified as a Small and Medium Enterprise – SME):
PP-18 adopted Resolution 209 (Dubai, 2018), which encourages SMEs to participate as Associates in all three Sectors of the Union, Radiocommunication, Telecommunication Standardization and Telecommunication Development, with reduced fees. The reduced fees are set at 1/16 unit = CHF 3,975 in the case of SMEs from developed countries, and 1/32 unit = CHF 1,987.50 in the case of SMEs from developing countries, subject to ongoing review by the Council.
PP-18 decided that companies/organizations must be approved by their respective Member State as meeting national criteria for an SME. PP-18 decided that companies/organizations must also have fewer than 250 employees as well as annual revenues below a maximum determined by the ITU Council. Council 19 set this maximum annual revenue amount at CHF 15 million. - Financial Contribution of Academia. Conditions of participation are determined in Article 19 of the Convention and Resolution 169 (Rev. Dubai, 2018).
• Financial contribution is determined by Resolution 169 (Rev. Dubai, 2018) as follows:
– 1/16 unit = CHF 3,975 for entity from developed country
– 1/32 unit = CHF 1,987.50 for entity from developing country
• Conditions of denunciation are determined in No. 240 of Article 19 and in No. 473 of Article 33 of the Convention. - Details of your national government administration can be found by going to the list of Member States on our website, selecting the country in which your entity is headquartered and looking for the entity of category “ADMIN”.
ARTICLE 19 of the ITU Convention – Participation of Entities and Organizations Other than Administrations in the Union’s Activities
228 | 1 The Secretary-General and the Directors of the Bureaux shall encourage the enhanced participation in the activities of the Union of the following entities and organizations: |
229 PP-98 |
a) recognized operating agencies, scientific or industrial organizations and financial or development institutions which are approved by the Member State concerned; |
230 PP-98 |
b) other entities dealing with telecommunication matters which are approved by the Member State concerned; |
231 | c) regional and other international telecommunication, standardization, financial or development organizations. |
232 | 2 The Directors of the Bureaux shall maintain close working relations with those entities and organizations which are authorized to participate in the activities of one or more of the Sectors of the Union. |
233 PP-98 |
3 Any request from an entity listed in No. 229 above to participate in the work of a Sector, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Constitution and this Convention, approved by the Member State concerned shall be forwarded by the latter to the Secretary-General. |
234 PP-98 |
4 Any request from an entity referred to in No. 230 above submitted by the Member State concerned shall be handled in conformity with a procedure established by the Council. Such a request shall be reviewed by the Council with respect to its conformity with the above procedure. |
234A PP-98 |
4 bis) Alternatively, a request from an entity listed in No. 229 or 230 above to become a Sector Member may be sent direct to the Secretary-General. Those Member States authorizing such entities to send a request directly to the Secretary-General shall inform the latter accordingly. Entities whose Member State has not provided such notice to the Secretary-General shall not have the option of direct application. The Secretary-General shall regularly update and publish a list of those Member States that have authorized entities under their jurisdiction or sovereignty to apply directly. |
234B PP-98 |
4 ter) Upon receipt, directly from an entity, of a request under No. 234A above, the Secretary-General shall, on the basis of criteria defined by the Council, ensure that the function and purposes of the candidate are in conformity with the purposes of the Union. The Secretary-General shall then, without delay, inform the applicant’s Member State inviting approval of the application. If the Secretary-General receives no objection from the Member State within four months, a reminder telegram shall be sent. If the Secretary-General receives no objection within four months after the date of dispatch of the reminder telegram, the application shall be regarded as approved. If an objection is received from the Member State by the Secretary-General, the applicant shall be invited by the Secretary-General to contact the Member State concerned. |
234C PP-98 |
4 quater) When authorizing direct application, a Member State may notify the Secretary-General that it assigns authority to the Secretary-General to approve any application by an entity under its jurisdiction or sovereignty. |
235 PP-06 |
5 Any request from any entity or organization listed in No. 231 above (other than those referred to in Nos. 269B and 269C of this Convention) to participate in the work of a Sector shall be sent to the Secretary-General and acted upon in accordance with procedures established by the Council. |
236 PP-06 |
6 Any request from an organization referred to in Nos. 269B to 269D of this Convention to participate in the work of a Sector shall be sent to the Secretary-General, and the organization concerned shall be included in the lists referred to in No. 237 below. |
237 PP-98 PP-06 |
7 The Secretary-General shall compile and maintain lists of all entities and organizations referred to in Nos. 229 to 231 and Nos. 269B to 269D of this Convention that are authorized to participate in the work of each Sector and shall, at appropriate intervals, publish and distribute these lists to all Member States and Sector Members concerned and to the Director of the Bureau concerned. That Director shall advise such entities and organizations of the action taken on their requests, and shall inform the relevant Member States. |
238 PP-98 |
8 The conditions of participation in the Sectors by entities and organizations contained in the lists referred to in No. 237 above are specified in this Article, in Article 33 and in other relevant provisions of this Convention. The provisions of Nos. 25 to 28 of the Constitution do not apply to them. |
239 PP-94 PP-98 |
9 A Sector Member may act on behalf of the Member State which has approved it, provided that the Member State informs the Director of the Bureau concerned that it is authorized to do so. |
240 PP-98 PP-06 |
10 Any Sector Member has the right to denounce such participation by notifying the Secretary-General. Such participation may also be denounced, where appropriate, by the Member State concerned or, in case of the Sector Member approved pursuant to No. 234C above, in accordance with criteria and procedures determined by the Council. Such denunciation shall take effect at the end of six months from the date when notification is received by the Secretary-General. |
241 | 11 The Secretary-General shall delete from the list of entities and organizations any entity or organization that is no longer authorized to participate in the work of a Sector, in accordance with criteria and procedures determined by the Council. |
241A PP-98 |
12 The assembly or conference of a Sector may decide to admit entities or organizations to participate as Associates in the work of a given study group or subgroups thereof following the principles set out below: |
241B PP-98 |
1) An entity or organization referred to in Nos. 229 to 231 above may apply to participate in the work of a given study group as an Associate. |
241C PP-98 |
2) In cases where a Sector has decided to admit Associates, the Secretary-General shall apply to the applicants the relevant provisions of this Article, taking account of the size of the entity or organization and any other relevant criteria. |
241D PP-98 |
3) Associates admitted to participate in a given study group are not entered in the list referred to in No. 237 above. |
241E PP-98 |
4) The conditions governing participation in the work of a study group are specified in Nos. 248B and 483A of this Convention. |
ARTICLE 33 of the ITU Convention – Finances
468 PP-98 PP-06 PP-10 |
1 1) The scale from which each Member State, subject to the provisions of No. 468A below, and Sector Member, subject to the provisions of No. 468B below, shall choose its class of contribution, in conformity with the relevant provisions of Article 28 of the Constitution, shall be as follows: From the 40 unit class to the 2 unit class: in steps of one unit Below the 2 unit class, as follows: 1 1/2 unit class 1 unit class 1/2 unit class 1/4 unit class 1/8 unit class 1/16 unit class |
468A PP-98 |
1 bis) Only Member States listed by the United Nations as least developed countries and those determined by the Council may select the 1/8 and 1/16 unit classes of contribution. |
468B PP-98 |
1 ter) Sector Members may not select a class of contribution lower than 1/2 unit, with the exception of Sector Members of the Telecommunication Development Sector, which may select the 1/4, 1/8 and 1/16 unit classes. However, the 1/16 unit class is reserved for Sector Members of developing countries as determined by the list established by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) to be reviewed by the ITU Council. |
469 PP-98 |
2) In addition to the classes of contribution listed in No. 468 above, any Member State or Sector Member may choose a number of contributory units over 40. |
470 PP-98 |
3) The Secretary-General shall communicate promptly to each Member State not represented at the Plenipotentiary Conference the decision of each Member State as to the class of contribution to be paid by it. |
471 PP-98 |
(SUP) |
472 PP-98 |
2 1) Every new Member State and Sector Member shall, in respect of the year of its accession or admission, pay a contribution calculated as from the first day of the month of accession or admission, as the case may be. |
473 PP-98 |
2) Should a Member State denounce the Constitution and this Convention or a Sector Member denounce its participation in a Sector, its contribution shall be paid up to the last day of the month in which such denunciation takes effect in accordance with No. 237 of the Constitution or No. 240 of this Convention, respectively. |
474 PP-98 |
3 The amounts due shall bear interest from the beginning of the fourth month of each financial year of the Union at 3% (three per cent) per annum during the following three months, and at 6% (six per cent) per annum from the beginning of the seventh month. |
475 PP-98 |
(SUP) |
476 PP-94 PP-98 PP-02 PP-06 |
4 1) The organizations referred to in Nos. 269A to 269E of this Convention and other organizations also specified in Chapter II thereof (unless they have been exempted by the Council, subject to reciprocity) and Sector Members referred to in No. 230 of this Convention which participate, in accordance with the provisions of this Convention, in a plenipotentiary conference, in a conference, assembly or meeting of a Sector of the Union, or in a world conference on international telecommunications, shall share in defraying the expenses of the conferences, assemblies and meetings in which they participate on the basis of the cost of these conferences and meetings and in accordance with the Financial Regulations. Nevertheless, Sector Members will not be charged separately for their attendance at a conference, assembly or meeting of their respective Sectors, except in the case of regional radiocommunication conferences. |
477 PP-94 PP-98 |
2) Any Sector Member appearing in the lists mentioned in No. 237 of this Convention shall share in defraying the expenses of the Sector in accordance with Nos. 480 and 480A below. |
478 and 479 PP-98 |
(SUP) |
480 PP-94 PP-98 |
5) The amount of the contribution per unit payable towards the expenses of each Sector concerned shall be set at 1/5 of the contributory unit of the Member States. These contributions shall be considered as Union income. They shall bear interest in accordance with the provisions of No. 474 above. |
480A PP-98 PP-06 |
5 bis) When a Sector Member contributes to defraying the expenses of the Union under No. 159A of the Constitution, the Sector for which the contribution is made should be identified. |
480B PP-06 |
5 ter) Under exceptional circumstances, the Council may authorize a reduction in the number of contributory units when so requested by a Sector Member which has established that it can no longer maintain its contribution at the class originally chosen. |
481 to 483 PP-98 |
(SUP) |
483A PP-98 |
4 bis) Associates as described in No. 241A of this Convention shall share in defraying the expenses of the Sector and the study group and subordinate groups in which they participate, as determined by the Council. |
484 PP-94 PP-98 |
5 The Council shall determine criteria for the application of cost recovery for some products and services of the Union. |
485 PP-94 |
6 The Union shall maintain a reserve account in order to provide working capital to meet essential expenditures and to maintain sufficient cash reserves to avoid resorting to loans as far as possible. The amount of the reserve account shall be fixed annually by the Council on the basis of expected requirements. At the end of each biennial budgetary period all budget credits which have not been expended or encumbered will be placed in the reserve account. Other details of this account are described in the Financial Regulations. |
486 PP-94 |
7 1) The Secretary-General may, in agreement with the Coordination Committee, accept voluntary contributions in cash or kind, provided that the conditions attached to such voluntary contributions are consistent, as appropriate, with the purposes and programmes of the Union and with the programmes adopted by a conference and in conformity with the Financial Regulations, which shall contain special provisions for the acceptance and use of such voluntary contributions. |
487 PP-94 |
2) Such voluntary contributions shall be reported by the Secretary-General to the Council in the financial operating report as well as in a summary indicating for each case the origin, proposed use and action taken with respect to each voluntary contribution. |
RESOLUTION 169 (REV. DUBAI, 2018) – Admission of academia1 to participate in the work of the Union
The Plenipotentiary Conference of the International Telecommunication Union (Dubai, 2018),
a) Resolution 71 (Rev. Buenos Aires, 2017) of the World Telecommunication Development Conference, on strengthening cooperation between Member States, Sector Members, Associates and Academia of the ITU Telecommunication Development Sector (ITU-D) and the evolving role of the private sector in ITU-D;
b) Outcome T.2-2 in Resolution 71 (Rev. Busan, 2014) of the Plenipotentiary Conference, on the strategic plan for the Union for 2016- 2019, which highlights the need to attract new members from industry and academia to participate in the work of the ITU Telecommunication Standardization Sector (ITU-T),
a) that the trial period for the participation of academia in the Union has proven to benefit the work of the Sectors, particularly as academia address the research, study and follow-up of developments in modern technology within ITU’s field of competence, while having a perspective and future vision allowing modern technologies and applications to be addressed in a timely manner;
b) that the intellectual and scientific contributions of these bodies far outweigh their financial contributions;
c) that these entities also contribute to disseminating information about the activities of the Union in academic fields related to telecommunications/information and communication technologies (ICTs) around the world;
d) that the Kaleidoscope event, held annually since 2008, is an ITU initiative to strengthen cooperation with academia that has been highly successful, and has addressed many topics, including innovations for digital inclusion, new emerging technologies and building sustainable communities,
the outcomes of the ITU Secretary-General’s Academia Consultation (Bangkok, 13 November 2016), which provided a platform to have an open discussion with academia and other stakeholders on three topics: a new electronic ITU journal/magazine; an Academia Advisory Board to the Secretary-General; and a platform/consultation mechanism to strengthen cooperation between ITU and academia,
that a comprehensive analysis of the current methodologies for the participation of Sector Members, Associates and Academia has been initiated in ITU pursuant to relevant resolutions of the Plenipotentiary Conference: Resolution 158 (Rev. Guadalajara, 2010), Resolution 158 (Rev. Busan, 2014) and Resolution 187 (Busan, 2014),
1 to admit academia to participate in the work of the Union, pursuant to the provisions of this resolution, without the need for any amendment to Articles 2 and 3 of the ITU Constitution and Article 19 of the ITU Convention or any other provision of the Convention;
2 to set the level of the financial contribution for participation in the Union at one-sixteenth of the value of the Sector Member contributory unit in the case of organizations from developed countries, and one-thirty second of the value of the Sector Member contributory unit in the case of organizations from developing countries2 for defraying Union expenses, and to apply this level of financial contribution to Academia that are already participating in the Union as well as those which join in the future;
3 that payment of the level of financial contribution specified in resolves 2 entitles Academia to participate in the work of all three Sectors, including their advisory groups;
4 that Academia also be invited to participate in other global and regional conferences, workshops and activities of the Union, with the exception of plenipotentiary conferences, world radiocommunication conferences, world conferences on international telecommunications and the ITU Council, in conformity with the rules of procedure of the respective Sectors, and taking into account the outcome of the review pursuant to Resolution 187 (Busan, 2014);
5 that Academia should not have a role in decision-making, including the adoption of resolutions or recommendations regardless of the approval procedure;
6 that Academia shall be allowed to participate and make their proposals and interventions remotely, as appropriate, in accordance with the provisions of Resolution 167 (Rev. Busan, 2014) of the Plenipotentiary Conference, on strengthening ITU capabilities for electronic meetings and means to advance the work of the Union;
7 that a representative of Academia may serve as rapporteur, vice-rapporteur or associate rapporteur in accordance with the established rules of procedure of the respective Sectors;
8 that acceptance of applications for the participation of academia shall be conditional on the support of the Member States of the Union to which the bodies belong, on the condition that this shall not constitute an alternative for those bodies currently listed with the Union as Sector Members or Associates,
instructs the ITU Council
1 to add any additional conditions, remedial measures or detailed procedures to this resolution, if it deems appropriate;
2 to review the financial contributions and the conditions for admission and participation and report to the next plenipotentiary conference,
instructs the Director of the Telecommunication Standardization Bureau
to continue to organize the Kaleidoscope event annually on a rotational basis, to the greatest extent possible,
instructs the Radiocommunication Assembly, the World Telecommunication Standardization Assembly and the World Telecommunication Development Conference
to mandate their respective Sector advisory groups to continue to study whether there is a need for any additional measures and/or arrangements to facilitate such participation that are not covered by relevant resolutions or recommendations of the above-mentioned assemblies and conference, and adopt such modalities, if they deem it necessary or required, and report the results through the Directors of the Bureaux to the Council,
instructs the Secretary-General and the Directors of the three Bureaux
1 to take necessary and appropriate action in order to implement this resolution;
2 to continue their successful efforts to explore and recommend, taking into account the advice of the Council, various mechanisms such as the use of voluntary financial and in-kind contributions from Member States and other stakeholders to encourage increased participation of academia;
3 to encourage the participation of academia in various open events and activities organized or co-organized by ITU, such as ITU Telecom World, ITU Kaleidoscope, World Summit on the Information Society forums and other workshops and forums;
4 to encourage the participation of academia in the development of technical work in the Union,
invites ITU Member States
to inform their academia of this resolution, and encourage and support them to participate in the Union.
1 This includes colleges, institutes, universities and their associated research establishments concerned with the development of telecommunications/ICT.
2 These include the least developed countries, small island developing states, landlocked developing countries and countries with economies in transition.
RESOLUTION 209 (REV. DUBAI, 2018) – Encouraging the participation of small and medium enterprises in the work of the Union
The Plenipotentiary Conference of the International Telecommunication Union (Dubai, 2018),
a) the report of the World Telecommunication Standardization Assembly (Hammamet, 2016) inviting the ITU Council to address as soon as possible the participation of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in the work of ITU, in particular in the Telecommunication Standardization Sector (ITU-T);
b) the decision taken by the Council at is 2017 session to start a pilot project until this conference for the participation of SMEs in the interested study groups of ITU-T and of the ITU Telecommunication Development Sector (ITU-D), under which SMEs may participate fully in the meetings of the study groups that decide to join the project, with limitations regarding their role in decision-making processes, including elections for management positions and the adoption of resolutions or recommendations;
c) that the ITU Telecom events since 2016 have focused on fostering the growth of SMEs in the digital ecosystem, and have recognized the information and communication technology (ICT) solutions invented by SMEs;
d) Sustainable Development Goals 8 and 9 of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, on promoting sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all, and building resilient infrastructure, promoting sustainable industrialization and fostering innovation, especially targets 8.3, on promoting development-oriented policies that support productive activities, decent job creation, entrepreneurship, creativity and innovation, and encourage the formalization and growth of micro-, small- and medium-sized enterprises, including through access to financial services, and 9.3, on increasing the access of small-scale industrial and other enterprises, in particular in developing countries1, to financial services, including affordable credit, and their integration into value chains and markets;
e) that the United Nations General Assembly recognized the need to improve small business access to microfinance and credit, deciding to designate 27 June 2017 as Micro-, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Day,
a) that SMEs are essential to achieving national economic growth and development objectives, including advancing the digital ecosystems that are fundamental to sustainable economic development;
b) that SMEs are also central to reducing unemployment, especially for the young; advancement, globally, of gender mainstreaming and adoption of ICTs by women and girls; and promoting innovation and progress in the telecommunication/ICT sector;
c) that SME innovation and growth is enabled through capacity building, through leveraging existing best practices, and through gaining knowledge of telecommunications and ICT, including relevant ICT technical standards and reports;
d) that, in many countries, mainly developing countries, SMEs have become prominent actors in the industrial expansion process, and in the growth of local production, coming to represent in some cases more than 90 per cent of the national industry;
e) that SMEs’ identification of specific telecommunication and other ICT needs and their understanding of barriers to adoption of such telecommunications and other ICTs could be a valuable contribution to the work of the Union, as well as improving the human resources specialized in telecommunications/ICT whose knowledge may have an impact on national development;
f) the participation of SMEs in a pilot project in 2018 conducted by interested ITU-T and ITU-D study groups pursuant to the decision taken by the Council at its 2017 session,
a) that SMEs’ revenue, number of employees and domicile may have an impact on their available financial resources to participate as Sector Members;
b) that dissemination of the work of the Sectors to SMEs, particularly in developing countries, can build capacity, transfer telecommunications/ICTs and critical best practices, and serve as a factor in fostering national economic development,
1 to encourage the participation of SMEs as Associates in the Sectors of the Union by introducing reduced fees for such entities, pursuant to the provisions of this resolution, without the need for any amendment to Articles 2 and 3 of the ITU Constitution, and Article 19 of the ITU Convention or any other provision of the Convention, with a differentiated level of financial contribution during a trial period that will extend until the next plenipotentiary conference;
2 to set the level of the financial contribution for participation in each Sector of the Union at one-sixteenth of the value of the contributory unit for Sector Members in the case of SMEs from developed countries, and one-thirty second of the value of the contributory unit for Sector Members in the case of SMEs from developing countries, subject to ongoing review by the Council;
3 that acceptance of applications for participation shall be conditional on the support of the Member States of the Union to which these entities belong, attesting that the applicant is an SME in accordance with the country’s definition thereof, and that, if such an entity is approved by their respective Member State as meeting national criteria for an SME, to be eligible for the SME reduced fees they must also have fewer than 250 employees as well as annual revenues below a maximum set by the Council;
4 that in no case can a subsidiary or affiliate of a company that would not qualify for reduced fees under this resolution be presented as an SME,
instructs the ITU Council
1 to add any appropriate additional clarifications to support implementation of this resolution;
2 to submit to the next plenipotentiary conference a progress report on the implementation of the trial and the participation of SMEs, and an economic sustainability analysis of SME participation, taking into account the assessment of the advisory groups of the three Sectors, the purpose which will be the adoption of a final decision regarding the abovementioned participation,
instructs the Secretary-General and the Directors of the three Bureaux
1 to take necessary and appropriate action to implement this resolution;
2 to continue encouraging the participation of SMEs in the relevant activities of the Union,
invites the ITU Member States
to inform SMEs of this resolution and to support and encourage SMEs to join ITU and participate in its activities.
1 These include the least developed countries, small island developing states, landlocked developing countries and countries with economies in transition.