ITU Membership fees

Here is a guide to the cost of different types of membership. The annual fees vary depending on the options selected and the location/nature of the organization, as outlined in our Terms & Conditions. For more information and/or guidance, please contact

Sector Member

ITU-R (Radio- communication)

CHF 31’800
CHF 3’9751

ITU-T (Standardization)

CHF 31’800
CHF 3’9751

ITU-D (Development)

CHF 7’950
CHF 3’9752


ITU-R (Radio- communication)

CHF 10’600
CHF 3’9753
CHF 1’987.504

ITU-T (Standardization)

CHF 10’600
CHF 3’9753
CHF 1’987.504

ITU-D (Development)

CHF 3’975
CHF 1’987.502

(Participate in all 3 sectors for one fee)

ITU-R (Radio- communication)

ITU-T (Standardization)

CHF 3’975
CHF 1’987.502

ITU-D (Development)

Sector Sector Member Associate Academia
(Participate in all 3 sectors for one fee)

ITU-R (Radio- communication)

CHF 31’800
CHF 3’9751

CHF 10’600
CHF 3’9753
CHF 1’987.504

ITU-T (Standardization)

CHF 31’800
CHF 3’9751

CHF 10’600
CHF 3’9753
CHF 1’987.504

CHF 3’975
CHF 1’987.502

ITU-D (Development)

CHF 7’950
CHF 3’9752

CHF 3’975
CHF 1’987.502

  1. Developing Countries with annual per capita income <2,000.00 USD (UNDP), not yet joined either or both Sectors and shall not be subsidiaries of a multinational corporation with HQ in a developed country.
  2. Developing Countries
  3. SMEs from Developed Countries
  4. SMEs from Developing Countries