2020 World Radiocommunication Seminar now available on demand
Presented live online from 30 November to 11 December, last year’s World Radiocommunication Seminar (WRS-20) attracted over 3,400 participants from more than 140 countries to learn about the use of the radiofrequency spectrum and associated satellite orbits for space systems and, in particular, the application of the provisions of the ITU Radio Regulations and trends in various radiocommunication services.
These highly anticipated seminars are organized every two years as part of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) Radiocommunication Bureau’s capacity building activities.
Why WRS matters
World Radiocommunication Seminars are designed to assist ITU Members in strengthening their spectrum management skills. Experts also explain how to allocate, share and harmonize radio frequencies according to the provisions of an international treaty called the Radio Regulations.
The Radio Regulations seek to ensure the rational, equitable, efficient, and economical use of the radiofrequency spectrum – a limited natural resource – while aiming to prevent harmful interference between different radio services.
As ITU Radiocommunication Bureau Director Mario Maniewicz observed in his WRS-20 opening remarks:
“Understanding how to implement these regulations and standards at the national level is critical to building robust digital ecosystems that promote access to next-generation technologies.”
From live to on-demand
Last year, WRS-20 was presented as a two-week online event for the first time. In another unprecedented move, the seminar’s Plenary Sessions were opened to everyone, including individuals from organizations that are not members of the ITU Radiocommunication Sector (ITU-R).
The Best of WRS-20 can be viewed as an on-demand conference with access to all videos and presentations made during the Plenary Sessions of the 2020 seminar.
On this site, users will find:
- presentations on how to apply provisions of the Radio Regulations,
- the results of the 2019 World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC-19),
- deep dives explaining the activities of the Terrestrial and Space Services departments,
- an overview of the work of the various ITU-R Study Groups, and
- current trends in radiocommunication services.
The 2020 seminar also gave participants a chance to interface directly with the radiocommunication experts working in the ITU Radiocommunication Bureau (BR). The Q&A sessions from the WRS-20 are included along with the associated presentations.
“It was a pleasure to ‘meet’ the staff of the ITU BR,” said one participant. “I now feel OK about approaching them for help. Also, my confidence in their capabilities was enhanced – they clearly know what they’re talking about.”
Missed the 2020 seminar? The Best of WRS-20 is your on-demand conference that can be consumed at your convenience.
If you were lucky enough to attend WRS-20 live, the Best of WRS-20 Library makes it easy for you to revisit the specific topics, videos, and presentations that most interest you.
In either case, we hope you will enjoy this on-demand reprise of the 2020 World Radiocommunication Seminar.
Check out the Best of WRS-20 here.